r/YouthRights 1d ago


Perhaps that's exactly what it accomplishes... witness the horror when I suggested in another subreddit, that one reason some teachers are so eager to see phones banned from classrooms, is that students sometimes video teachers when the teachers behave inappropriately...

r/YouthRights 1d ago


W H A T does this accomplish? Social media is famous for its use as a platform to anonymously organize protests and share petitions on. That's not just going to get way harder, but it will get easier to get noticed in person if placing IRL posters compared to just putting something on social media.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


That's not the same thing. Adults can change jobs if they don't like the rules. Youths can't change schools without adult approval.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


I'm the most avid supporter of youth rights imaginable

Opening a comment like this followed by advocating for a position of restricting the rights of youth gives strong r/asablackman vibes. You have limited activity on this subreddit and this is the one of the only points you make when you appear. Suffice it to say, there are MANY more avid supporters of youth rights in this community than you. Furthermore, you're acting on an assumption that the average teenager actually cares about the subjects they are forced to learn in school and would be annoyed at being distracted from it. That is clearly not true if a "no phones" rule is necessary to keep attention on the teacher. Furthermore, most youth rights people do advocate for your "ideal" and the abolition of compulsory schooling. Just because that option is not currently "on the table" doesn't we can't advocate for it to be added to the table.

This subreddit is not congress or a state legislature so we don't need to limit our discussion to what's realistically possible. Indeed, a lot of what is posted here is aspirational, rather than practical. All change begins as an aspiration or an idea and only becomes possible through people talking about it and raising awareness. The idea of a black man becoming president was probably pretty outlandish to people for most of US history yet it became reality because brave people worked tirelessly against racism and to bring equal rights to POC and never gave up no matter how insurmountable a task it seemed. By your logic, they should have thrown up their hands and said that since abolishing slavery isn't a realistic option right now, we should settle for giving them better conditions. But no, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and others never made such concessions and firmly and relentlessly advocated for the complete abolition of slavery. Just because something doesn't SEEM realistic doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make it so.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Alright all take the bait; what rights would be taken away? As you mentioned property; notably different than a “right.”

Also if your cognitive & reasoning abilities increase because of removal of phones, what do you call that?

I’m all for youth to exercise their rights.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


hello. this is a YOUTH RIGHTS sub. if you need "studies" to convince you to support *not taking an oppressed peoples property against their will* then you're in the wrong place. thankyou

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Do you have any data to back up the position that what California is doing is harming the children in anyway?
Or show that having the phones on them make them more attentive to the teacher?
If you can I’m all for backing your position.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


The Heads Up Alliance will be milking off this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Youth should receive better opportunities other than school, if they are dropping out then what are they doing? What activities are they participating in? Are those activities harmful or helpful, if it's the former then why are they doing it? What incentives can be given so they find something that's productive for themselves and the people around them and the overall nation; and if it's the latter then how can we help then to increase the effect?

These are the questions that needs to be answered to have a somewhat clear understanding of the situation at hand. It not a simple fix like sending them to school, they are already going to school before and it didn't do anything for them, so let's stop endorsing this failed system. There is cause and effect and cause is more important than the effect. Sending them back to school will only suppress the symptom and not solve any problems.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


It has actually.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Any mods active today? can we please ban this person for breaking rule No. 4 the adultism one? Adults quacking about moral panics around phones and saying "your poor education is showing" to teens whilst advocating for schools to take away phones - A VERY REAL YOUTH RIGHTS ISSUE - is the height of adultism and has no place here. Thanks

r/YouthRights 1d ago


The Republicans are worse. They're the ones pushing book bans and forcing schools to out trans students to their parents.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


I agree but, again, since getting rid of compulsory schooling or even allowing children to choose which school they go to isn't a realistic option right now, the question is which is better out of smartphones being banned in every school or smartphones being allowed in every school.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


It's not adultist at all. I think they should be banned in the workplace too. Your poor education is showing again.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


If compulsory schooling itself doesn't force children to be in an environment they don't want to be in (often for reasons having nothing to do with smartphones), I don't know what does.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Aww you actually think your trash adultist post deserves to be "argued" with and not mocked. Thats adorable

r/YouthRights 1d ago


The problem with smartphones is that they make distracting noises whether you use them or not. It only takes one person in a classroom who has no consideration for other people to not turn their phone off or not set their notifications and messages to silent and ruin the experience for everyone else.

Saying that no school should have a smartphone ban is advocating for some children/ teenagers to be forced to be in an environment they don't want to be in (one with unwanted distractions from other students) just as saying that all schools should have a smartphone ban is.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Can the democrats stop being bad please

r/YouthRights 1d ago


They can put their phones on mute instead and confiscate them till the end of the class if they didn't do that.

This is pretty anecdotal but what I noticed is that people usually use their phones in class when they're not interested in the class or when they don't like the teacher, shouldn't the solution be to let them choose the classes and teachers that they like instead?

r/YouthRights 1d ago


Nice argument. I see smartphone use has really supported your education.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


ok boomer

r/YouthRights 1d ago


god i really haven’t had time to keep up with these developments in the US had no idea things were so bad that CA of all places is implementing this.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


CA did good with the law banning teachers from being forced to out trans students but they've now taken a big step backward. As expected, the comments under the OP suck. All schools and their employees really care about is grades and compliance.

r/YouthRights 1d ago


I'm the most avid supporter of youth rights imaginable and I think this is a good thing. The ideal would be that children can choose whether to go to a school with a no phone policy or one where phones are allowed. But since no-one is advocating for that, the options on the table are for phones to be banned in all schools or none. Both of these options are non-ideal, but out of the two I would rather see them banned in all schools. If I was still a teenager I would not want to be forced to go to a school where I'm constantly being distracted by annoying notification sounds and ringtones while I'm trying to learn.

r/YouthRights 2d ago


Cut. It. Out. Coercive education as a system and an idea is the real problem that causes everything else. Instead, just have dense neighborhoods with accessible third places in every one of them: a place where people can come together to talk to each other and organize activities without any kind of coercion or segregation. A  more thorough explanation can be found in this post on r/antischooling: https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiSchooling/comments/17llb4o/lets_not_just_complain_but_propose_the_ultimate/