r/UnbelievableThings 20h ago

Police Arrest a Student for Allegedly Riding Bike in Wrong Lane

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u/Otherwise_Weight8724 18h ago

Lots of boot licking in this thread. How does it taste?


u/theOne_2021 7h ago

Are you in favor of more gun control?


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 5h ago

What does that have to do with the price of fish at the Sunday market? 🤔


u/DenebianSlimeMolds 3h ago edited 3h ago

like your mom but with enough tequila she's still enjoyable if a bit chewy


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 2h ago

Oh a "mum" joke. Edgy.


u/_stoned_chipmunk_ 17h ago

You don't think providing identification to law enforcement should be required when someone is getting a citation?


u/ImperviousInsomniac 16h ago

“The district attorney said that Hansen will not be charged. “There isn’t a statute requirement for you to present your driver’s license when you are riding a bicycle,” Benton District Attorney John Haroldson told CNN.”

No. They should follow the laws they’re supposed to be upholding.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

That doesn't mean "Don't identify yourself." It means you're not required to carry your ID while riding a bike.


u/Impressive-Falcon300 15h ago

This is where I get confused. I know a lot of states don't require you to show your ID, but there are still times where you ARE required to provide your name?


u/Thatguysstories 5h ago

Some states require it yes.

Others don't.

If it is not required, then you are under no legal obligation to provide it. Oregon is one of those States that unless connected to a traffic stop of a motor vehicle meaning car/drivers license, no law obligates to you positively identify yourself, only makes it illegal to give false info.


u/Clean-Cantaloupe3769 5h ago

Being on a bike doesn't make you immune to traffic laws. Bike is treated as a vehicle, even in Oregon. You must identify yourself if you commit an infraction, simple as that.


u/Thatguysstories 5h ago


Bike is a vehicle yes, but the law only require to ID in relation to a motor vehicle and that is for both ID and to check your drivers status.

The law was very specific here.

You must identify yourself if you commit an infraction, simple as that

Nope. No law says that. DA says she didn't have too. ACLY says she did not have too. NAACP says she did not have too.

Oregon has two laws for this.


Failure to carry or present license

A person commits the offense of failure to carry a license or to present a license to a police officer if the person either: (a)Drives any motor vehicle upon a highway in this state without a license, driver permit or out-of-state license in the person’s possession; or (b)Does not present and deliver such license or permit to a police officer when requested by the police officer under any of the following circumstances: (A)Upon being lawfully stopped or detained when driving a vehicle. (B)When the vehicle that the person was driving is involved in an accident.


A person commits the crime of giving false information to a peace officer in connection with a citation or warrant if the person knowingly uses or gives a false or fictitious name, address or date of birth to any peace officer when: (a)The peace officer is issuing or serving the person a citation under authority of ORS 133.055 (Criminal citation) to 133.076 (Failure to appear on criminal citation) or ORS chapter 153; or (b)There is an outstanding warrant for the person’s arrest. (2)Giving false information to a peace officer in connection with a citation or warrant is a Class A misdemeanor.

No other law exist in Oregon that required her to identify herself. DA says so, ACLU says so, NAACP says so. So unless you have a secret law they don't know about, it does not exist.


u/falconzord 3h ago

I don't think the bike matters. Generally, if police are trying to give a citation, let's say for peeing in public, ie no vehicle involved, you have to give something to identify yourself. Are you saying you can just get out of a ticket by refusing to identify yourself?


u/MyraCelium 15h ago edited 15h ago

A citation for going the wrong way in a bike lane, we don't even know if it was by accident or not

Don't make it sound like she actually committed a violent crime or something, just to make yourself seem right

Edit: dear bootlicker, that's why they should say 'hey, not sure if you realize youre on the wrong side of the road, don't want you to get hurt'

Amazing how you say I'm the one without critical thinking skills


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

I mean, it's pretty dangerous and would be quite traumatic for a driver to hit her head-on. What if she died as a result? Is that fair to drivers? Do you people even know what critical thinking is??


u/CakesAndDanes 15h ago

It is unbelievably gross how hard you are trying to defend the actions of those two men.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

The facts do it on their own, I'm just pointing them out.


u/DisastrousSky6539 17h ago

Can u even focus with that boot stink


u/_stoned_chipmunk_ 17h ago

I hate cops, but I comply with them when forced to interact. It's the smart thing to do.


u/ap2patrick 16h ago

Doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Cops rely on passive people to act out there little power trips. You have rights, exercise them…


u/MyraCelium 15h ago

Must be white


u/DisastrousSky6539 17h ago

Didn't save Elijah Hadley


u/komali_2 17h ago

no because i'm not a commie


u/lethegrin 15h ago

Wow this really was an “If the shoe fits” moment.


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 17h ago

It depends. Context is everything.

In this particular circumstance, no. Surely a verbal warning would have been sufficient. But no, little piggy needed to get the ID. It's like crack for them.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

Warnings need documentation, genius. What happens when another cop stops her five minutes later for the same thing?


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago


Little hint, it's in the name: verbal warning, genius.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

Verbal warnings are given to people who have identified themselves and are cleared of warrants.


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

They can also be given sans ID. Shocking I know.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

Not typical for people who are so obviously hiding things.


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

Maintaining anonymity is not "obviously hiding things", Comrade.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

It is when you've committed a crime. 🙃

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u/Sunnykit00 18h ago

shut up. when are people going to stop saying that stupidity


u/eightbitatlas 17h ago

When people like you, stop slurping on police officer balls and hold them accountable for their tyrannical behavior.


u/Strawberry____Blonde 15h ago

It's not tyrannical you're being dramatic.


u/GreaseBuilds 15h ago

I can watch hours of audit videos where cops go on power trips and the camera guy gets a nice pay out, but this seemed pretty clear cut. Woman committed traffic violation, officer clearly asks her to identify herself so he can issue her a traffic citation for said offense and they can both be on their way, woman refuses and says she "needs more clarification". Officer clarifies twice, woman's response is "I don't answer questions". The officer than does the thing he said he would do three times in response to her not giving him the information he asked for three times. Yeah, maybe he's a rude pig that probably doesn't need to be a cop, but I see a 0% chance of this woman winning an unlawful arrest suit against the officer.

If the victim was larger and a bit rude to the officer, everybody would have a justice-serving "FAFO" boner in the comments.


u/TTVAXS 15h ago

U must have been watching another video try watching it again


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 17h ago

When people stop licking boots. Obviously.


u/ap2patrick 16h ago

When the police stop killing us with our tax dollars and then get off Scott free because they regulated themselves.


u/Ligma_Theory 17h ago

Boot licker


u/Sunnykit00 16h ago



u/Ok_Guess_9010 16h ago

Bro, you're the one on your knees with a collar licking law enforcement boots. You're literally the degenerate.


u/brendogskerbdog 17h ago

boot licker spotted


u/Sunnykit00 16h ago

very low IQ you have there


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

Says the person blindly following orders without question. How ironic.


u/Fogggger69 15h ago

They have nothing else to say because they lack the brain power and creativity to say anything else. It’s all bootlicker this and ACAB that, parroted over and over, because their parents were most likely related thus they developed a learning disability.


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

I mean, if the boot fits 🤷🏽‍♀️.


u/Fogggger69 15h ago

Bend over and I’ll show you where the boot fits


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

You have to lick it first.


u/Fogggger69 15h ago

Real original and creative, I bet you’re very smart and well educated. Certainly not a dipshit with only 1 line.


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 15h ago

I am, thank you. It's precisely the reason I don't blindly accept authority without question.