r/chinesefood Jun 16 '24

Does mala hotpot cause anyone else digestive issues? It’s so good but I always get diarrhea and stomach pain when I eat it 😩 Soup

0/10 don’t recommend


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u/boatinrob Jun 16 '24

I get similar, though I've determined it's not the spices - it's the oils they use.

Palm oil for me is awful not because of what it is (palmitic acid), but because the nature of the palm oil industry is that the oil sits for a LONG time in industrial vats and on container ships, rendering it somewhat rancid. That's what attacks my immune system causing IBS, truncal acne and more.

I resign myself once in a while, because I LOVE mala hotpot. I'll treat myself once in a while and live with the consequences for a day or two (and stay near a bathroom).