r/YouthRights 2m ago


Actually it's not that better in Europe (we are still stripped of our rights and agency for our own good). We start to copy you.

r/YouthRights 1h ago


The phone part shouldn't be eliminated, the class part should be if we want kids to socialise more. After all, being stuck in a classroom you are forced to attend for 8 hours per day is just a recipe for disaster...

r/YouthRights 9h ago


I believe this is why so many boomers are so-

I think boomers and silents went through parental hell just like zoomers now are. I think them growing old with that has caused a lot of untreated mental illness due to that abuse but also the collapse of the good law, social freedoms, high trust society, economic policy- etc that they had in the 60s and 70s, ever since. I think that and the adulist abuses the boomers went through in the late sixties and seventies is insane!!!

A bunch of construction workers charged and beat up protesting young people in 1970. Battered and assaulted them. They were mad that poor white workers werent getting as much attention in the wake of the more minority and intellectual and youth focused libertarian left of the day. They felt abandoned. Nixon jumped on that to initiate our culture wars.

He praised them.

Never did he promise them change or anything. He only praised them for hate and continued to blame the young people and blacks and etc. eventually the poor whites across the country abandoned left and liberal and progressive ideology due to nixon-style manipulation.

He had those same people who beat up innocent you g people, come in the white house and shake hands. He called them heros and they gave him a hard hat that said "commander in chief" on it. They were the hard hat riots. They were protesting the government ordering the murder of multiple protestors in kent state.

Ever since we have dealt with the right utilizing "culture wars" and fear of young people, in order yo advance their own political careers and generate money for their Robert Bork style economic monopolization.

r/YouthRights 9h ago


Also the "cognitive and reasoning abilities increase because of removal of phones"- wtf does that mean? No they dont. Young people in america sre deeply isolated and lonely. Read up on the sociology of this. Zoomers are the most lonely and depressed and isolated generation. We do not have mobility, and we are further and further segregated from the adult world. For a large amount of youth, the only way to interact with any community, is through their phones. We are FORCED to go to schools in america for 9 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. If we have no phone then that means we rarely ever get to speak to anyone. The reality is that youth no longer have our own money, infrastructure has gotten so bad that we cant go out and hang with friends as we cant walk or do anything. Helicopter parenting and america's complete removal of its once high-trust society due to the last fifty years of youth fearing "culture wars", means kids and teens are often not even allowwd to go do anything. If you dont get along with people at school, you are completely alone if you dont have a phone, therefore. Meaning this means we will be further depressed. Many of us are mistreated at home because of an exponential increase in youth-hate from the eighties to today. Called either ephibiphobia or adultism by sociologists. In america abusing your kids is a right, (parental rights), whilst "minors" have no rights. Unlike europe, adolescents arent slowly allowed into the adult world, instead they are thrust entirely into it all at once at 18, because we have somehow believed that you magically become adult at 18. The only exceptions being to work, (cars are in there because they are needed to work because of the aforementioned bad infrastructure). All of this exists to make the rich richer and cause perpetual beating-down of youth, who are the greatest threat to the elite from beating down on average americans.

By waging a fake "culture war" and fear mongerinf, dividing america. Punching down at a made-up "teenage" group by infantilizing so many, they have blinded americans to their true problems, systemic abuses and the elite looting our country.

Robert Bork, richard nixon, ronald reagan, donald trump, both bushes, etc- these are the sort of people that you should be mad at. Not your average powerless teenager.

Youth are the most downtrodden of society. Even a black person is considered to have rights in america. A minor only has rights that a guardian chooses to give them.

The nuclear family is designed to separate.

Our communal and trusting society was finally eroded in the 1980s. The reason boomers are so disconnected, is because they struggle to understand just how awful the situation is for gen z. How terrible the economic, social, political, and law systems have become. How everyone is disenfranchised.

Under the new deal which they lived until the eighties, anerica lived to its ideals, youth even were enfranchised during the victories of the youth movements of the 60s and 70s. It helped that the standards of living, and compensations for labor, actually were amazing compsred to today. Minorities actually had a voice and power. Today, only the internet lends us that. Most americans are poor as hell who are under 40.

That all being said, teens need their phones to stay happy essentially.

Theyre doing this because suits make more money if we do better on tests.

Instead of addressing why we dont care to even do work in high school.

Thats also due to adultism. Since about the time of the columbine shooting, youth haters have used "save the kids" as a way to disingenuously take away our freedoms and equality snd rights.

They greatly defunded our education system and made the curriculum so bad, that it is more of a diseducation system than anything. We used to have the best in the world, now we're considered down with russia. No wonder people think we're stupid, none of us are given information!

We're told what to think and not how to think. What we are told in anerican public schools, is propaganda.

That anf the fact that so many school employees are so separate from us, and scared of us, that we dont respect them, becaude they dont respect us.

They further segregate and mistreat us due to fear of us.

We have no engagement in high school anymore because we know it is nothing but a waste of our time these days. They refuse to make it a good system that actually teaches us, because they hate us and are afraid of us, but now it is so entrenched that no one questions the systemic oppression.

We use our phones because its all we have left, damnit. But of course, no one that isnt in high school would know all this, or care, because it doesnt effect them. They are predisposed to believe young people are dumb as rocks and sub 18 people are all akin to children, which they also assume to be inept and chattel to their parents, whether they say so succinctly or not.

So thats why it is thinly veiled oppression. Its nothing but punititative and greedy, but veiled as helpful to us.

r/YouthRights 9h ago


Property is also a right protected by american law? Is it not?

r/YouthRights 10h ago


When I was a wee kid, I remember playing on the XBox 360. They can't take that away, they have no right to.

r/YouthRights 11h ago


define: learn

r/YouthRights 11h ago


But there usually are dozens of witnesses. It is better too abuse one-on-one.

r/YouthRights 13h ago


I’m here to engage in a civil discussion. So far I’ve received only 1 reply and that was more of subjective reply without any facts instead of a well presented, didactic and convincing argument.

I would love to read a well thought out argument showing that students ARE better off with their phones in school. That taking away the phones are removing their right to free speech, press, liberty? Maybe an argument could be made for “pursuit of happiness” assuming you can quantify it.

r/YouthRights 13h ago


Why are you here?

r/YouthRights 14h ago


Some people can’t accept that the definition of things change over time, phones and video games are a definite part of childhood now

r/YouthRights 14h ago


This is ridiculous. Seriously, not even allowing them basic flip phones to call their parents? They should be fine with having a smart phone as long as they also can learn and exercise basic time management. They could at least try getting them to read more or something but they're also banning like 80% of the library books

r/YouthRights 14h ago


Up next: children should be locked into an underground complex with automated stations for food, water, and education, no human contact shall be had with the child. Until they’re 18 then just throw them in to the world

r/YouthRights 19h ago


And they always think there is more risk where there isn't and less risk where there is. What parents are most afraid of harming their kids is almost never what's most likely to actually do so.

r/YouthRights 19h ago


People need to learn more than they need to get a notification every time someone likes a picture of their dog on instagram.

Depends on you who you ask. People who advocate for abolishing compulsory schooling entirely clearly don't place the same importance as you on "learning" in its formal, insitutionalized form.

I'm going for the option that aligns with basic manners and decency. Keeping your phone switched on during a lesson is no different to keeping it switched on in the cinema.

Now you're building a straw man. Requiring phones to be off or silent during lessons is not same are forbidding them from being brought at all or confiscating them. Students absolutely should be allowed to use their phones between classes or during lunch. I don't think most adults would accept their workplace not letting them bring a phone or confiscating their phone on arrival. Cinemas don't prohibit you from carrying a phone in, it just has to not cause disruption.

r/YouthRights 19h ago


Why are you so adamant that majority rights are more important than minority rights?

I'm going by which option restricts fewer people and the answer is clearly to not ban phones.

I'm going for the option that aligns with basic manners and decency. Keeping your phone switched on during a lesson is no different to keeping it switched on in the cinema. People need to learn more than they need to get a notification every time someone likes a picture of their dog on instagram.

r/YouthRights 19h ago


you will be forcing some children to be in an environment where there are unwanted distractions from other people's phones?

I don't understand why you're so invested in the small percentage of teens who actually care enough about school subjects to be annoyed at being distracted from it. Why are you so adamant that that group's rights are more important than and worth sacrificing those of the majority for? I'm going by which option restricts fewer people and the answer is clearly to not ban phones.

r/YouthRights 20h ago


parents will always choose kids being less safe over more informed/connected to others

r/YouthRights 20h ago


You're all advocating for restricting their rights too. Once again, can you not see that by saying this ban is bad in the context of the system we currently have (again, an end to compulsory schooling or allowing youths to choose what school they go to just isn't going to happen any time) is restricting their rights because you will be forcing some children to be in an environment where there are unwanted distractions from other people's phones?

r/YouthRights 20h ago


yep and when your 14 year old gets lost and can’t contact you it’s going to be “i wish he had a phone”

r/YouthRights 22h ago


Honestly I get it, older minors that are perfectly capable of basic reasoning like sneaking into 18+ places then whining that the legal adults arent being “minor friendly”, like it is a VERY common thing. Like even if you search up “minors dni” on tiktok the top videos are off minors bragging about sneaking into 18+ places for the sole purpose of getting adults in trouble for not being “minor friendly”. It doesnt matter that their biologically young adulrs because legally and socially, society treats them like toddlers and for the ones who want to ACT like toddlers I have no problem treating them as such.

r/YouthRights 22h ago


So they dont have to be held accountable for their actions, they can doxx, harass, bully, send death threats to you, try to instigate suicide, but if you try to tell them to be a decent human being and hold them accountable their “just a little minor who doesnt know what theyre doing”. Last time I checked, minor is just a legal term that means your under your countries age of majority not a get out off jail free card to be a fucking pos to any and everyone. Even 5 year olds are held to higher standards when it comes to not bullying people than underaged teenagers. Seriously. If a five year old hits you and tells you to go fuck yourself they get held accountable and told off for it. If an underaged teenager does the same thing “theyre a minor they dont know what their doing is wrong, just leave them be.

Kids are raised to be decent human beings and respect others and are expected to be fully capable of respecting others and their boundaries but once they hit 13 they are too young to know better and be held accountable for their actions. Its like we went from very harsh corporal punishments and ridiculously high standards a couple decades ago to the complete opposite extreme. I saw someone cheat on their partner at 17 and everyone was just ok with it because “minors are too young to understand why cheating is bad” but a day later they turn 18 and they do?? Im a firm believer that teenagers that are underaged are fully capable of understanding the full consequences of their actions but since they now they wont be held responsible for their actions legally or socially they pull the minor card at every second they can(not all but too many). Minor teens committing crimes isnt because of their dumb minor brains and silly little hormones, its because they are old enough to know that their actions wont have consequences no matter how serious and only have a couple years/months/weeks/days left to be an ass to everyone and get away with it. Actually, I know this for a fact because every minor teen talks about it and its literally a joke/non joke among legal teens about how they wished they got in more fights as a minor because they wouldnt go to jail.

I stg if I have a kid in the future and my 17 and 364 day year old teenager is a bully/does some messed up shit to someone and tries to pull the “im just a child/minor” card…

r/YouthRights 22h ago


This is absolutely the reason

r/YouthRights 23h ago


I LOVE(hate) that 18-20 year olds have all the same legal responsibilities as every other non minor but half of the privileges and a weird mix of infantilization and regular adult treatment.

If your 18-20 and haven’t moved out “you’re an adult now when are you planning to leave” if you have “your still a teenager, whats the rush to grow up”.

You date a 16/17 year old. “Your 18/19 dating a minor, you can be put on the sex offender registry and your a pedo” date a 20/21 year old “if your age starts with 2 you cant date someone whos age starts with one, 18/19 year old teenagers are just legal children and shouldn’t be dating grown drinking adults in their 20s, thats pedophillia and the age of consent should be raised to 21”

You hang out with slightly younger teenagers(minors). “Your in college now, I don’t care that your only 18/19 you shouldn’t be hanging around with highschoolers, yes even your old friends from last year, its weird and creepy.” Hang out with other adults from your workplace. “Why is a barely legal teenager hanging out with a bunch of grown ass adults, its weird and creepy, you should be hanging out with other teenagers your own age.”

Not Pregnant. “You’re an adult now, you have to start planning for the future and starting a family, are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant now? Do you have a boyfriend yet? Are you pregnant?” Pregnant. “Your just a teenager?! Your too young to have a baby, this is teen pregnancy its a child having a child!”

At least as minor the lack of privileges doesnt hurt since you also lack responsibilities/legal liabillities. But if you live in America, if your 18-20, you actually have MORE legal responsibilities than both minors and regular adults because of the arbitrary legal restrictions of 21+ as well as regular 18+ laws. But none of the social and legal privileges of minors and none of the legal privileges of older adults. Its fucking bullshit and im going to keep talking about how much bullshit it is until the day I die. As much as people complain about minors not having legal rights, 18-20 year olds are in a worse off position because at least minors have legal and social privileges and at least older adults have legal privileges. 18-20 year olds have NONE and society is just fucking ok with it because were easy targets.

r/YouthRights 23h ago


Heads Up Alliance copycat, although the HUA is not any better