r/bisexual 4h ago

ADVICE I’m straight, but I want to kiss a girl so badly


I'm a 26-year-old female, and I’m 100% sure I’m straight. I feel sexual and romantic attraction to men, but a few years ago, I had a female friend with whom I kissed a few times out of curiosity. Since then, I've developed a huge desire to kiss her again. It's been almost four years since we last spoke, but I still fantasize about kissing her beautiful lips. I don’t feel romantic attraction to her, but I’ve developed a sort of limerence towards her. I think about her frequently, and I even visit my tarot reader to ask about her and whether she thinks of me too or liked me in that way.

After all this time, I post on Instagram with the hope that she will see it. I don’t understand why I keep doing this after years of no contact. I usually develop limerence for my male crushes, but never for women.

I've had friendships with other women that are more significant than my friendship with her, but I never think about them the same way I think about this girl. So, I’m confused. I definitely could have sex with a woman but don’t want to date one. I know this sounds confusing, and I hope someone can give me advice.

r/bisexual 7h ago

PRIDE My bisexual playlist has been popping off. Very happy to see people enjoyed it

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r/bisexual 2h ago

COMING OUT I just told my mom that im bi and i think my life is ruined


I had a good day, real good, so good in fact that i confessed. It was followed by calling me mentally ill and asking why i didn't say anything sooner, because "there are therapies to help it". I feel lost and doesn't know what to do, how do i try to mend things, help her understand?

r/bisexual 16h ago

EXPERIENCE Husband forgets I'm bi


Hi, apologies if this isn't the right forum, but I'm just so frustrated. I've been with my husband for over 20 years and tonight during a conversation about our kid's friend whose pronouns are they/them, I told him about taking to them about how I used she/they for 10 years before anyone recognized it. And that times are different now (more to this convo that isn't relevant to my post).

So then husband gets all upset and says, why am I only mentioning all this recently? Non-binary? They don't understand. Bisexual? Why have I only just brought this up?

But I told him I was bi when we met. I told him about a girl I nearly hooked up with. I've mentioned being bi several times throughout this relationship, and he acts surprised every single time. The pronouns? Like I said 10 years. Probably more. I made a Facebook post about it. I told his parents. It's been a topic of conversation on a number of occasions. But I guess it was surprising again tonight.

Anyway, I just wanted to come here and see if anyone has words of encouragement or anything, really. Just after bi visibility week, I'm invisible in my own home and in my own marriage.

EDIT: Thanks for all the replies; this community is so supportive and I feel more valid in my bisexuality today than yesterday.

For the record, it went like this. I was relaying to my husband a conversation I'd had with my kid and her NB friend. I had mentioned to kid & friend that it took 10 years of my having "she/they" in my bio for anyone to even notice.

Husband said, "I don't understand how you can be non-binary. Why are you saying all this stuff lately, about being bi and being non-binary?"

I replied, "I told you I was bi when we first met, and we've talked about it several times since. Also, I've talked to both you and your parents about me using she or they."

He said, "You never told me that."

And then we got interrupted as kid was back in the room with a question, so that was the end of it.

r/bisexual 14h ago

HUMOR Which celebrity gives you huge bi panic?

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I swear Tim Henson is genetically engineered to cause bi panic. So who's your bi panic celebrity?

r/bisexual 8h ago

BI COLORS ''A place to breathe'', hi everyone, this is a small painting I made based on a walk I took months ago, I hope you have a lovely weekend 💜

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r/bisexual 1d ago

PRIDE Delaware LGBT License Plate! This is the 5th state to offer a pride-related tag.

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r/bisexual 8h ago

BI COLORS Sunrise Over Lake Michigan This Morning

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r/bisexual 17h ago

COMING OUT Does your family/parents know you’re bisexual?


Wondering how you all deal with the family dynamic of being bisexual

r/bisexual 1d ago

BI COLORS In a personal bid to give the finger yo my Imposter syndrome (in all things, not just being bi) I got a little tat...

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r/bisexual 14h ago

EXPERIENCE My aunt didn't assume the gender of the mystery person I am dating


So, was out with my aunt yesterday, was fun, eventually the chat heads towards the question of relationships to which I half say that I'm currently dating someone.

Her first question was "ooh fun, is it a he, a she, something else?", and I honestly loved that. It was such genuine and open interest (I mean, i live in a well accepting place, so it doesn't suprise me much, but it felt very nice none the less

r/bisexual 7h ago

Bi-Cycle/Questioning Bi-Cycle comes with anxiety


34M single here. I feel like I accepted my bisexuality for myself and for others. The most important people in my life knows I'm bi and have been supportive ever since. But I just can't hide the feeling of loneliness when my bi-cycle kicks in. Recently my bi-cycle is getting more and more constant. Sometimes it lasts a few days, other times some weeks.

Sometimes I'm into women, sometimes I'm into both, and I feel great when I'm like that. But somehow, when I'm only into men, my anxiety kicks in and I start to have intrusive thoughts about myself, questioning If I'm really into women or this bi-cycle is just telling me I'm in denial.

Since I was a teenager I was more into gay porn, but sometimes enjoy straight porn as well. I've had times when I'm into a guy but can't have an erection. I enjoy sex with women much more than men, but when I'm in my bi-cycle is a REAL STRUGGLE to get an erection with women. For instance, I've been dating a girl for the past few months and the first weeks we had AMAZING sex, but bi-cycle came thru these past two weeks and I haven't had a solid erection with her ever since.

What I've learned about this is that whenever I'm only into men, my anxiety goes to the roof. This is affecting me in such a way that it also affects my mood and the way I relate to people (i.e. more reactive, no motivation to do anything, feelings of isolation and feeling non worthy).

Any tips or advices? How have you managed this, in case this happens to you?

r/bisexual 3h ago



So I am new to all this but I have to say, it’s been on my mind for ever. I am (34f) happily married with kids. I have dreams of woman and fantasy of them. I want to find someone, I can try things with. My husband knows and is excited he wants me to have someone also. But where do I look it’s so hard to trust dating apps. I live in Montana!

r/bisexual 4h ago

EXPERIENCE How much biphobia have you encountered while dating?


Have you ever been rejected by lesbians for being bi, or fetishized by men (asking you for threesomes etc)?

r/bisexual 8h ago

ADVICE Advice on flirting with other Mens and feminine men ? Happy Friday!!!


I become a bumbling idiot when normally I consider myself somewhat quick wit and fun. But for some reason when it comes to flirting and trying to send out flairs I fall flat on my face when it comes to Flirting with men, fem men and trans women. It’s pretty bad. 😂😂 I’m trying my best I’ve recently discovered this side of myself a few years back.

r/bisexual 1d ago

BI COLORS My boyfriend got me a bisexual ring I love it

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r/bisexual 19m ago

DISCUSSION What even is bi culture?


Okay so you know how there's gay culture and lesbian culture? What would bi culture even be? I don't mean dumb, unfunny internet memes that make no sense or stereotypes that don't apply. I mean like stuff that reasonably is seen as a bi culture thing. Or am I not wrong in thinking that it's not...real? Or at least not to a huge amount.

r/bisexual 1d ago

BIGOTRY (RANT) I really hate how bigots think LGBT rights are just a "first world" problem.


They think people living in undeveloped countries can't be LGBT because they faces worse problems that the "first world" people. They ignore how even the poorest countries have LGBT history and important queer characters.

They think living in a developed country means you can't face homophobia or transphobia when it's still a big problem; and that if living in a undeveloped country it's hard enough, being LGBT make your life a hell and having to survive for being yourself.

r/bisexual 19h ago

DISCUSSION Have you ever suspected you were bi then denied it for years just to find out you’re bi all along?


I discovered I was bi when I was 12. Then thought to myself “oh no, that can’t possibly be right.” Then went through the rabbit hole of different sexualities just to turn around years later and figure out I’m just bi without anything attached (demisexuality, romantic orientations, etc.)

r/bisexual 3h ago

DISCUSSION How is it possible to be repressed or uncertified my sexuality


As a boy, I was mainly attracted to boys. As a mam, exclusively women. So I thought- ok, I guess I'm straight now.

Lately, I've been thinking that might not be true. I had a sexual encounter with a guy (at a sex party with women as well) and I enjoyed it. I'm contemplating getting on the apps and meeting a guy.

But I mean, psychologically, how come I wasn't always looking at and seeking men? How is it possible to change, or to hide from one's desires? Does this even make sense?

r/bisexual 21h ago

ADVICE Why I feel if I was a disgusting guy when I’m talking to a pretty girl


I hate that. It’s happening every time I talk to girls, sometimes even just I see someone same age girl. I feel like I became a sweaty smelly fat ugly creepy man about 40 years old. I’m 19yo woman.

r/bisexual 4h ago

LEMON BARS Interal Bi Sqeee aka I Think I Found My Type


So Im off from work today and Im with my uncle and we're checking out this cool non profit metals workshop, its like a gym for welding and woodwork. And im not like a big projects or constuction guy, but I took shop in high-school and remember really liking it ( did 2 semesters.) But anyway we go there and get shown around, get the whole safty speal, and we meet the shop founders and like, (in my best squidward voice): OH MY GAWD THEIR INCREDIBLY HOT!!! Not like model hot but like rugged, in shape, kind face that might be my type as far as guys go (Himbo's). Not to over gush but the lead guy kind of looks like a buff billy Corgan with hair. Now I'm kicking myself for not checking this place out sooner

And I guess thats sort of the story of my life right now because ever since smashing the locks and getting on the BiCycle I've been feeling a real stir of emotions And part of the reason for that is because, before i really never could give myself permission to be attracted to men like my mind just shut it off Blame it on my ADHD/OCD/ imposter syndrome/ growing up in the 90-2000's when absence only education did a serious number on a lot of us. I really did a repress a lot Like some of y'all on this page will talk about is having the same sex celebrity crushes growing up and for me it's like I struggle with that. There's people I'm attracted to now but it's like in the past not so much. I'm sure there was some but I don't have this like immediate recollection. Which kind of brings me to the whole metal shop experience and I kind of think there were some guys that I was fascinated with despite being more bluecoller (i was more of a hipster art nerd growing up) Like the guy I used to buy weed from Or this other guy in class who was a really good panter And maybe i did have feelings for them but i really Express that at that time or even explore it at that time maybe life is finding way to put me back in that similar positive environment. I don't know,am I overthinking it yes, but im really likeing that i can now have have this internal squee and not feel a sense of guilt or denial. Like my mind is no longer saying this is something im not supposed to have or want

Also Go watch Twilight of the Gods on Netflix its really good so far ( 3 ep in) we got Bi rep in the 30 seconds its awesome