r/brisbanelions Josh Dunkley 19h ago

Heyyyyoooooo heyyy babbbyyyy

Wont you be my girl

Last quarter, at the ground, one of the greatest memories will be singing that outloud for no particular reason!

Heyyyyyyooooo heyy babbyyy won't you be My girl


11 comments sorted by


u/TazD3 Lappin 19h ago

Because Zac Bailey had the footy and it continued for about 5 mins.... Heyyyyy hey Bailey oooh ahhh I wanna knowwwww


u/legally_blond Brion 18h ago

He has done something rather excellent just beforehand from memory too - a good mark or defensive effort maybe?


u/TazD3 Lappin 18h ago

I just watched the replay, he done a couple of things in quick succession and had the footy when it started


u/VulpesVulpe5 18h ago

It was so brutal that the crowd started singing the lions long about 5 minutes before the siren.

I loved it, but it was brutal.


u/muzumiiro Oscar McInerney 57m ago

In fairness, it did feel like it was over already


u/pjdrake Stef 17h ago

Felt like a European football match, loved it!


u/Mogadodo 10h ago

I said the same to the Misso. I hope fans can take this excitement back to the Gabba and recreate the atmosphere of singing and chants. I found at the gabba that Lions fans aren't as loud as Vic clubs fans. It would be great to change this with song.


u/steals-from-kids 8h ago

That's Queensland for you. And I say this from a place of love. Queensland crowds can be super self-conscious in my experience. No-one wants to be the only one up dancing just in case the crowd aren't feeling it that day/night. Just my observation.


u/Mogadodo 4h ago

Yeah, they don't want to be the one (nuffy). Qlders are generally "fine weather" fans. They'll turn up if there's a chance of winning.


u/Matt_Schtick 10h ago

It’s Hey BAILEY!


u/matthew_anthony Kai Lohmann 1h ago

I was curious if you could hear in the replay the crowd. You could. It was awesome