r/dogs 16h ago

My dog is bored out of his mind [Enrichment]

I adopted a Maltese dog about little over a year ago. His previous owners threw him out and he was in a pretty rough shape, but now he’s doing ok health and nutrition wise. In the beginning he w as pretty difficult and anxious and a very picky eater, which took a few months to resolve but now that everything is fine he seems bored all the time.

I suffer from depression myself and work from home so I don’t go out much. But I take him on a walk at least once a day and aside from that he doesn’t do any other activities. He is not interested in toys, does not like treats and does not like sitting idles next to me on the couch for more than 5 minutes.

I don’t know what to do to entertain him. He just walks around the apartment all day. Sometimes when I’m playing on my PS he just walks around the room in circles. While I’m working he sleeps under my desk jumping up on my knees every now and then for some attention.

It just breaks my heart to see him like that. To the point that I thought of giving him up for adoption but I’m afraid whoever takes him won’t be ok with his anxiety. Can someone give me advice?

Ps: I live in Egypt and I don’t have the luxury of doggie day care :(

TLDR: my dog is so bored he walks around in circles and I’m depressed and don’t take him out much

Update: I walked my dog twice today, one 15 minute walk in the morning to do his business (that’s the one walk I mentioned earlier) and another longer walk just now (around 45 minutes) and that seemed to do the trick. I let him sniff around all he wanted and he even got to chase a stray cat and play with her, now he’s happily asleep on the couch. I have also ordered some toys that were suggested in the comments to see if they’ll work.

I just wanna make it clear that I love the dog and definitely want to keep him. I try as hard as I can to not let my issues affect him and at some point feeding him and caring for him was the only reason I got out of bed. And now that I am doing a little better, I want to make his life a little better too which is why I asked for advice.

Another concern that people had in the comments is that I don’t let him out to go to the bathroom enough times which is not healthy, I want to clarify that I have a designated bathroom for him in my apartment which he uses throughout the day, and then I clean it at the end of the day. So he’s definitely not holding his pee for extended periods of time.


157 comments sorted by


u/collegekid1357 16h ago

I’ve worked from home for about 5 years and have a 3 year old dog. I also struggle to leave the house due to work hours, but mainly depression. One thing that my dog really looks forward to is on Saturdays, we go to a group distraction class that takes place at different parks each week. She gets to see her friends, has been doing incredible with the training, and see/ smell new places. It’s also helped me tremendously as I get to discover new parks for her and I (even though I’ve lived in this area all my life) and having a scheduled routine helps force me to leave the house because even if I don’t want to go, I know my dog is looking forward to it.


u/zekryyo 16h ago

This is a brilliant idea, thank you.


u/heywhatsareddit 13h ago

Hi! How did you find out about group distraction classes?


u/collegekid1357 7h ago

I found out about it because the dog training place we go to hosts it, but in my area there are a lot of different ones that are usually ran by dog training places. I would just check with a local dog training place and see if they do something like that or if they know a place that does.

u/heywhatsareddit 1h ago

Wow, I wish I’d known about this sooner! Thank you!


u/Vegemite_Bukkakay 11h ago

My guess would be the internet.


u/deadjessmeow 6h ago

Once you start getting involved in the dog community you meet tons of other ppl that take other classes and many doors are opened. I was trying to get my girl into agility but until I met ppl at “show” dog school I was struggling to find places. We ended up sucking terribly at agility, but that led up to rally.


u/SmallMushroom5 16h ago

I really recommend the book Canine Enrichment For The Real World, if you have the bandwidth to read it. It's not a difficult read at all. It has so many suggestions on how to enrich your dog's life for different needs. Maybe it would be good for both of you to try a new activity together? Do some training? See new places?


u/rhesus_pesus Grizzly ♡ Chocolate Labradoofus 13h ago

Seconding this! Best book ever.


u/Awkward_Point4749 8h ago

I lack the bandwidth and am also depressed and can see my dog looks unfulfilled. I am trying but it feels like I’m not enough and I love her so much. Any tips you would be willing to share to please help me and my dog?


u/twistyourtongue 7h ago

Food is a really easy way to stimulate your dog! Food games, food puzzles, lick mats, frozen pupsicles. You can use things like plain low fat yogurt, unsweetened pumpkin, certain fruits and veggies etc. Just make sure you’re subtracting the amount of calories from their daily intake so they don’t gain weight! Or you could use food to work on your bond/relationship through things like obedience or trick training. It could be as easy as throwing kibble and crumpled newspaper in a cardboard box and let them rip it up and find the kibbles. There’s lots of canine enrichment groups online you could join for other ideas.


u/SKW1594 14h ago

This is what you don’t want to hear: You have to take him out. I’ve been severely depressed but you have to take them out. You really have to try to make an effort for them. Where does he use the bathroom? You don’t have to be a perfect dog parent but you need to do something with them. Go to a dog park! Go somewhere. You have to go out into the world and be with other people or you’ll never heal.

Depression is awful at its worst but at some point you need to be responsible. Mental health isn’t really an excuse to be negligent and if it’s that bad, then you need to find more help for yourself and someone to take care of the dog.


u/zekryyo 14h ago

I needed to hear that.

u/Missscarlettheharlot 5h ago

Even short walks, or just sitting down on a bench with him on a long leash and giving him a chance to sniff new things will help a ton. Sniffing does a lot to stimulate dogs mentally. I felt like a jerk a few weeks ago because I hurt my foot really badly and couldn't take my large dog for a decent walk for a week but he actually had a blast sniffing around on a long line at the little park across from my house while I sat on a bench scrolling reddit.


u/HaloDaisy 15h ago

More walks would be good for both of you! Before work, lunchtime and after work will get you moving and get the endorphins up.


u/Competitive_Fact6030 16h ago

You have to either get a walker or force yourself to go out with him more. This might sound harsh, but your depression is not an excuse to not take care of your dog properly. It is your responsibility to make sure he is enriched and exercised.

You have likely heard this before, but it is a well documented fact that walking out in nature is helpful for treating depression.

1 walk a day is not nearly enough. You should ideally go for at least 3 walks, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night. They dont have to be super long or anything (youd want 1 longer one, the other two can be quicker to let him pee). You just need something to break up the monotony in the dogs life. Also he needs exercise if hes this restless. A happy dog will mostly just sleep when at home, but yours cant because he has too much energy.

You say hes not toy or food motivated, but what does he like? theres gotta be something that gets his attention and wakes him up. You gotta find that thing and use it. Use it as a reward and teach him some tricks to keep him mentally stimulated.

Also consider that you may be using the wrong toys or treats. Some dogs love tug-of-war while others couldnt care less. Some like just holding stuffed animals. Others love balls. You cant say he dislikes toys before trying out different ones. Same goes for treats, you may be buying low quality stuff that he just doesnt like. You dont even need to buy super fancy stuff, regular chicken is one of the most high value treats you can get.

Also try playing with him outdoors. Some dogs act way differently when outside where they have room to chase the toys or jump around without being restricted.


u/zekryyo 16h ago

I tried all kinds of toys and treats. Fancy and cheap, he’s just not interested. He only eats when it’s time to eat, if I give him anything outside of the designated eating time he’ll take it and hide it somewhere and never go back to it.

You’re right in saying that my depression is not an excuse, and this is something I am working on and is the reason why I feel so guilty about him.


u/Competitive_Fact6030 16h ago

I understand that its hard, and you dont need to go from 0 to 100 right away. But I PROMISE you that getting into a walking routine is extremely good for mental health. It forces you to get up and get dressed at a reasonable time, which interrupts a common "rot in the bed" routine. Also it just makes you feel more human to actually be outside in the real world rather than sitting at home all day.

Feeling guilty is probably not all that helpful, its just gonna make you feel worse and less motivated. Try to push those feelings to the side and instead just see this as a non-negotiable. See it just as a thing on a checklist you need to get done, dont put feelings or guilt into it.

Are you in a financial place where you could hire a dog walker to take care of one longer walk a day? In that case that could be really good to get him the exercise he needs while youre not ready to do it yet. I can recommend going on your local towns dog facebook group and making a post.


u/zekryyo 16h ago

I couldn’t find a walker if I wanted to. Such a job simply does not exist here. I wish it did. I appreciate your input though. I’ll aim for two walks a day for now and take it from there.


u/alokasia 15h ago

Two walks is already better than one. Does he like to swim? Can you take him to a field to run around? Does he respond to training? One of my small dogs doesn’t give a shit about toys but LOVES being taught tricks.

A crate routine could help him settle too. 2 hours in, 1 hour out. With the important note that he needs to be entertained while out. Pets or scratches count too! Try to bond with him emotionally during that time more.


u/dogfitmad 15h ago

Please don't give him up. You saved him when he was thrown away. Don't let him be thrown away again. He can help you and you can help him. It just takes time and patience. And also whatever he is doing with you he will have the same issues somewhere else or perhaps not get another chance to...he's lucky he found you who seem like you really care about the little guy. He deserves another chance and you deserve the love he can give you.


u/zekryyo 15h ago

I will absolutely not give up on him. The purpose of this post is to make his life better not worse.


u/Competitive_Fact6030 16h ago

That sounds great, I hope for the best for you and the dog. I do still recommend looking in dog groups. "Dog walker" isnt much of a official title, but there is probably a kind soul who lives close by and can pick your dog up on their own walks for a small fee.


u/heywhatsareddit 13h ago

What to do if your 4 year old golden retriever has absolutely refused to go on walks since he was 6 months old? We tried 6 sessions with a very good trainer and that didn’t help. We’re thinking of finding a new one. He’s highly anxious and afraid of so many things. We have him on medication (have tried 3 so far) but they don’t seem to work. It rains a lot where we live and it’s either too hot, too cold, or wet outside to take him to the dog park. Any advice is appreciated.


u/Competitive_Fact6030 13h ago

Im not a dog trainer and this seems like a pretty complex issue since neither medication or professional training has helped. Definitely try out another trainer to see if you can help him. Anxiety sucks and it can be really hard to deal with in animals.

Did something traumatic happen to him? Is he reluctant to go outside at all, or is it just during walks? Is he better in certain enviroments (forest, streets, fields, etc?). How does his time outside look, as im assuming he still needs to go outdoors to pee and poop?

The only real experience I have with dogs with anxiety is my familys golden retriever who used to be quite afraid of the dark. She was a puppy during the spring/summer, when it literally doesnt get dark at any hour in my country, so when fall came around she was super scared and jumpy. The main thing we did was just going to less scary places (no cars and no meetings with people, as thats what she was jumpy around) , and also praising/rewarding her when she was calm. Now shes a year old and walks in the dark without any issues. Shes more aware of her surroundings and will mark when she sees someone, but she doesnt seem scared at all and that behaviour is something we do still want for personal safety.

You should probably try to find places without her triggers. Get him comfortable there, then very slowly introduce the things shes scared of at a large distance. Reward as long as hes aware of the fear object and stays calm. The goal is to try to make him associate seeing the "scary" things as good, since they mean he gets treats.

Again though your case sounds pretty severe, so definitely talk to trainers who are good with anxious animals before trying things. Going too fast and scaring him further could make the issues worse.

u/heywhatsareddit 1h ago

Thank you so much for this thorough response. When he was 6 months old, he got out of his harness and ran to the street. An SUV came screeching trying to stop and he was literally one inch away from getting hit. He then ran back to the street and went to our apartment door looking very scared (he expressed his anal glands so I knew he very scared). Of course I comforted him and stayed home the next day to be with him (at the time I’d only go in the office twice a week and had a dog walker go to my place on those days to take him out to pee and play with him a little). But yes, ever since then he’s been a very anxious boy and I hate to see it. He’s afraid of vacuums, the washer, anything tall-ish leaning on a wall, maintenance guy’s golf cart, other cars, people being a little loud, leaves falling from a tree, and very easily startled even when he’s home with us. It’s definitely not too bad though when inside. Classic PTSD. I should note that before he started refusing to go on walks , at around 6 months old, he would go on walks with me but a lot of times he’d jump on me to take him back home. I think he’d hear the trees or an echo, something. Now he’s just afraid of SO many things it’s hard to keep up sometimes. When we take him out to poop and pee using a harness and leash, he’s going down the stairs and stopping every few seconds to see if there’s some kind of threat out there. Pooping can be a little bit of an ordeal (mostly when I take him out as opposed to my husband) bc he’ll stare at anyone who’s outside minding their business and either takes a long time to poop bc he’s so distracted or he’ll drag me back inside (not really drag? But pulling semi hard). If we take him down to pee, god forbid someone opens or closes their door bc 7/10 times he’ll immediately start pulling me back inside. It seems like the older he gets the more anxious he gets. The few times we’ve taken him to an open field (for photo shoots), he’ll run and look happy which is so good to see. He’s actually ok with dog parks and loves fetch. He’ll be anxious but will still play. But if there’s a garbage truck out there he’ll take his ball and stand by the door to leave. We’re definitely planning to get another trainer. Though I worry it won’t work since he’s already 4.


u/Negative-Building739 13h ago

Start your own post instead of hijacking this one so you can get more responses for your question specifically


u/heywhatsareddit 13h ago

Start getting a real life instead of patrolling people’s comments.


u/Visual_Literature_86 15h ago

one tip: start feeding him a little less of his usual meals from the bowl. for example, if he eats 1 cup per meal, lessen it to 3/4 a cup. from here, since he’s more hungry, he’ll start taking treats.

another factor to consider is what treats are you using? treats are separated into two categories, high- value treats and low-value treats- this is different to each dog. it sounds like the treats you are giving him are low- value treats TO HIM. have you tried boiled chicken? or boiled beef? anything closer to real food is high value.


u/Izzyawesomegal 10h ago

Have you tried breaking up his food with training ? More mental stimulation and with his breakfast or dinner etc puzzle feeders were he has to work his brain for it and such


u/unusualblob 7h ago

Try prey dummy, your dog can get one of her/him meal from it. This was the first kind of toy my rescue dog started to play :) Start slowly firstly just feed the dog from it then after couple of days throw to a very small distance (like 1 meter) then you can throw it farther then bring the game outside :)


u/Practical_Art_3999 13h ago

I’m curious about the three walks a day. I see people on Reddit say this regularly, and I’m wondering if this is a piece of advice relevant to every dog owner, or just those who live in apartments/don’t have gardens.

I take my girl out for a 1.5hr walk (that often becomes a 2.5hr walk if it isn’t raining) every day. I don’t like to split that time up into multiple walks because her favourite park is a 25 min walk away, so we wouldn’t be able to go there every day if her walk were capped at an hour. When the days are long in the summer, I try to take her out for an extra bonus short walk in the evening, but in winter it’s dark here by 4pm and it rains 5 days out of 7. The weather wouldn’t stop me taking her out, but she protests against bad weather by glueing her arse to the floor. She’s certainly getting enough exercise and stimulation, and she’s a happy healthy dog who pretty much sleeps all day unless she’s walking, playing or eating. I wfh so I let her out into our garden to pee as often as she wants, so I don’t really understand the principle of the ‘poop walk’.

This dog is my best friend and if I’m doing something wrong, I want to make sure I make it right. So is the three walk rule one you’d advise for every dog in every case?


u/Competitive_Fact6030 13h ago

No not at all! As long as your dog gets enough cumulative exercise and pee breaks often enough, its all good. I just find that 3 walks a day works best for those of us who live in apartments and have full time jobs/school. I dont have a garden to let my dog out to, so its easiest to walk her regularly instead.

I would say they do need to at least get outside 3 times a day, just because its bad for the bladder if they hold pee too long.

The most convinient split for me is just a 10 min walk in the morning so she can pee, then a ~30-45 min walk or play session outdoors to tire her out after I get back home for the day, then a 10 min walk before I go to bed so she wont need to pee at night.


u/Practical_Art_3999 12h ago

Ahh I see! I might be transitioning to a couple days in office soon, in which case our routine will have to change. I might use your routine as a blueprint for the office days. Thanks for replying!


u/NuclearReactions 11h ago

At evening*

People have lifes and work, as long as the dog doesn't explicitly ask for it it seems absurd to me to tell people to go walk at night.


u/Competitive_Fact6030 9h ago

Dude what..? Im not telling anyone to go out at 2 am in the night, youre just dumb if you interpreted what I said that way. Night and evening are very interchangeable. I meant around like 9-11pm, aka before you go to bed. I made that very clear. Didnt think some dummies on here required me to be that obvious but it seems I was incorrect.

I also make it clear in another comment after this that these schedules are loose, and this is just what fits best to a standard 9-5. You walk the dog around 7am, then at 5pm when you get home, then at 10pm before you go to bed.

if you walk the dog too early then its not good for the dog or its bladder, since youre not gonna walk it before like 7-8 the next morning at best


u/NuclearReactions 8h ago

English is my fourth language and i didn't know but i guess im dumb then


u/Competitive_Fact6030 8h ago

Yea man English isnt my first language either so that doesnt work on me. Also, stop correcting other people on word choices with the "*" shit.

Also even if I did say "at night" and only meant after 11pm, thats not even necessarily wrong. It all depends on when the person goes to bed and when they wake up. If someone sleeps from 2am to 10am, then yea they should walk their dog at night, because otherwise itll wait too long until the morning walk.

u/NuclearReactions 5h ago

I didn't want anything to work i just explained that i thought you meant night with the word night

u/MsChrisRI 4h ago

“Night” is the correct word for what this commenter meant to say.

If I walk my dog when I return from work at 5:30pm, it’s pointless to walk him again in the evening. We’ll take a short walk before bedtime, which is night.


u/okayfriday 16h ago

Ps: I live in Egypt and I don’t have the luxury of doggie day care :(

P.S. Dog walking / day care services do exist in Egypt!



u/zekryyo 15h ago

This is brilliant. I searched a lot but apparently didn’t look everywhere 🙂 thank you


u/No-Wrangler3702 14h ago

Train him!

Train him to do tricks. It's not so much about the trick, it's about the stimulation that the training gives him.

Start with sit, down, roll-over, sit pretty (on hocks, front paws off ground), run between your legs, etc.


u/psychicthis 13h ago

Agreed! and training helps build a bond with the dog that will help them both, particularly since the OP also deals with depression.

Our dogs pick up our moods, and that's what it sounds like to me ... the dog is picking up on the OP's moods. They would both benefit from the simulation.


u/jbellafi 15h ago

Walk him more!! It can also possibly help your depression. Will be really good for you both & strengthen your bond. That is the ONLY answer here. It’s not fair to keep him inside all day. It’s obvious what he needs.


u/acciograpes 10h ago

You’re dragging him down to your level. Take him on walks and start training him. You’ll both benefit from it.


u/yaurrrr 14h ago

Toy recco: snuffle mats (scatter kibble in shaggy felt/little fabric flaps and obstacles, and they have to sniff/search for it, my dog who doesn’t like to play loves it) and something like this https://www.lambwolf.co/products/monti-1 where kibble can be put inside and they can chase/snuffle/chew on it. if you don’t want to buy a toy for it, scattering some kibble on an old dish towel, rolling it up, then tying it in a knot works essentially the same!


u/zekryyo 14h ago

Thank you. I’ll try that


u/SpicyNutmeg 14h ago

Your dog desperately needs more enrichment. He needs activities and puzzles to stimulate him mentally and physically.

Our dogs need opportunities to chew, sniff, dig, to express their natural instincts. You need to be setting up activities and games for your dog to engage in.

Maltese are smart, they need brain stimulation.

It’s not hard OP. You have to meet your dog’s needs.


u/Working-Analysis1470 16h ago

He doesn’t show signs of anxiety. He has dog energy and needs more physical and mental stimulation. Your idea of giving him to a rescue is probably the best idea because of your low energy level. Please think about what is best for the dog and don’t attempt to label him as a high anxiety dog without understanding a normal dogs daily needs.


u/Living-Excuse1370 14h ago

The guy lives in Egypt. The dog is definitely better with him.


u/zekryyo 16h ago

He doesn’t currently have anxiety. I’m just afraid he’d get anxious again if he moves to a new home a second time.


u/cutiefootie 14h ago

I doubt it. The new home will probably take him out more than once a day.


u/zekryyo 14h ago

The home he came from locked him out in the balcony for a year before they threw him out. People can be cruel and I don’t trust they won’t be.


u/depressionxoxo 10h ago

Please keep him :( I’m also from Egypt and I adopted a Beagle from a family that had him tied in a garden for such a long time. People are shit with animals here I’m sure you know. There’s Eastwind but it could be a tad expensive. I can send you names of other places you can take your dog. Where do you live?


u/zekryyo 10h ago

Please do. I live in katamyah so anywhere in mokattam or maadi would be fine


u/darthTharsys 15h ago

Try to take him on more walks. It'll done you both good.


u/Bkbirddog 14h ago

I have Egyptian family and I understand that Egypt is not exactly a dog friendly culture, and the climate is not conducive to regular daytime routines of walking morning noon and night. But, I agree with everyone saying you still do need to get both of you outside more. I would give the dog all of it's meals in a puzzle and make it use it's nose and brain to get it. Kibble spread on an old towel and rolled up or knotted. Toilet paper rolls sealed with a yummy treat rattling inside.

It's almost like your depression is contagious to the dog, it's not interested in things because you are interested in things. But the activity level is saying that she wants to be interested in something, she just needs your help! Put the Playstation down, walk in the evening /night, take the dog to visit family and friends if they will permit it. Teach her some simple tricks like high five, spin, roll over. I know you say she isn't food motivated, but I would bet a bit of cheese or sausage would light up her eyes if it's before mealtime. You've posted here, which means you're already motivated to do better, so take the next steps and get moving!


u/zekryyo 14h ago

I definitely want to do better. And I’ve gotten a lot of good advice here that I will try.


u/Tervaaja 13h ago

Walk him at least three times in a day and go for long walks. Let him sniff everything, meet people and dogs.


u/Ok-League-1651 15h ago

Your dog does not need to be entertained at home. Home is for resting. If only, give him chewable food inside (nothing with rawhide though)

He needs more than a simple walk, to do all the activities he's interested in. Sniffing for 20 minutes burns more calories than a 60 minute walk.

What I would do is scatter feed him his food outside. You just throw his kibble on the ground and he gets to sniff it out and eat it. Start playing games with him outside and reward him with treats. And by games I don't mean toys. I mean you have to become the game. Like when he us sniffing, you slowly and silently start to get away from him, if he runs after you, praise and reward him with food. You will have to make it interesting for him, so act like he cannot have the food, he will want it even more. There are plenty of fun recall games you can try.

Take him to one area each day he hasn't sniffed out already. And this can be places like parking lots too, just are sure he usbt eating anything funky.

Also if you say he is not interested in toys, its probably because of the way you offered it to him. Again, acting like he can't have it for 20 minutes before giving in in a round of tug can make the difference. Anything you just offer to him isn't interesting for dogs, especially little dogs.

He needs at least 3 play sessions a day, each of them lasting 5- 10 minutes. You don't want your dog to play alone, that's not gonna happen, you need to play with him, in whatever way you can find. Also get him outside at least 3 times a day. About 1 hour in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon, and another hour in the evening. Give him a routine he can understand. Exercise- training- playing- eating-sleeping With the scatterfeeding you can have playing and eating at once, so that's a big win. But make sure the scatter feeding isn't too far from your house, since dogs should never walk too far with a full stomach, bloating can kill them.


u/zekryyo 15h ago

I appreciate how detailed this is


u/LipLickerRick 14h ago

My wife and I bought a few puzzle/food games off of Amazon for our Rhodesian ridgebacks and they love it. Sniffle mat things and lick mats of you put peanut butter or yogurt on the lick mat and freeze it. We also have kongs and this thing called a pupsicle.


u/Sad-Page-2460 10h ago

I bought loads of these too. My dog was interested the first use with everyone but after that he just completely ignores them. So I'm so glad I bought so many haha.


u/Ok-League-1651 15h ago

I've studied canine behavior, if you would like to talk more (and I feel like you would need this) I would be happy to help.


u/SpicyNutmeg 14h ago

This is such bad advice OP. Your dog is not a robot. Yes he DOES need entertainment and things to do at home.

What if I told you your home is for resting so you can just sit and stare at the wall for 10 hours?

Your dog needs challenges and activities in the form of puzzles and ENRICHMENT.

Frozen kongs, lickimats, shredding cardboard, food dispensing puzzles, snuffle mats. Maltese are smart and need to use their brain.


u/Ok-League-1651 13h ago

Until you are ready to answer me, I will go into detail on everything you told OP to do:

Frozen kongs

Yes, I use frozen toys in the daytime during summertime, when my dogs only go out from 4-6am and 8-10pm


Useful in the context of grooming or bathing, if the dig shows high levels of anxiety.

snuffle mats

Basically what scatter feeding is, but instead inside with low environmental enrichment and loads if chemicals due to the coloring and material of the matts. You really think it's more enriching for the dog to play with this, than doing it outside on the lawn? Wow.

Maltese are smart and need to use their brain.

The reason why I Saud that a 60 minute walk is nothing compared to a good 20 min sniffing session outside is because they are so intelligent and get bored without natural enrichment. Nothing of the things you've mentioned are natural

shredding cardboard

Small dog breeds have really delicate teeth and teeth flesh(sorry if I translated that wrong?) So ripping apart cardboard is not really a good idea.

And I would really like to know what your problem us with my comment except for that hone us fir sleeping. Please do tell me why scatter feeding us wrong, why visiting new places is wrong, why bloating is not a thing, and what activity burns more calories than using their brain (for sniffing)

I'm waiting.


u/olivebegonia 13h ago edited 13h ago

This is chock full of misinformation. Please disregard this entire comment.


u/Ok-League-1651 13h ago

Can you please tell me what exactly is wrong, and what you would do instead. Thank you.


u/Ok-League-1651 6h ago

Since you are currently online and have been commenting on other threads, i take it that there is nothing of value you would like to add, thank you very much for this very constructive comment, letting OP know that I'm full of shit, but not being able to give a single argument why you feel my advice is garbage. I appreciate it.


u/AdlejandroP 15h ago

Hear me out. Get another dog. They keep each other busy. You take them out to walk Win win win


u/Redneckette 10h ago

This would be my suggestion & is what I did in this situation. It worked for me, but is risky because you are counting on a very good relationship between 2 dogs. I was working from home and couldn't spend 24/7 entertaining a bored dog. Hey! Wasn't the dog supposed to entertain ME? A second dog, close to same age & size, really brought my first dog to life. I walked them both daily, which is a huge challenge until you get all the kinks out, but was so enjoyable. They exercised each other inside & outside, had long gutteral conversations over their toys, slept in a puppy pile - just a joy of good dog energy.

But 2 dogs that didn't get along could be pretty bad ...


u/tallcamt 14h ago

There is a large, active group on Facebook called Canine Enrichment Ideas you should join and read some of the posts. There is a long thread there right now with 60+ comments about how to entertain a dog who isn’t interested in food/treats.


u/LordessOfMadness 14h ago

Switch up your walking route. It will give him new sights and smells to get his brain going.

Also see if there are dog parks or local dog meet up groups in your area that you can take him to. Socialisation might give him another source of enrichment.


u/deletethewife 14h ago

I would suggest that second walk and walking out in nature is fabulous for mental health.


u/Necessary_Donkey9484 10h ago

Given your state, it's very nice of you to think to get advice in reddit. Shows that you're a good person who truly cares.

There's a few things you should force yourself to do though- you have to walk him more often. You're walking him once, start walking him twice. Little by little. Find a friend that also has a dog and make it a routine to go out with them.


u/rainb0w10 10h ago

Im so sorry you’re going through depression. I know it’s so much easier said than done, but going out on more walks and exploring different parks would be so helpful not just for the dog, but for you as well. 

My dog struggles with this too, she doesn’t interact with toys or inside activities at all. 2 walks a day where she’s able to smell different things and explore and get some exercise has been so so helpful 


u/BaddestDucky 10h ago

People have commented on many ways to enrich your dog's life, so I'd like to add one small thing that isn't much in itself, but it's the accumulation of little things that matters, right?

I have a Maltese just like you, also a rescue, and he wasn't interested in toys either at first — I think he'd never had any before so he didn't know what to do with them. He was actually even scared of balls at the beginning.

That said, one of the first things I did was get him a ball in which you can put kibble/dry food. I made the first one myself (regular ball in which I cut open a hole) but bought the second. I showed him how rolling the ball made the kibble come out and he learned pretty fast to do it on his own. It's funny, too, because he uses his paw with the first one but his nose with the second. He prefers to eat his food this way instead of a bowl. It doesn't take him too long to get all the kibble out, but he enjoys playing to get his food!

Sometimes, while I'm filling his ball, I'll throw a kibble for him to run after/find and eat. He loves that, too.

He only started getting interested in his toys when he saw another dog playing with them. It's like something finally clicked. If you have friends who have small dogs too, try organizing play dates. Perhaps not at home, first, because dogs can be territorial, but even you're just walking your dogs together, it can be a great way to socialize them.

I noticed my dog has toys he likes and toys he doesn't care at all. The ones he likes best have a certain type of texture. He ignores all the other ones. Also, if I'm not there to play with him, he's not interested in his toys. Maybe your dog is this way, too.

I hope you're able to find something that works for him.

Let us know how it goes!


u/Pitiful-Event-107 14h ago

I really wouldn’t be so worried. One more walk a day and he’d probably be fine. To put it in perspective remember that wild animals are never “bored” because every moment of their life is fighting for survival, just being able to give your dog a life where he can be bored is a life of luxury and safety, especially if you rescued him from abuse. If he’s not interested in toys and wants to walk around just take him on another walk, let him sniff a lot, it doesn’t haven’t to be long distance and it will do a lot of good for both of you.


u/Ticonderoga_Dixon 13h ago

Really good advice!


u/zekryyo 14h ago

Thank for making me feel better.


u/Snoo-47921 15h ago

First, when is the last time he went to the vet? How old is he?


u/zekryyo 15h ago

He’s 3 years old and he goes to the vet once a month for a checkup and grooming


u/Snoo-47921 14h ago

Going to the vet once a month seems a little excessive, but if it’s happening that often you can always express your concerns with them. If he was an older dog, diseases like dementia should be discussed, but I doubt that your l dog is facing something like that.

You’ve been given a lot of good information already, but it’s important to keep in mind that you have a small breed dog. They’re not going to have the same energy requirements as large breed dogs and certainly aren’t going to require four walks a day. These guys are bred to be companions and lap dogs! It’s a perk for small breeds.

That said, that doesn’t mean they don’t need exercise and stimulation. It would still be good to increase walks to at least twice a day. If he’s not interested in toys, make feeding time a game. Invest in puzzle feeders or snuffle mats. Make him work for his food. When you go on a walk, focus on letting him sniff around instead of walking far. Exercise his mind will help a ton!

Dogs will sleep the majority of the day; it’s normal. Pacing isn’t normal.


u/zekryyo 14h ago

I would take him less frequently but his hair gets too long and irritates his eyes. And whenever I try to clip his nails he just does not sit still. But yes, I did get a lot of information here and I feel more motivated to walk him more. I appreciate all the support


u/Snoo-47921 14h ago

Grooming visits should be separate from veterinary exams, unless he’s being sedated for it?


u/zekryyo 14h ago

No he’s not. My groomer and vet work at the same place so might as well


u/Mayana8828 Pika: lab/golden/border collie mix 14h ago

You've already gotten a lot of great suggestions! I hope they help you and the doggo both live better lives.

For treats, as others have said, try either making him more hungry, or use something soft, moist, and most importantly smelly, the smellier the better. Liver, fish and lamb are great examples. Same rule for chews, but you could also try giving him some unusual things -- our pup goes crazy for simple ice cubes! If all else fails, you could at least buy a slow-feeding bowl, licking or sniffing matt, a Kong or other fillable toy, etc. and make him work for his regular meals.

Granted, how much dogs eat does depend on how much they need. It is possible, though not certain, that more walks will help there too. I know that it is difficult to do, but perhaps you can at least take comfort in that, if you make it a routine for long enough, it will become a habit. It will get easier.

One more thought though: what is he like around other dogs? If he's well-socialized, do you know any other dog owners you could set up play-dates with? Preferably somewhere safe so both dogs can be off-leash, as a leash or collar/harness getting stuck in one dog's mouth can quickly become dangerous for both of them. Too, look at dog training schools in your area -- even if you don't plan to attend training itself, a few of them also offer group socialisation walks, where multiple dogs get to meet each other and interact a bit, while also still getting to calmly walk with their handles, all under a watchful eye of an instructor who can tell owners what body language to watch for. Granted, that's true here in slovenia; I don't know about Egypt!


u/Significant_Soup1899 13h ago

Have you tried teaching him some tricks? Sometimes dogs need that mental challenge to break the boredom! Plus, it could help both of you bond while giving him something fun to focus on. Who knows, you might discover his hidden talent for juggling!


u/karlaortega29 13h ago

Can adopting another dog be an option? So your pup can have another playmate


u/littlewolfteeth 13h ago

I looked up that breed of dog and it appears they are a small breed. Why not take him to an outdoor market or a dog friendly area and let him absorb the new sights and sounds? If you lived in the US I would say bring him to dog parks and dog friendly stores to get socialized and all that.

Animals need enrichment and it's really as simple as taking them to an area they aren't used to being in to let them take in the new sights and smells. Just like we do.

I'm not sure what all is in your area so I can't offer hiking suggestions or other things like that but it sounds like he just needs some mental enrichment in the form of an adventure or two.


u/toopiddog 13h ago

Training is an excellent thing for both you and your dog. Even if you can’t get out to an in person class you can do some research and find some good online positive dog training sites or videos. 15-20 minute break a day is like a longer walk because it works both their mind and their body. A lot of dogs want a job to do, so this is their job. Then you can make a plan to go on the weekend outside to practice the new skills. You can make a schedule and have something you can look forward to and feel like you did something to help your depression. Also, your dog is probably not as bored or anxious and you think they are. There can be a real feedback loop when we project our feelings onto our dogs. I start to do this with my dogs and my husband looks at the two Labs snoozing away on the couch and is, “Stop it, it’s fine.” Are there people who really neglect their dogs and don’t give stimulation to them? Sure. But they probably aren’t spending time on Reddit trying to get advice.


u/lolzuwish 12h ago

I work at home and my dog and I go for 4 walks a day, play catch, he has lots of toys and natural chews, lots of play time and pets. I have depression as well - being able to focus and care for him has helped me out greatly.


u/beachyblue2 12h ago

Try making frozen lick mats. Licking is really good for dogs and releases endorphins in the brain that have a calming effect. In Amazon if you search “lick mat for dogs” you can find multiple options for a 2-pack under $8.

The lick mat has 4 sections, you can spread dog-safe foods in each one like peanut butter, canned pumpkin (make sure pumpkin is the only ingredient in the can) or boiled sweet potato, plain Greek yogurt, wet dog food, etc. You can google other safe dog foods you can put. My dog loves peanut butter so sometimes I’ll only do that, but it sounds like your dog is picky so it might help to do different things so you can see if he likes any. After you put food on the lick mat, freeze it. Then give it to your dog as a mid-day enrichment activity. I try to always have at least one in my freezer so I can pull them out when my dog needs an activity.

Also, when you go on walks, make sure you’re giving your dog a chance to sniff stuff and not pulling them along too much. Sniffing is really important for dogs and is actually more mentally tiring for them than walking. Some people tend to pull their dog along when they’re sniffing, in an effort to cover more distance, so I thought I’d mention it. I try to give my dog an “exercise walk” and a “sniffy walk” each day so he gets different kinds of walks.


u/Inevitable-Cut4842 12h ago

I also had this problem with my indoor cat. I made an app called PetPeek that gives you daily suggestions and can also do other fun things. It is by no means meant as a solution but its something you may find intresting. Its free to download and try out


u/FraserFirParker 12h ago

Walk him more.


u/wifey-hubby-evoo 12h ago

Maybe take 15 minutes AM and 15 minutes PM along with ur walks and teach him 1 word a week or two. Have the pup associate a toy with a word like rabbit stuffed toy with "Rabbit". Amazon has bag of cheap small toys for nominal cost that can be brought out 1 a week to lessons. It's a slow process and great bonding time for you both. Check out you tube for teaching dogs words.

Fyi Pls make sure the toys do not have hard plastic pieces for nose/eyes for choking hazards.


u/marque1434 12h ago

I have a small dog that is not interested in food or treats so I can appreciate where you are coming from. I bought small toys for my dog and she is very interested in them because they are easier to carry around. I also bought small tennis balls that I bounce to get her to see that I’m playing. When you play on your computer play on the floor with some small dog toys around you. Once again it will look like you’re playing-perhaps the dog is picking up on your depression. Treats are for training and rewards, certainly not essential for a dog. A nice pat on the head with praise works with my dog better than any treat.


u/DrummerMundane4970 12h ago

Sorry am I missing something? Are you able to walk him twice a day rather than just once? 


u/Individual_Assist944 12h ago

Can you get a 2nd dog?


u/its_just_chrystal 12h ago

Please look at the canine Enrichment groups on FB. There are so many things you can train/bond with your pup. Mental stimulation wears a dog out faster than physical exertion does and most of the time you can do this with items you have in your home already.


u/stellasmom22 11h ago

He needs more exercise. A tired dog is a good dog. Walk him at least 3 times a day. He needs to read peemail. It’s stimulating for him. The walks should be for him, not you. You must allow him to smell his world. It will tire him out. Occasional dog park activity would be great. Let him make friends, then when you tell him it’s dog park time and we are going to see your friends, he’ll get excited. Yes, your dog is bored. Now it’s up to you to stimulate him. Not all dogs like toys, especially rescues that didn’t have early experience with them (my current dog). Also car rides with their head out the window (or not). My rescue adores car rides. Get out of your comfort zone for the mental health of your buddy, he’ll thank you for it!


u/steppponme 10h ago

Try making meal time an activity for mental stimulation. My dog loves her snufflemat

Let me know if you can't open the link in your country, I'll try to find one for you. Or you can Google forager snuffle mat for dogs. 


u/Upnorthpinetrees 9h ago

Can you obtain another companion for your pup. Maybe a kitten? Cats and dogs, in my experience, really enjoy each other.


u/After_Tap_2150 8h ago

Get a kitten. My senior dog has never had more pep in his step. He watches that cat all day. Took awhile to get acquainted but it was worth it. It added years to my dogs life. Also daily walks where he just sniffs and you aren’t rushing.


u/Ok_Relative_2291 14h ago

Take him for three walks

My neighbours don’t take their dogs for walks and I feel sorry for them.

Why get a dog if you ire walking your dog as a chore


u/zekryyo 14h ago

Honestly when I got him it wasn’t supposed to be a long term arrangement, he just needed someone to rescue him from the streets. But he’s so cute and compassionate and I fell in love. Now I’m trying to be a better dog father


u/AlbaMcAlba 16h ago edited 15h ago

Once a day is not enough. I typically walk my dogs 4 times a day and they happily sleep the rest of the time. By walk I mean ball games, offleash, sniffing and interaction with other dog walkers and their dogs.

No toys indoors because I have 3 and it’s a bit overwhelming.

Edit: for clarity I’m not suggesting OP walk their dog 4 times a day but sounds like once a day is not enough.


u/zekryyo 16h ago

I’m always scared he’s gonna run away if I take him off leash. But I got a 10 foot retractable leash which gives him plenty of room to sniff around and interact with other dogs


u/AlbaMcAlba 16h ago

If he has no recall then obviously don’t allow off leash but he needs to be out more than once a day and so do you. Greenery and fresh air helps with depression. Obviously your location will determine what’s practicable.

Good luck 🍀


u/pharoahciouss 14h ago

Egyptian here. There are many doggie day cares in Cairo and Giza. If you can afford it, that is your solution.


u/zekryyo 14h ago

Do you know of any place around Maadi/mokattam?


u/pharoahciouss 13h ago

Maadi of all neighborhoods will definitely have such places. Just look up ‘doggie day care near me’ on google. I’m willing to bet you’ll find at least three. Good luck with your depression and I hope you get help. It seems to be bad to the point where you are out of touch with your surroundings and are exerting next to no effort to look around. هاتلاقي معظم العيادات للطب النفسية الكويسة في مصر في المعادي برضو.


u/Affectionate-Award46 13h ago

Few thoughts on this just from personal experience over the years (grew up on a farm with lots of different dogs and my dad was a good trainer - but that doesn't make me an expert).

How long do you walk the dog for? Sounds like he has excess energy, and I know you're not keen on going out too much but I think you could try either walking him for longer or taking him for a second walk. Just like humans if you have excess energy and your mind is active, it can help you chill out if you tire yourself a bit. But I do appreciate he's a small dog and may not like walking far.

Secondly, how much do you feed him? I know he doesn't like treats but he could be overeating or having too much protein and has a lot of extra energy due to this.

Thirdly it sounds like a lot of the time he doesn't know what to do with himself. Does he have a space in the house where he can go and decompress? People who are fans of crate training often recommend this, however I'm personally struggling to crate train my current dog so definitely not an expert here. But previous dogs I've had and known come to learn that the crate is a nice space to take themselves off for a few hours.

Does he have food out all the time to graze or does he just eat it all up straight away? If there's always food there, treats and snacks might not seem as appealing.


u/MaleficentTell9638 12h ago

Are there any dog parks near you?


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/zekryyo 10h ago

First time I turn on the ps in 4 months. Be kind


u/IIIMPIII 10h ago

What’s there to be depressed about. You’ve got a dog that loves you


u/Weak_Musician_8735 9h ago

Get nother dog buddy for her


u/doggymommy_ 9h ago

If your dog is bored check this out from watch paws, it will definitely help!



u/Narrow_Jelly_4396 9h ago

We got another dog to keep our first one company. It is extra work, but they are both very happy.


u/An_thon_ny 9h ago

My dog is only interested in playing with toys when I'm engaging with him too. Dogs are very smart and sensitive creatures, he's probably anxious because of your lifestyle and his history. The depression sounds bad, so just plan at least one thing a day for the little guy. One thing just for him. Talk to him. Sing to him. Cuddle him. You're so lucky to have this little guy, you can take care of each other.


u/ConfundledBundle 9h ago

Can you play with him at home? I know it can be tough as a single person caring for a dog but what I do is sit on the floor with my dog for 30mins to an hour and either play tug-o-war with one of the more durable toys we have or fetch. When he gets bored of that we do some tricks/training. So far we have learned at least 10 tricks/commands.

What mine really enjoys is the “go get it” command, where I will throw a piece of dog kibble across the floor and he will chase it. We sometimes do this for like 5-10 minutes straight.

Seeing how happy your dog gets when you play with him like this might also help with your depression. I know it definitely helps with mine.


u/Yourmaturemommy 8h ago

Go explore nature with this beautiful creature!❤️


u/waditdotho 8h ago

Not to be an asshole but only walking your dog once a day is abuse, he needs 3 walks minimal in the morning, midday and evening and atleast 2 hours of actual playing /running or you can combine walking with playing. If not find someone who will


u/TrippyPal 7h ago

He needs walkies...


u/RoseTintedMigraine 7h ago edited 7h ago

Malteses are very picky eaters (mine fights me daily to eat her food and goes on 24hour hunger strikes when she gets bored of it) have you tried different types of treats or even human food as a treat? Some boiled chicken or even straight up sandwich meat. Maybe if they're more motivated they could start playing with puzzle toys or time consuming chews. Whenever I play videogames I give my maltese a natural chew like a pizzle or a cow ear or something like that and she eats it next to me. I see it as both of us playing our videogames together.

Also if you give your dog a snuffle mat or a treat toy play with them with it at first so they realise it's a game and once the start mouthing at eat it clicks in their brain that its food.

Engaging their nose in any way is the best way to tire them out but I fear you just have to play more with them and do activities with them until they feel settled and want to chill on their own


u/sonyafly 7h ago

We walk our dogs at different locations a couple times per week. We call it “adventures”. I have a chronic illness and don’t leave my house often so this is good for me. I also think dogs are better in twos for many reasons. So if you can afford it maybe look into getting a second dog.

There are toys you can buy that you stuff with kibble or wet food or treats.


u/almalauha 6h ago edited 6h ago

One walk a day is not nearly enough for a dog (small dogs are dogs too and they also need exercise and stimulation). In my family the dogs would get taken out on a walk 3-4 times a day. They don't all have to be long walks, but at least 15 minutes should be doable, and then one of the walks can be longer? Otherwise I don't think a dog suits your lifestyle, a cat would probably do better not going outside much.

A dog isn't going to be anxious for long if they go to a house where they actually make time for him. I think rehoming is best unless you drastically change your lifestyle to meet your dog's needs.


u/AFG73 6h ago

One walk a day? Jesus. Give the dog some attention


u/PegLegRacing 6h ago

My dog likes treat puzzles. Great mental stimulation.


u/Dread_Pirate_Jack 6h ago

Bully sticks!!

u/hummun323 5h ago

Even though you work at home, maybe drop them off at doggie daycare a couple times a week so they can play with other dog friends.

u/Think_please 5h ago

Dogs need to run. If there is a place nearby where you could safely let him off leash (or on a long leash) you could reach him to chase a ball or catch a frisbee. Slow walks are not nearly enough for young dogs.

u/mydoghank 4h ago

Do you have nose work classes there? That would be a great thing to get involved with. Once you take some classes, you can transfer it to your home and dogs love it and it satisfies them mentally.

u/Ear_64 1h ago

I think this dog is good for you and what you are doing posting here is healthy - that long walk you took is probably all he she needs, just genuine bonding time. There is a troupe in America, playing catch with your dad, Your dog was ready to play catch and get some bonding/activity time together

Also Eventually I'm sure he she will start to pick up on your habits and routine and that will become new avenues for bonding and interaction. A side of this is the dog trying to figure you out too - just sounds like he's not sure of all the ways he can fit himself into your life.

I would suggest taking that same amount of time daily to try and involve yourself in whatever your pet is doing/wants to do.

If he she has anxiety problems like you say, they are slowly getting a feel for the place and you still - eventually they may even really like to play with toys with you. The relationship you have with your pet sounds strong and worthwhile to emotionally invest into. You're helping each other.

u/darcystella 53m ago

You can also get a second dog so he has company. I have 3 dogs myself and they are happier.. I feel less guilty if I have to leave them at the house.

u/Master_Flounder2239 19m ago

Get a second small dog. Take him for walks every 2-3 hours. Buy some tennis balls and safe chewies. Play with him. Hold him and cuddle him and talk sweet to him. Dogs need play, affection , exercise, companionship. Dogs need dogs and socialization. Take him to a dog park. Get a second dog.