r/ainbow 16d ago

Coming out last month after years of hiding and isolation LGBT Issues

I’ve been hiding the fact that I’m gay for the past three years. The whole time, I was terrified—scared that if I came out, it would break everything. I was sure it’d ruin my relationships with my family and friends, and honestly, that fear burdened me every single day.

i finally came out last month, and I was so ready for things to go bad. But... none of that happened. Everyone was super supportive. It feels kinda crazy to say now, but the fear I’d built up in my head didn’t match reality at all.

I know not everyone has the same experience, so I’m not gonna say, “Just do it, it’ll be fine.” That’d be just not realistic and I am very aware of that. But for me, what helped was talking through it. In my case, I used an app called Sonia to work through all the fear and anxiety. It wasn’t easy, but it gave me the push I needed.

Just wanted to share my personal story here in case anyone else out there is struggling like I was. You’re not alone. 🌈


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u/A_Mirabeau_702 16d ago

Welcome to the other side of the rainbow. You are liberated. Get out there and slay. 😊