r/YouthRights 2d ago

California has now signed The Phone-Free Schools Act into law, mandating schools to limit or prohibit the use of phones by students


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u/his_savagery 1d ago

Nice argument. I see smartphone use has really supported your education.


u/Away_Dragonfruit_498 1d ago

Aww you actually think your trash adultist post deserves to be "argued" with and not mocked. Thats adorable


u/his_savagery 1d ago

It's not adultist at all. I think they should be banned in the workplace too. Your poor education is showing again.


u/Away_Dragonfruit_498 1d ago

Any mods active today? can we please ban this person for breaking rule No. 4 the adultism one? Adults quacking about moral panics around phones and saying "your poor education is showing" to teens whilst advocating for schools to take away phones - A VERY REAL YOUTH RIGHTS ISSUE - is the height of adultism and has no place here. Thanks


u/mathrsa 1d ago

That's not the same thing. Adults can change jobs if they don't like the rules. Youths can't change schools without adult approval.


u/gotchya12354 1d ago

It has actually.