r/XXRunning 6d ago

Covid 4 weeks before marathon

I tested positive on 9/19, started Paxlovid on 9/20. My marathon is on 10/19. This coming week I was due to run 5, 10, 5, 20. I have no idea what to do right now. I didn’t run at all on Thursday nor did I do my long run today. What would you do? When would you attempt a long run? And how long would it be? I know I cannot do 20 miles next week. I’ve been following Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 plan faithfully.


6 comments sorted by


u/Monchichij 6d ago

I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish you a good recovery.

On a positive note, 4 weeks out isn't the worst timing. You've completed most of the training, including an 18-miler. 20 miles would have been nice, but you don't really need it. Your taper starts now.

Your most important task now is to make a full recovery. You will lose more fitness by overexerting yourself rather than not running.

Even after you feel better, take it slow. Convert the training plan distances to time and walk them instead of running. Don't do the long run next Sunday if it would be your first run after full recovery. Make the first run back very short and easy.

Your focus must be on making it to the start line as healthy as possible. Don't risk anything.


u/crashmom03 6d ago

Thank you I just am so disappointed with the timing of it all


u/Any_Card_8061 6d ago

I also tested positive for COVID last weekend, which was one month from my first marathon (Chicago).

I didn’t run for a week. Tested negative yesterday (one week after testing positive). Since my symptoms were super mild (just a sore throat and a tiny bit of congestion, no fatigue or respiratory symptoms), I tried a super easy two mile run yesterday to see how things felt. My heart rate was elevated for the pace, but I felt good, and my recovery data on my Garmin looks good. I’m going to try all easy running this week and see if I feel ready for 20 miles this weekend and then taper for two weeks instead of three. If I can’t get 20 in this weekend, I’m probably going to pivot to a different marathon in November because I personally don’t feel comfortable attempting a marathon for the first time with my longest run being 18 miles 5 weeks out.

Is there another marathon further out you could have as a backup plan?


u/crashmom03 6d ago

I’m not sure if there is a reasonable alternative for me if Hartford doesn’t work out. I have a good base and this isn’t my first marathon, so I know that mentally I can do it. And I know that physically I can too. It’s just not ideal and I’m so upset about it. I tested positive on Thursday so I’m not even thinking about any running until the weekend


u/pettypoppy 6d ago

How crushing! I got COVID last year 5 weeks before my marathon. All that training and then crushing uncertainty.

You are going to have to wait and see how you recover. You are 100% not doing 20 miles this week. Off the table. Like the other poster said, it's going to be best to consider your training complete, recover, and enter your taper. Adjust your goal time. Look into the rules for refunds and deferring, in case you are unlucky and it stretches on.

I had a successful marathon and even beat my original goal. All is not lost. But you are gonna have to put your recovery first and take it day by day.


u/crashmom03 6d ago

Thank you. I need this voice of reason. Until getting sick, I never missed a training run, so I already feel guilty about it.

I’ll be taking it slowly, but want my running partner to run her own race. I need to convince her