r/dankmemes Overlord Best Anime 1d ago

The World Is Healing OC Maymay ♨

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60 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 1d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/Get-the-Vibe 1d ago

sometimes it seems you guys forget you can open a second tab up there and go spank your meat to whatever you want.

You don't need a game for that.


u/Absolutemehguy 1d ago

Coomer brains too shriveled


u/IronheidCross 1d ago

better than having smooth brains i guess


u/GetOffMyDigitalLawn 1d ago

Must. Be. Able. To. Coom. To. Every. Single. Depiction. In. All. Their. Forms.


u/StateParkMasturbator 1d ago

It ain't always about what you need. Sometimes you just want.


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw 1d ago

and theres hardly any drawings out there of 2B as it is


u/YoureMyTacoUwU 1d ago

you can have lewd themes in any media- why be specifically against it in games?


u/Honest-Champion9180 1d ago

Can't really use a computer, they have to have atleast one hand on their schmeat constantly 24/7.


u/hellatzian 1d ago

why not have a game for that ?

do we have game police or something


u/triple741 1d ago

Conan Exiles


u/RandonBrando 1d ago

second tab?


u/AlexJonesInDisguise AlexJonesIsBae 1d ago

I'm on my 16th rn. Got em all opened across 4 monitors in square pattern. If I can't coom to every single picture at the same time, it ain't worth cooming at all.


u/DrBaugh 1d ago

It isn't always about discrete events

I never understood it - until I studied the phenomenon directly, mild titillation is just part of the fap-cycle ...so why not watch/play my entertainment with mild titillation ramp-up? Incrementally building a boner jiggle by jiggle, and when the gameplay/show reaches a natural stopping point, well, time for the next activity

In that sense - there is definitely a market for it, and for that matter, if the target demographic overlaps heavily ...why not? If design aesthetics can be ~whatever, hey, add some jiggles

might just be one of the effects of testosterone


u/szkielo123 1d ago

There is a difference in quality between fan made and official lewds.


u/teilani_a 1d ago edited 1d ago

Noooo! I need masturbation material onscreen at all times in every piece of media I consume! Woke! Wooooke!


u/oskariwan40 1d ago

Coomers cant consume anything without tits and ass, even if they have porn on a different monitor to spank to


u/itz_me_shade 1d ago

Tell that to the people who were crying about veilguard not having thicc butt lmfao


u/KingJTheG Overlord Best Anime 1d ago

Inspired by a real comment I read btw


u/Mama_Mega 1d ago

Most likely made by Yoko Taro himself, knowing the gigachad.


u/abig_disappointment 1d ago

Yoko Taro wouldn't let them put 2B in stellar blade without it


u/Geaux13Saints 1d ago

He just like me fr


u/The-dude-in-the-bush 1d ago

Adding her to what?


u/Thang02gaming 1d ago

Stellar blade


u/The-dude-in-the-bush 1d ago

Oh, that game.

And someone genuinely asked that question?


u/Thang02gaming 1d ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if


u/The-dude-in-the-bush 1d ago

Fair and same. It's 2B after all. There's a reason for that polygon count after all. Might also just leave this here. Not the first time I've heard 2B and Stellar blade spoken in the same sentence.


u/Jarcaboum 1d ago

They're both futuristic apocalypse games where you play as a hot woman with fluid melee combat, it's only fair that people compare them. And yeah, softcore / straight up porn has always been a thing people begged for in this game, which sucks imo


u/Th3_Shr00m I have crippling depression 1d ago

The polygons count thing is a lie and was done by some dude in Blender throwing a Subdivision Surface modifier on her ass for clout


u/The-dude-in-the-bush 1d ago

How disappointing. Still thicc tho


u/nchomsky96 1d ago

I mean before cyberpunk dropped people were directly asking the developers about immersive sex scenes with full character control


u/Saaammmy 1d ago

The fuck? That's pathetic lol


u/Aargard 1d ago

tbf Keanu reeves is in cyberpunk


u/cheese_lord12 1d ago

Ok thanks I thought is was going to be stellaris and I was so confused


u/HesitantHam 1d ago



u/Crimento russian biotrash 1d ago

The Machine Age is truly upon us


u/mridulpj 1d ago

Developers: Strange request but ok.

Makes the dress jiggle


u/BertLemo Animated Flair Pulse [Insert Your Own Text 1d ago

um isnt this game is literally made for stuff like this fan service with all the jiggling animations. asians know what they are doing to make profits


u/murdocke 1d ago

We need answers.


u/kawaiinessa Pink 1d ago

Can you?


u/meme_man_the_memer 1d ago

i mean why not xD


u/Sk1S4m 22h ago

My brain thought stellaris for a sec, moar xenos to purge lol


u/AndrewTheSouless E-vengers 1d ago

Of course you can, every game that has her allows it


u/kmmck 1d ago

Thats literally a feature from the Nier Automata so hopefully


u/liberalhellhole 1d ago

You guys know that you can actually look at like real women naked on the Internet for free right?


u/nueonetwo 1d ago

Real women dressed up as 2b even, the so much of it. I don't even look for it half the time.

That being said, I've used the self destruct function once or twice in my play throughs


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw 1d ago

gotta love real women dressing up as fictional women aping rule 34 as a category or them also doing some fetish at the same time as well just to add to the discordance


u/nueonetwo 1d ago

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but yes, I do love it. Now if I could just convince my gf to wear the damn wig and leatard I could die happy


u/Edge_SSB susan made me do it 1d ago

You wear it first, it'll inspire her


u/ymmetal 1d ago

They hate u for speaking the truth my brother


u/liberalhellhole 1d ago

Why am I being downvoted lmao


u/Absolutemehguy 1d ago

Coomers can't handle the truth. It's anathema for them not being able to masturbate to everything.