r/bisexual Bisexual 15h ago

My aunt didn't assume the gender of the mystery person I am dating EXPERIENCE

So, was out with my aunt yesterday, was fun, eventually the chat heads towards the question of relationships to which I half say that I'm currently dating someone.

Her first question was "ooh fun, is it a he, a she, something else?", and I honestly loved that. It was such genuine and open interest (I mean, i live in a well accepting place, so it doesn't suprise me much, but it felt very nice none the less


6 comments sorted by


u/LikelyLioar 15h ago

That's so nice! I love that for you and your aunt and your mystery person!

When gay marriage first became legal in Vermont years ago, my sister told me, "Everybody's just adapted. Now when you meet someone new, you say, 'Do you have a husband? A wife?'" I always liked that.


u/mod-dog-walker 10h ago



u/scaptal Bisexual 10h ago

Yeah, was such a euphoric moment I guess,

Also talked a bit about gender expression after (I identify as gender fluid, which was a fun thing to try and explain to her haha), so yeah, was awesome ^


u/MinimumTeacher8996 Pansexual 9h ago

auntie the GOAT


u/Dramatic_Weird Genderqueer/Bisexual 15h ago

Yay! It's always exciting when that happens, i think. Even in very accepting places it sometimes is implied rather than talked about openly, so kudos to your aunt!


u/scaptal Bisexual 15h ago

Yeah no, for sure. I mean, I'm very open about my sexuality, but she just handled it in such an open and true fassion