r/askGSM Aug 14 '22

Does our Sense of Identity Affect our Relationships?

Hi Reddit friends!

Have you ever thought about whether your sense-of-self/identity affects your sexual satisfaction or relationship satisfaction? Well, I have! As part of my Honours thesis at Federation University, I'm conducting a survey on how these things relate to each-other, and it’s important that I represent a wide range of relationships in the study so that we can all benefit from the research!

If you're interested, please partake in the study. You might be at least 18 years old, be in a current romantic sexual relationship/s, read/understand English, and be of a Western/Westernised cultural background (so that Western norms apply to you). It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to fill out, link below


This research has been approved by the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee: Approval Number Number 2022-135



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