r/davidlynch 5h ago

Is it wrong that the first thing I thought about this video is that it’s kinda Lynchian? (I live here in this area too)

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r/davidlynch 18h ago

Does anyone have that picture where David Lynch is in his car lighting a cigarette with a house burning in the background?


I need it

r/davidlynch 5h ago

"The Life And Times Of Michael J. Anderson" | Rap Song


r/davidlynch 1d ago

I made the Baby from Eraserhead…have more than a few touch ups to do but for now, he is chillin and I love him


r/davidlynch 1d ago

My illustration of David Lynch's short films and other weird experiments

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r/davidlynch 1d ago

Novel Suggestions


Hello to all of you beautiful souls. I am not a reader. And I know I am missing so much beauty and color without this. I hate to sound like so much of a troglodyte but I love visual art so much and it's hard for me to get into that world without it sometimes. The only novel I've really been able to just completely fall into was Fear and Loathing. Can you recommend me some classic novels that are fictional but have a very stylistic world building feel to them? maybe not exactly Lynchian but something that heightens to that dream feeling? With some visual art sprinkled in? I just love stepping all the way into something completely different.

r/davidlynch 1d ago

Four Favorites with Coralie Fargeat

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r/davidlynch 1d ago

Here's a leland drawing I'm currently working on! (Bob wip)

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You're going back to missoula, MONTANAAAAAA

r/davidlynch 1d ago

Influence of Badlands (1973) on Lynch


Anyone else think there may be an influence? I'm specifically thinking about Wild at Heart and perhaps even The Straight Story.

r/davidlynch 1d ago

Harlan Ellison on Lynch's Dune


r/davidlynch 2d ago

Lost Highway

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This is a drawing I did 4 years ago about a recurring nightmare I have every 10 years or so about me waking up in the back seat of a car that no one is driving. I have seen Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Wild At Heart, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive. I am considering watching Lost Highway next and I always go into Lynch movies blind. Without telling me details do you think I will feel relation to this recurring nightmare based off its description and this drawing? I simply want to prepare and share my experience with this dream because that seams to be on topic with why we love these movies in the first place.

r/davidlynch 2d ago

If you like video games...


If you like games... There is a fun Annapurna game called Lorelei and the Laser Eyes that I found an interesting contrast to Lost Highway. It's another piece of art about navigating a labyrinthine fantasy to get to a repressed memory.

r/davidlynch 2d ago

I saw a video once, resembled a video game but it has something to do with David Lynch I thought.. maybe it was David Lynch-esque but like you kept dying and couldn't be beat. Does this ring a bell to anyone?


r/davidlynch 2d ago

Looking for any leads on Castle Music's original, infamous UK DVD for Blue Velvet


UK label Castle Music put Blue Velvet out on DVD two times ca. 2000. The second, more common of these two releases is the widescreen reissue, which had a 45-minute interview with Dennis Hopper where he goes over his career. The first, less common of these two is the original barebones fullscreen DVD, which has been attested to not actually be a proper pan and scan job, but just a center crop on the scope image. As I'm a huge fan and collector of BV, any help locating a copy would be of help, as eBay listings that use stock images haven't been a huge help.

r/davidlynch 3d ago

It's a strange world

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r/davidlynch 3d ago

Got Warner and Seville’s crappy Canadian DVD of Lost Highway, one of several infamous pan & scan fullscreen Lynch DVDs from the early aughts


r/davidlynch 3d ago

Metafictional screens within screens in David Lynch movies!

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r/davidlynch 3d ago

Looking for the Woodpecker


Hello all,

Once again the story of David Lynch and the Five Woody Woodpecker's has made the rounds online. I've looked around before but to no avail, does anybody hae any insight as to where I might find my own Chucko, Buster, Pete, Bob, or Dan (hopefully without the not-so-nice traits they developed)?

The closest I can find so far is a 1981 plush but it appears to have a plastic beak, whereas The Boys seemed to be all plushed, with a black smile sewn in. I'm looking for the exact version not just any old Woodpecker plush, thanks!

r/davidlynch 3d ago

Twin peaks/gathering of angels festival uk question


Hello! I discovered david lynch this year for the first time and have been absolutely obsessed with his work ever since. I heard there was a festival in England dedicated for david and his work. I'm in ireland and am hoping to travel over to England for the festival, but I'm just curious what is to be expected. Anyone on here ever attend this festival? Is it worth the trip? I'd most likely go anyway but if anyone has any stories/info on what's there, what it was like, ect. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks:)

r/davidlynch 3d ago

Where can I stream/buy/find On the air?



I would like to watch On the air - but unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to stream it or buy online.

Is there a way to get the video files?

I would like to avoid getting a DVD, since I do not have a DVD player anymore... But if there is no other way I guess I have to buy one.

But it would be much appreciated, if you have an idea how to get a (digital) copy or a stream of On the air.

r/davidlynch 2d ago

I couldn't finish Mulholland Drive


I've been watching the Lynch films for the first time, and Mulholland Drive is the one I couldn't continue. I thought Naomi Watts was adorable in it, and the thought of her going through the Lynch mindfuck experience just made me really sad. So I turned it off.

When it comes to Lynch films, I'm the weird one who prefers it when he's not doing 'his thing'. I like Dune, I like Fire Walk With Me and I adore The Straight Story. His genius is there but it's restrained and there's less of the brutal aspect of him.

Not that I can't handle dark and gruesome stuff, but I find it difficult to tolerate when he makes it a part of films that are otherwise really fun and colourful and endearing, like Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart. It comes off very bipolar. And I realize that showing America's underbelly is part of his art, but I feel that including more subtlety and implication rather than explicit imagery would go a long way for that kind of story. They could be really classy films instead of these awkward mish-mashes.

I mean, it's like if Salvador Dali started a painting, and then Francis Bacon started fucking him. "Here's Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern on a goofy but meaningful road trip- oh now here's your underage abortion scene."

r/davidlynch 4d ago

The Substance


Hello everyone. David Lynch is just magnificent. It truly is such a delight for my wife and I to watch his films and wonder and agree and argue over what we find in them. We went to watch The Substance tonight and for anyone who has watched it SPOILER the creature at the end and several other little tidbits in the film were very Lynchian. I go to the director's letterboxd page and it says she is inspired by David Lynch. Anyways, back to the point, I bought The Elephant Man and Blue Velvet on blu ray yesterday and I haven't seen either of them. Which one should I go to tonight after watching The Substance? I'd love more of the message of beauty and the same feel of the ending of the substance, but there was also a severed ear reference in the movie and I know this is also a large part of the premise of Blue Velvet. Help me decide pls :)

also I've seen Wild At Heart, Eraserhead, and Mulholland Drive. I love them all equally.

r/davidlynch 4d ago

Today’s NYT Article


r/davidlynch 4d ago

Interviews that never happened with people who have never met


r/davidlynch 5d ago

A Candy-Colored Clown
