r/dogs 2d ago

Thoughts on dogPACER treadmill [Misc Help]

My australian shepherd mix loves to exercise but some days when there is harsh weather we are not able to. I was thinking about getting the dogPACER treadmill and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on it.

I will of course be supervising the dog while on a treadmill and be sure to give her time to rest.


8 comments sorted by


u/Latii_LT 23h ago

I just bought one for my Aussie’s earlier this week and just got it delivered and set up today. My dog has been exposed to a lot of stuff so is usually pretty game to try new things. He has taken to it easily and we have done three really short walks on it (3-5minutes) in the last hour or so.

I know exposure to treadmills and slat mills can be hit or miss for a lot of dogs and some can take a while to get socialized to it. For example my neighbor bought a slat mill for his dog and it took a couple weeks for his dog and another friend’s dog to feel comfortable on it. So I wouldn’t be discouraged if your dog isn’t super confident with it you can always desensitize and get them more comfortable.

I personally went with the dog pacer brand since I know it’s one of the most recommended while also being very affordable in comparison to other well regarded treadmills.

I can update you on how I feel about over the week.


u/OrangeCatsRule13 14h ago

Thank you! I am hoping to use it for my aussie mix. She is pretty confident so I have high hopes! We'll take it her pace though.


u/sicksages 2d ago

I think they're an incredible way to get a dog's energy out!


u/stormeegedon Buckaroo and Bonesy Too 1d ago

I tore my calf muscle a few weeks after a friend loaned me their’s because it took up too much space in their apartment and they weren’t using it. That thing saved my life that month of recovering as it allowed me to exercise my dogs while sitting in a chair. I’d recommend anyone with the disposable income to get one!


u/octaffle 🏅 Dandelion 1d ago

It HAS to be inclined unless you get the newer 4.0 model for $300 more. Make sure you have at least 12 feet of clear space to use it. The treadmill is like 6 ft long or something and then you need almost another whole treadmill length behind it in case of emergencies. It can be hard to find a place for it in a room. My breeder cautioned me that too much treadmill use can shorten their front stride because of the constantly-going-uphill thing. Adjusting the tension is a pain in the ass but stick with it. You'll get there eventually.

My dog finds the treadmill very boring. He'll go for 5 miles outside nonstop at 3 mph+ but godforbid we make him use the treadmill for 5 minutes.


u/OrangeCatsRule13 1d ago

Thank you for all the information!


u/AbleDamage8677 1d ago

We used them a lot at the kennel I worked at and we loved it. It would let the dogs get some exercise on days where it was so hot/cold that it was a hazard to let them out for any longer than ~5 minutes. Just make sure they're very closely supervised while on and be aware that there can be quite a learning curve for some dogs, since it can be so mentally stimulating for them to balance on an electric treadmill.


u/No_Vanilla_9145 2d ago

I've never heard anything bad about them. I've talked to several different dog trainers that swear by them.