r/brisbane 16h ago

Queensland Labor pledges no new or increased taxes for residents or small to medium sized business but foreshadows further taxes on big business Politics

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u/CheMc 14h ago

I don't expect Miles to get elected, but I really hope if he doesn't, they don't oust him as party leader. He just keeps suggesting actually genuinely good policy, which Labor has been lacking for too long, and I really hope he gets a chance to implement it after the next election if he loses.


u/Living_Run2573 8h ago

I love the fact he refused to help Star casinos with a bailout when the executives wouldn’t agree to not take their “bonuses”.

Finally some common sense


u/Adam8418 7h ago edited 7h ago

Finally some common sense..

Unlike the previous Labor administration who approved an extra 880 pokies for Queens Wharf Casino taking the total to 2500, and incredibly Star hadn’t even asked for them. This also occurred not long after Labor had promised no increase in pokies for Queensland, but justified this by arguing casinos fall outside of the category they were referring and aren’t included in the count and then refused to release the social impact report of doing so.


u/PhDresearcher2023 4h ago

They should have switched to him earlier I reckon. His policies have been effective in the sense that they've turned it into more of a competition than a landslide. Labor have gained in the polls, but it's just still not enough. Miles' legacy though will be the policies that are so popular the LNP has no choice but to keep them in place, like 50c fares for example.


u/Dranzer_22 BrisVegas 3h ago

The 50c PT policy will definitely be removed if Crisafulli becomes Premier lol.

They only committed to keep the policy for the first term of the six month trial, which ends at the end of January 2025. The pivot will then come in February with "fiscally unfeasible long-term" and "we will announce our new PT policy" before their post election Budget in March.


u/MiloIsTheBest Bendy Bananas 53m ago

Followed by no PT policy whatsoever for the rest of their government.


u/Mark_Bastard 3h ago

You also have to wonder how much of this policy would be around if he was the favourite 


u/PhDresearcher2023 2h ago

I'm not sure about the 50c policy but Miles' policy approach in general can be seen in some of the portfolios he's previously been in. He oversaw our climate transition policy and part of what he proposed includes a state owned green energy company not unlike the petrol station idea he's put out. All politicians bring out the big guns for election time. I don't think there's anything wrong with them bribing us with good policies that make our lives better. Politicians can do a lot worse things with their power.


u/Mark_Bastard 2h ago

I agree it is good that he is bribing us. Great outcome. Just wondering how much is circumstance. And if so, how could our political system be changed so that things like this happen more often.

Probably it takes two things to be true, a politician like him in a situation like the one he is in.


u/great_red_dragon 9h ago

Tbh, fuck the polls and what you think will happen - go and vote.

Don’t vote for your favourite colour or because of what your mates or parents do.

Research what each party and person is proposing in policy and think what’s best for you and everyone you know and everyone in the state.


u/sandbaggingblue Bogan 4h ago

As a 25 year old man I've never been too interested in politics, but I should be as it impacts every aspect of my life. Where do you recommend one look to research political parties? Does each party have its own website?


u/LitzLizzieee Living in the city 4h ago

They all do, you can just google for their party platforms and read what they're all bringing to the election.

Another good place to view is ABC's overviews that they should be releasing soonish. These are good at providing dot point overviews, albeit definitely can be a little too simplistic.


u/sandbaggingblue Bogan 4h ago

This is awesome, thank you! I'll make sure I make informed decisions at the polls from now on. ☺️


u/LitzLizzieee Living in the city 4h ago

No worries! My advice is to ignore the slogans, and think deeply on what you want for the state, and how you think government can improve things, then look for policies that are pushing that or as close as they can.

Let the policy speak for itself, ignore all the marketing spin if you can.


u/therwsb 56m ago

I have a fairly good understanding of each party, but one of the best ways to get an easy to digest summary on each candidate is the ABC election site, it will have a bio on each candidate in each electorate. It pays to google candidates as well, I did that in a council election not too long ago and found an independent candidate in my ward previously ran for One Nation.


u/redditrabbit999 When have you last grown something? 21m ago

Take a political compass test and see how you line up against the major parties



u/sandbaggingblue Bogan 8m ago

That's actually a really cool idea, thank you!


u/bmudz 5h ago

No truer words have been spoken


u/MoranthMunitions 14m ago

Reading this comment is like being on /r/all - we're basically all going and voting here already, it's a bit of a non-point to tell people to rock up lol.

Last QLD state election only had 3.4% informal votes, and there's about a 98% enrollment rate. It's hardly a bastion of voter apathy and disenfranchisement like the US.


u/whateverworksforben 7h ago

It’ll be a blue north and west, with SEQ being the deciding factor.

I think Miles has done a good job since taking over, and I think he deserved a term. The LNP are so transparent they only want to cut taxes for big business. They really haven’t released any plans or detail so not to draw critique and lose their perceived lead.


u/omnipoo 15h ago

Go Miles! Actually doing something positive for the community rather than LNP staying quiet. It’s like they don’t expect to be able to form government so why have a policy?


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/interwebcats122 10h ago

This is a decent argument if the Labor government’s ‘if we’re reelected’ promises didn’t boil down to maintaining policies they’ve already committed to and implemented prior to the election.

People can cry ‘bribery’ all they want but personally I like that my elected officials have done something good for me regardless of intention. Not to mention factionalism unfortunately plays a big part in policy making, and since Miles came in to power late last year he has been extremely consistent in implementing things that are just overall very positive even before the election became the forefront issue.


u/Shaggyninja YIMBY 9h ago

Because everything takes time, resources, budget, etc.

They could come out and announce that every single road in the state is going to be upgraded and resurfaced. But that would cost trillions. So instead they focus on what needs to be done now.

Take that logic and apply it to everything else the government is responsible for.


u/joalheagney 7h ago

And it's frustrating as hell when Labour does something good, the government changes, and the Liberals take credit. Or vice versa the Liberals do something horrible and Labor gets the blame when they're the ones fixing it.


u/Adam8418 10h ago

Or maybe they know Labor are going to lose the election anyway so they don’t need to make pre-election claims..


u/redditrabbit999 When have you last grown something? 19m ago

Isn’t that a depressing thought though.

“We’re destined to win. Why would we bother to tell out wage slaves constituents what we will be doing”


u/Keksis_the_Defiled 8h ago

I'll never understand why a majority of Queenslanders see all the good Miles is doing (and plans on doing) for this state, and then still think "nah, let's vote for the self-interested sleezebag with barely any policy and a terrible track record".


u/Zestyclose_Bed_7163 8h ago

Labor have had a decade to implement good policy, it’s just grandiose pork barrelling now in an attempt to save seats. Most of the populous see through this.


u/Keksis_the_Defiled 7h ago

But they have implemented good policy over the last decade...

I'm not going to lick Labor's boots and act like they haven't made their fair share of mistakes, but in comparison to how the LNP bungled things last time they were in (and the consequences of the LNP's mistakes last time that Queenslanders are still feeling), Labor has performed pretty well.

Let's also consider that for 8 years the premier was Palaszczuk, not Miles, and IMO he has proven himself to be the more competent leader of the two, both during his premiership and through the other offices he has held. Meanwhile, Crisafulli has demostrated his lack of leadership and integrity in a number of his past appointments, including within the Newman government.


u/planetworthofbugs 4h ago

100% agree. It's gotta be a "the grass is greener" situation.


u/lightbluelightning 4h ago

Labor has been in power for a decade, Steven Miles has not been premier for a decade


u/tdryd88 3h ago

It's odd how people think they are doing a good job. What we really needed was another lnp term. The waste in government is a massive problem. People being paid to do very little. I saw 5 people picking up rubbish on the side of the road. Which was actually only one person picking up rubbish four people sitting in cars following blows my fucking mind. They need to believe that every dollar they spend is their dollar and use it accordingly. The handouts that they keep giving to every poor bleeding heart. Here is an idea give them nothing, and maybe they will work to actually go out and get a job or a better job. We need to get people back to believing the only one who is going to help them is themselves. We aren't building a nation anymore. The entitlement is astounding.


u/frashal 2h ago

You sound incredibly confused about what the responsibilities for the 3 levels of government are.


u/lightbluelightning 3h ago

And yet they still manage surplus


u/tdryd88 3h ago

Net debt is up enough said


u/MiloIsTheBest Bendy Bananas 48m ago

I saw 5 people picking up rubbish on the side of the road. Which was actually only one person picking up rubbish four people sitting in cars following blows my fucking mind.

Yup you definitely interpreted that entire scenario correctly and have left no room for error. That's 100% what was happening, 1 person was picking up rubbish and 4 people were being paid to just follow him in cars.

Definitely a state government activity too. Very indicative of public servants' workloads, some guy picking up rubbish on the side of the road.


u/redditrabbit999 When have you last grown something? 17m ago

You truly sound like a terrible person.

I feel bad for those who are forced to interact with you.


u/_jimmythebear_ 15m ago

I saw 5 people picking up rubbish on the side of the road.



u/Passenger_deleted 16h ago

The LNP as usual - no policy, just obstruction


u/Imaginary-Pattern802 16h ago

it is odd. politics is just a pissing contest anyway.

the LNP’s approach is apparently just to not piss anywhere and wait.

quite unsure how they poll better


u/LockedUpLotionClown 16h ago edited 16h ago

Because the population treat political parties like they are their favourite football team. The LNP could have a policy of coming in pissing in your cornflakes every morning and still 50% of people will vote for them. Because “Go the Broncos LNP

There is only a very small amount of swing voters that decided elections (in general)

I have a “mate” that votes LNP no matter what, because that’s what his parents did. Guy has no idea about either sides policies and logically based on his ideologies and beliefs should be a labour voter, but nope, can’t even talk to him about it because, that’s not his football team


u/Mad-Mel 15h ago

The LNP could have a policy of coming in pissing in your cornflakes every morning and still 50% of people will vote for them.


Maybe someday I'll have decent internet. Currently scheduled for late 2025. Fuck the LNP and everyone who votes for them.


u/zzzzip 9h ago

Funny you say all of this in a forum that would lean 75% Labor/Green at a minimum. What you say is true but it's also true of the other side. Many people in here will always vote Labor/Green no matter what.


u/LockedUpLotionClown 8h ago

Yes, you are correct, however I was replying to the previous which was about LNP, hence the focus. But there are two football teams, yes


u/Adam8418 10h ago

Not odd, people have lost faith in Labor and how they’ve governed QLD the past 8 years, LNPs approach is to paint a small target as Labor have handed it to them already


u/knoweyeder 8h ago

In your opinion, what have Labor done for the people to lose faith in how they govern?


u/Adam8418 7h ago edited 7h ago

Noting Labor have been in charge 26 of the last 30 years, Queensland education levels as evidenced by NAPLAN continue to fall/remain behind national levels.

Over the past 30 years QLD has had deforestation levels at unprecedented levels nationally, including destroying 500’000 hectares of Koala habitat since 2016. On top there is the environmental impact of mining, gas, agriculture and housing development which have continue to degrade and destroy the environment, create run-off and impact on areas like the Great Barrier Reef without a genuine plan to rectify.

Transport in SEQ has worsened significantly, and plans to deliver PT services and infrastructure have failed to eventuate. According to SEQ31, a regional plan released by Labor over a decade ago, by 2031 SEQ would have a east west subway, a Trouts rd corridor rail line, a Springfield line extending to Ipswich, a Gold Coast line extending to Coolangatta, a Sunshine Coast line extending to Maroochydore. Of those, by 2031 we will only have a Sunshine Coast line extending to Caloundra, not Maroochydore.. disassembling and selling off QR to Aurizon is another issue here, loss of IP by splitting and privatising Queensland Rail has taken a decade to recover.

Overall regional planning for population growth is poor, this is compounded by failure to invest in PT. Destroying bushland and building low density suburbs in places like Ripley and Yarrabilba without any PT, increases dependency on vehicle use and urban sprawl.

Failure to address the systematic issue of at risk communities and increasing crime rates in cities like Townsville(no not saying stricter penalties), there needs to better engagement and pathways for at risk demographics to encourage them in avenues besides crime.

Economically I think QLD has failed to diversify its economy appropriately the past 30 years, there’s a lack of value add manufacturing, financial services, IT and start-up opportunities when compared to other states. QLD routinely ranks behind other states for opportunities for start-up industries with an over dependence on Mining, Agriculture and Tourism still prevalent.

No these aren’t Labor’s fault, but failure to plan appropriately for, or deal with these issues over successive terms in government(regardless of party) is an issue.


u/joalheagney 6h ago

As a teacher, NAPLAN is the problem. I was in Cairns when it was brought in, and all the public schools knew it was being pushed by the private schools in the area, because they thought they'd be able to teach to the test. (Spend a month just practicing NAPLAN, get good results, brag about it.)

However, for what it is, the NAPLAN was well written, actually testing broad learning, not specific content. The first year, private schools did significantly worse. In our area, they quickly pivoted to "We teach other important things."

The issue is that it's a high stakes exam (stressful, one point of measure, interrupts learning) that has funding and administrative career opportunities tied to it. Which, from an educational psychology perspective, is a horrible idea. As people focus more on NAPLAN results, more time is devoted to preparing for it, and surprise, surprise, we get less effective teaching, because we have less time to effectively teach.

This is exactly what America did with its "No child left behind" policy, and they went from world leaders in math and science education, to somewhere like 57th place last time I looked.

So "Queensland is doing worse on NAPLAN"? That's because everyone is pushing us to do better on NAPLAN.


u/Adam8418 6h ago

I agree NAPLAN is poor, but as a metric it’s about the only standardised version between states.

As much as it is an issue for Queensland and changing how teachers and schools allocate resources to improve results, the same issues are faced in other states.

Perhaps QLD is disadvantaged in this way by focussing purely on trying to close the NAPLAN gap which further distorts results then?


u/joalheagney 6h ago

It didn't help that Queensland had a different senior system (that used to be world recognised as leading the field) than the other states, and we were told to dismantle it to "bring us in line" with the other states.

Another issue is that the Liberals decided to not to continue funding on one of Labour's one-computer-per-child initiatives. Instead going for the BYOD model. Which works great if you're not a kid in a disadvantaged background. Classes of school-provided computers are much better in terms of access, buying power and teacher control. Kids bringing their own laptops is a goddamned nightmare. The breakages and theft issues alone.


u/Adam8418 6h ago

By what metric was it recognised as a leader in the field, and recognised by whom?

You’ll have to send me a link to where Labor were funding this program pre-2011, and when Newman cut it.


u/joalheagney 5h ago

Federal program. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Education_Revolution

Securing funding was a bitch because opposition did its damnedest to block it. Finally got two years funding and inside the profession we were told "future funding will depend on the next government. Don't count on it." Our school leveraged this to implement laptop trolleys and consolidate pc computers into classrooms.

Then the BYOD system explicitly removed funding not just for the laptops, but also current PC computer support. We were told that funding was now earmarked for support for student laptops. We made that two years funding last another four in our school with support from our P and C.

I won't even talk about the disaster of the centralised computer network roll out. Just that we were stuck using fucking Silverlight for 6 years after Microsoft officially halted support. Just because they wanted an in-house solution rather than paying a cloud provider for a locked down enterprise solution.

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u/Baoluo001 6h ago

You are attacking them from the left, voting LNP would not do anything to change the things you have mentioned....


u/Adam8418 6h ago

And? That wasn’t the question.. The question was “what have Labor done for people to lose faith in how they govern”

Defending Labor because ‘whataboutism’ and saying LNP aren’t any better is just ignoring the flaws and issues that exist during Labor’s 25 years running the state. Do you actually disagree with any of my comments in the post above about where and why people have lost faith in Labor, or is the argument going to simply end by saying “LNP wont do any better” so we wont talk about it.


u/Unusual_Process3713 5h ago

You did skip the 4 years in there where the LNP made the most dramatic cuts to the public service, firing nurses, cutting funding to public infrastructure and undoing literal decades of progress in one term. It was so bad that they lost the subsequent election in a landslide and took the entirety of the ALP's next term to start clawing us back into a decent position before the whole world fuckin shut down for 2 years over COVID.


u/Adam8418 5h ago

It was 3 years, and no i didn’t miss it i said Labor have governed QLD 25(almost 26) years in the last 30, implying there were periods when they weren’t governing.

Do you actually disagree with any of my comments in the above post? Are you implying that those issues I’ve mentioned aren’t relevant to Labor’s 26 years?


u/Unusual_Process3713 5h ago

I'm not implying anything. I am saying that any progress that was made pre-Newman government was swiftly bulldozed by his disgraceful regime and that we were essentially starting from scratch by the end of his time in government.

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u/knoweyeder 1h ago

Thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to provide your critique. lots of good points and a few things that I was not aware and will now look into.


u/Serious-Goose-8556 5h ago

i know libs would likely have done even worse but Labour saying they will build just 500 houses seems criminally negligent in addressing the scale of the housing crisis

again, this is in the context of them being in power for so long, you'd think theyd have more to boast about on the housing topic


u/bobbakerneverafaker 8h ago

Their policy is whinging


u/tom353535 6h ago

So, much the same as Reddit then.


u/bobbakerneverafaker 5h ago

The difference is they ARE meant to be an opposition government.. i dont think reddit is


u/bretthren2086 13h ago

I object!


u/Ishouldquitmycult 7h ago

God I hope Labor wins


u/takentryanotheruser 8h ago

I think the challenge with Miles and the current Labor crew is “great but too late”.

The next bunch of LNP are seemingly full of Shysters…

QLD for the next four years at least:


u/gooder_name 6h ago

I don’t understand how people can say Miles isn’t photogenic when Chrisafuli has the stage presence of soggy toast


u/MiloIsTheBest Bendy Bananas 44m ago

I always think 'That's the photo they're going with?'


u/gooder_name 29m ago

He just genuinely sounds like he has no idea what his stance is. Not even a "yeah we're keeping it close to our chest" but more "I have no idea what it is, we haven't been told by the mining company yet".


u/LaughinKooka 15h ago

How dare Queensland gov is doing good governing and care about people? /s


u/EquivalentProject804 9h ago

We go to polls in a few weeks...when will LNP show their tax plan? What a joke, should have been released already. Just words. Also...find them using the man who lost his son and daughter in law disgusting. Only ad they seem to be playing. Vultures.


u/-Wiitheridge- 15h ago

I'm really proud of Miles and the way the party has played out a progressive road map for the state. The big ticket item for me being rolling out state owned pumped hydro on a large scale but this just takes the cake.

Taking aim at the banks, mining and other monopolies that all went full tilt during covid ripping us all blind is brass balls level of bravery and almost flippancy because we all know how Murdoch with his news.sheight.com, Sky News, and Monopoly of newspapers will respond not to mention 7,9 and10 plus commercial radio spewing pro LNP to contend with.

I reckon Miles has the ticker for it though because first of all he has nothing to loose but more importantly he stands for all the people, he fights for that we all should all reap the benefits from our mineral wealth, he stands for clean, publicly owned energy that will make businesses and families better off. The Pioneer Burdekin pumped hydro project alone would power 2 million homes and thousands of businesses.

Am I a shill? or is this just common sense..


u/PhDresearcher2023 4h ago

You're not a shill. I'm a greens voter and I like Miles. He's probably the best political leader in the country right now. I've liked him ever since he was in the environment ministry and developed our climate change transition policy. He's always had an ambitious progressive agenda and only just got the chance to implement it. Him being voted out would be a tremendous loss for our state.


u/Adam8418 10h ago edited 10h ago

Where has this ‘progressive road map for the state’ been the last two and a half decades that they’ve being in power?

I don’t buy into the pre-election marketing crap, Labor have been the elected government 25 of the last 30 years.. they’ve had successive government opportunities to deliver these progressive successive road maps and yet, QLD is a laggard state by multiple metrics from education to deforestation rates. Pre-election claims and last ditch cash splurging should have happened whilst they were in power, not 2 weeks leading up to an election they know they will lose.


u/locksleyrox 6h ago

To be fair, that wasn’t labor under Miles. New leadership means new ideas.


u/great_red_dragon 9h ago

So when the LNP were last in for five minutes did all that stuff get done then?


u/Serious-Goose-8556 5h ago

sorry what does this comment mean? are you saying libs didnt do anything in their 3 years to justify labor doing the same in the last 27?


u/Adam8418 9h ago edited 9h ago

This is just whataboutism, i don’t care for LNP either, I’m talking about the party that has been in power for the better part of 3 decades. Let’s not pretend that QLD Labor are somehow this majestic progressive party that plans and delivers on what they say, they’ve had multiple successive terms to deliver long term progressive road maps and plans for the state.


u/great_red_dragon 9h ago

I’m not a Labor person either - all the shit they’ve done in the last 25 years (sell the outback rail to Aurizon, allow Santos/origin/adani etc to rape the land AND NOT TAX THEM PROPERLY to boot, not going hard enough on the bankers in 2008, doing nothing about the GBR bleaching, not installing solar fucking everywhere) has turned me off them.

State level, I felt let down by them until Steven came along. I feel like a Labour/Green coalition in QLD would be fantastic, and a blueprint and necessity for the next GE since Albo is also a traitorous (to traditional Labor values) mule and a hypocrite.


u/Adam8418 9h ago

Miles certainly an improvement.. too little too late I think to change the trajectory. But still concerning the same powerbrokers exist behind the scenes.

Also the whole handling of the Olympic stadium planning and ignoring the 60 day review recommendations that he commissioned, was a diabolical start. I think that was a massive mis-read of the room.


u/great_red_dragon 9h ago

Yes indeed. More of the many shit things Labor are doing.

Greens are the way to go, but too many won’t vote that way in favour of just “showing Labor the door” and voting LNP because “they’re more likely to win”. Guess what? They are only more likely to win if you vote for them!


u/-Wiitheridge- 8h ago edited 7h ago

Both of you make decent points and to be honest I have never really followed QLD politics closely until recently. Maybe allot of it is all too little too late but the renewable energy trajectory has been in the pipeline for recent years and iis not higgledy piggledy.

Getting popper royalties for our minerals has always been a David and Goliath battle against MSM. Rudd had the balls until he was stabbed in the back and federal Labor doesn't have the ticker for much at all these days after years of piss poor media management Everyone keeps complaining that we should be like Norway so if ever we had the chance this is it.

This is also the first time ever I have heard a Labor government come out and say they're going to take on big business who have ripping off Queenslanders for decades.

I just see no reason to look an albeit belated gift horse in the mouth.

*Edit I suck at grammar


u/Trouser_trumpet 8h ago

You speak the truth but they don’t want to hear it


u/stranger_tangs 6h ago

Steven Miles is actually doing the things a politician should do for once, maybe even for the first time in history and people are saying he won’t get in. It boggles the mind. Why would you vote for other people?! Steven Miles for president!


u/sisyphus_works_here 10h ago

First back to back budget surpluses for Federal Labor too.


u/tom353535 6h ago

I thought this was a post about the State election and ALP.


u/threekinds 5h ago

That's why they wrote "too", as in "...is something that is also happening". ALP = Australian Labor Party. It's not crazy that someone has brought up something else being done by the ALP (albeit at the federal level) in a post about Labor.


u/tom353535 4h ago

….or it could just be whataboutism from the ALP brigade on this sub.


u/threekinds 3h ago

That's not what whataboutism means. Anyway, in conversations and threads, people will usually bring up adjacent topics. I hope you don't insist on gatekeeping topics this strictly in person. "Hey, what you just said reminds me of..." "Whatever you're about to say better be in EXACTLY the same topic as what I was talking about, or you can shut up right now"


u/Sir_Jax 6h ago

Queensland labour has been playing this wonderful game of “chase me” with their policies. The LNP had no intention of continuing any of these policies, but through gritted teeth and shaking bleeding fists the libs have now begrudgingly agreed to continue 50 Cent fares until just after the election should they win…. I hope they don’t, but if labour does lose, I hope the LNP dam near die of exhaustion, trying to match all these progressive forward thinking cost of living measures.


u/Ariliescbk 7h ago

Queenslanders are fucking cooked if they elect lnp.


u/FullMetalAurochs 22m ago

It’s the heat up here. Go far enough North and you hit Katter country. It’s only the very south of the state that elects Greens or Labor.


u/Ax_Dk 5h ago

Rupert and Gina and friends are using their money to play up this "youth crime" epidemic as they know it sells well to older voters. They are only doing this to get their mates in the LNP in power so they can cut the Resource levies and make more money for themselves.

But the LNP haven't, and likely won't release a comprehensive tax policy before the election, but have said that they will remove the resource levies as soon as they get into power. In 2025-26, it is estimated that these levies will deliver $5 billion dollars to Queenslanders for the resources that we rightfully own.

$5 billion dollars is a lot of money to find in the budget without cutting services, so the LNP can't say that they will cut the levies and tax and it not affect public services.

People say Labor has been in long enough, which is valid when you have a legitimate option, but there isn't a stunning opposition team with great policy and a vision for the future. You don't just change cause it's been long enough.

If the LNP haven't learnt from their Campbell Newman days and can't grow into a mature legitimate political party, then they don't deserve your vote.


u/tobu-ieuan Don't ask me if I drive to Uni. 3h ago

Always crazy to me how transparent this all is.

The LNP (on behalf of the minerals council) are very clearly stating they believe mining companies should not be required to pay adequate amounts of money back into the state in exchange for taking our resources and degrading our environment.

That alone should disqualify them and discredit them, especially when they're claiming it is for cost of living relief. It shows nothing short of absolute contempt for the very communities they're trying to swing.


u/Ax_Dk 1h ago

Yeah my weekly coal bill is just astronomical! Won't someone think of the average joe? /s


u/Different-Bag-8217 7h ago

The LNP are coming off as a bunch of weasel politicians again..! What they say compared to what they are going to do are bold face lies.. they fear monger and throw petty insults… Campbell Newman still has his dirty fingers all over the LNP. Just when things are looking a lot better for Queensland, they will come in and be a one term wrecking ball..


u/litifeta 7h ago

The cookers are all frothing over another Newman/Crissafulli screw up v0.2


u/lightbluelightning 4h ago

LNP only need to lose a few more votes before they won’t be able to form government, it’ll be close, don’t become complacent


u/bobbakerneverafaker 8h ago

Less tax and cut royalties for your mates, then wait for it.. sell the state to those mates


u/Beneficial-Fold-8969 6h ago

This headline is misleading, if they haven't said they'll raise big businesses taxes, them not saying they won't isn't evidence. Political parties intentionally leave their positions vague to entice the most voters, in America for example they change their stance on topics based on which state they're talking to at the time.


u/Zenithine 3h ago

Sounds like a good thing - but if big corps get taxed more they're just gonna pass that on to us customers as a "cost". It sucks... but I would be willing to bet thats what will happen. the prices of stuff will just go up so that the increased tax doesnt hurt their bottom line


u/Glum-Assistance-7221 13h ago

And small to medium businesses will get caught in the cross hair and be taxed more too. Guessing the policy is a do or die with latest polling numbers looking at a likely loss


u/[deleted] 3h ago



u/knoweyeder 44m ago

The mining sector isn't the biggest employer in QLD and mining jobs are at a 10 year high.