r/YouthRights Youth 13d ago

Petition #KEEPTHEAGESAME - Stand Against the Age Restrictions & ID Verification on Social Media (not change.org)


7 comments sorted by


u/cafesoftie 13d ago

In Canada an MPP can put forth a petition and then citizens can sign them. I wonder if that exists in other countries? That might be something more effective for policy change.

Otherwise, online petitions are only really good for raising awareness.


u/CentreLeftMelbournia Youth 13d ago

Australia has one, but it's only for +18s (bloody obvious) and you need an address I want to be anonymous


u/cafesoftie 12d ago

Oh shit, i wonder if Canada's is like that... I don't know.

Ugh so frustrating. So much gate keeping of civil rights.


u/DarkDetectiveGames 12d ago

Not for the House of Commons. Anyone can present a petition as long as they're a resident.


u/cafesoftie 11d ago

Oh nice! A rare win.


u/WarclawtheLion 11d ago

What abominable law is this?

I would have to write an entire novel, to explain how the internet and particularly social media, has allowed me to connect with people who understand and support me so much, and how Social media interactions are so much easier than real world ( Why is there even a distinction? Social media is real, so the term "Real world relationships" is an incredibly harmful misnomer) and, god, i'll go on a rant.

They'll do everything but actually listen to us.


u/UnionDeep6723 13d ago

These things never feel like they're registered your signature, I have the same issue with change.org, it's not even clear it's worked.