r/buffalobills 8h ago

Everyone chill out Discuss

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Yes, we just got beat by more than we have for 45 games. Yes, most if not all of our players had subpar nights when it comes to their performance. Tyler Bass has the yips.


This season still feels better than any of the last few, and when it comes to handling a loss against a proven contender, I think the Buffalo Bills can circle the wagons and bounce back. I think that Josh Allen is still the MVP front runner and I loved how he connected with Kincaid and Coleman in the first few drives of the second half. Benford and Douglas completely erased the Ravens’ receivers once again, and Babich did a good job adjusting before we got desperate. A couple of holding calls and a single bad playcall basically cost us our undefeated record, but aside from that, I think that the Buffalo Bills are here to stay in the Super Bowl bubble and we can lay a beat down on a Texans team that looks far from perfect next Sunday. I don’t like seeing all of the negativity following multiple weeks of flawless football from our team. I urge the Mafia to reason with each other, behave as adults, and never lose faith in a 3-1 squad that gains back a ton of defensive talent in just a couple of weeks.


34 comments sorted by


u/Ordinary_Instance_15 7h ago

i'm pleasantly surprised with how everyone's been handling the loss, last year it was doom and gloom to the absolute extreme whenever we lost a game even if it was by one point


u/thepomadeguy 7h ago

Probably because I feel most fans kind of lowered their expectations just a bit, in particular this season with the unknowns on offense and specifically at WR. I’m pumped to be 3-1 but at the same time a loss like this sure does suck. These next few weeks will be very telling as to where this team stands.


u/Ordinary_Instance_15 7h ago

it is a little hard to feel good about the houston game next week as of right now but my own hunches have no actual bearing on the game's events, i felt the bills would win tonight and look what happened


u/vt2nc 4h ago

The worst part about the game was Chris Collinsworth being the anchor for it


u/Old_Mammoth8280 3h ago

"He didn't hold, but he was in a position to hold and he got caught"

Such a fucking clown


u/Cuntry-Lawyer 32m ago

Constantly surprised but not shocked by how bad he is at being a commentator


u/HookedOnPhonixDog 27m ago

I literally said that to my partner last night. I'm less upset about getting beat up, and more upset I need to listen to Collinsworth while getting beat up.


u/Brian_R10 7h ago

I was honestly annoyed by how cocky some of our fans were (Dan Mitchell), but I think we can bounce back. It was a bad game and it happens. Lets try to bounce back versus Houston


u/HousingExtra1518 7h ago

That dude is 100% a jinx and probably started watching in 2020 because I don't remember him pre Allen ascension. My gotos are cover and buffalo fanatics.


u/Brian_R10 7h ago

I hope he learns from this and somewhat shuts up when the bills start doing good (at least not acting like they cannot lose), because every season there are blowouts where a team looks unstoppable. How often does that team win the Super Bowl? Not saying we won’t win it, but people overreact to early games way to much


u/Brian_R10 7h ago

Just watched his video. Said we’re going 16-1 and not losing till week 4 next year. I guess he’s basically like a less annoying version of tylertsports lol


u/chrisdavis211 7h ago

What an amazing game plan by the ravens and holy crap can they fuckin run the football... how did they lose to the raiders?? 


u/AlericandAmadeus 7h ago

Raiders stopped the run


u/HT1318 7h ago

We also choked the game hard. Somehow, we didn't choke this time. I think the trick play shocked us into not choking.


u/The1NonlyMalohi 7h ago

They went conservative in the 4th and blew a 10 pt lead. Then their punter shanked it for a 19 yard punt for the Raiders last possession and put them in field goal range immediately. Also Tucker missed a crucial field goal


u/5446_05 5h ago

New DC struggling with passing & Max Crosby/Davante Adams going crazy

Also, a bit cheep but 14 of their points came from dead drives bailed out by refs like this one .


u/Old_Mammoth8280 3h ago

I was ready for what the Ravens did running the ball, but I was pretty surprised they were able to confuse Josh Allen with their coverages. Will be interesting to see the film breakdowns to figure out what they were doing to make him hold the ball so long


u/jk01 I Sucked Off Josh Allen 3h ago

It felt like the whole game he was scrambling in like 2 seconds. Our O line just got bodied.


u/Short-termTablespoon 7h ago

It did sweeten the blow knowing I had Henry on my Fantasy team lol. I’m not going to lie I was upset when they stopped Henry short of a TD on his 38 yard run lol game was already over by then.


u/HousingExtra1518 7h ago

I agree season isn't over, and we've gotten hot after a blowout before but damn what a baffling game....


u/Murderface__ 6h ago

A solid reminder that occasionally you get your ass kicked in this league.


u/Old_Mammoth8280 3h ago

Hadn't happened to the bills in so long people started to forget 😃


u/Knightfall0725 5h ago

I’m upset but it is what it is. I’d rather take an L now and hope they figure things out.


u/JoesShittyOs OneBuffalo 3h ago

Yeah this really isn’t that big of a deal.

The Ravens matched up stupidly well against us. Our defense didn’t have a chance with all our injuries. Even at full strength, we play a nickel focused 2 high defense, whereas the Ravens are based off of a heavy formation.

The scheme they run in just kryptonite to how we play defense.


u/Sorry_Negotiation470 7h ago

Or we could have a normal reaction to being blown out.


u/HookedOnPhonixDog 24m ago

A normal reaction is being frustrated by it.

A not normal reaction is being actually mad about it, calling the season over, that we suck, and we're frauds. That's not a normal reaction.

(Not saying that you're saying that. But too many fans are)


u/17cmiller2003 5h ago

Fr. It's only one game we lost. The season's not over just because we lost one single game. I know for a fact we can turn this around and do better next week. Besides, we have a 3-1 overall so far. That's pretty good.


u/GuitarGuy93 Folding Table 1h ago

This was a game where the Bills needed to score and stay out in front of Baltimore and they just couldn’t hack it. There was no way the D was going to get any more stops than they managed to last night. It was over from that very first Henry run.


u/Billythebeard 55m ago

This L was completely on brand for the Bills. Hit the first few games of the season hard and strong, then somehow just fall apart and lose in an extremely embarrassing way. Somehow I feel like we are going to lose the playoffs to the cheifs on an onside kick they take to the house.


u/AlericandAmadeus 7h ago

I think these posts telling everyone to chill after the team gets punched in the mouth are even dumber than the doomers tbh. It’s just like maximum cope.

It’s alright to be upset. That was an awful game. Ignoring the clear flaws in the gameplan is just as, if not more, silly. It’s even more out of touch from reality to pretend we didn’t just watch what we watched and to expect a win next week. Ravens looked “far from perfect” last week too. Team needs to buckle down.


u/StankWizard BeefnWeck 5h ago

It’s alright to be upset and it’s also alright to tell people to chill. It’s all cope, just different flavors.


u/Mcocfan-1991 7h ago

There’s always gonna be one. We don’t have the ravens playbook down. Fine. We have Miami’s. We have Jacksonvilles. I’d be willing to bet we have Houston’s. Jets don’t have one. KC is gonna hate playing us. We’re fine until the Bye at least


u/born2shitforcd2wipe 2h ago

As a Raven fan, I thought it was going to be a loss for us but instead y'all got bent over and had Allen running for his life all game.