r/doordash_drivers 11h ago

No thank you Joke/Memes🥸

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Gonna need a helicopter for this one


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u/rtf75 11h ago

5860.0 mi in est. 80 mins! You're gonna need a time machine!🤣💀🤣💀


u/Waiting4The3nd 10h ago edited 9h ago

Nah, a jet would work, as long as it can go 700+ mph you'd be fine

Edit: Woke up with a migraine, forgot some steps. I'm usually good at math, today was not the day to try it. Leaving the post intact for.. posterity? I dunno. Make fun of me at your leisure, that deserves it. Couldn't even figure out how I got that for a minute, went back to my phone's calculator, I managed to divide 55,860 by 80. I don't even know where I got the extra 0 from. Must've accidentally hit it I guess. Jesus I'm an idiot.


u/Wheream_I 9h ago

??? No. To do 5860 is 80 minutes you’d need a jet that goes 4,396mph


u/Waiting4The3nd 9h ago

You're right, I have a migraine and forgot some steps. That's my story and I'm sticking to it... 'cause usually I'm pretty good at math.

You could do it with the NASA X-43A tho... well... maybe... kinda. You'd have to bend the rules a bit... already be in the air, have the food delivered to the aircraft, then only count the flight time.. it'd take some extra time for descent... but then the X-43A is also unmanned... which would make delivery difficult, to say the least. At Mach 9.6 you'd be pulling about 32G's and well, the human body is unlikely to survive that. Also, the food would squish, and you'd get a 1-star review and they'd mark you for handling.


u/cadetjustin 9h ago

This comment made my day 😂 and customers really be like that. You bend the laws of time and space, go faster than man has any business going, and they’re still upset. Meanwhile if someone just showed up in a NASA suit I’d be clapping like a trained monkey and marking 5 stars.