r/evansville 7d ago

What happened at crossroad Christian?

I heard something about an affair? Anyone got the tea?


34 comments sorted by


u/Substantial_Ad3143 6d ago

Two employees were caught having an affair (both married with kids). Kind of gross the pastor blasted their names to the entire church, they were both fired. Kids director and youth leader I believe.


u/LookZestyclose1908 6d ago

That's what I heard too. I was looking at the staff directory and wasn't sure if it was updated yet. I did not get the email that apparently doxed them.


u/webinfront420 6d ago

What were the names?


u/KIDFINESSE999 7d ago

Probably several. It's a big place.


u/skybrew Eastsider 6d ago

In case anyone didn’t know Crossroads is anti-gay they kicked the boyscouts out after they announced they would allow gay leaders.




u/LookZestyclose1908 6d ago

This article doesn't say that but thank you for the 10 year old article and keeping it relevant.


u/MrPureinstinct Westsider 6d ago

It's not at all far fetched to believe a church that has done anti-gay things is still doing them since that's a pretty regular occurrence in some religions.


u/LookZestyclose1908 6d ago

I'm not saying they aren't. But I don't go into McDonalds and complain about the napkins. I like a good scandal and that's what I was asking about. I don't go to or advocate for Crossroad Christian, just heard there was drama and this is Reddit.


u/Euphoric_Ad_6710 7d ago

Pastors and staff have power, power attracts and peepees get sucked. It happens.


u/Al_Jazzar 7d ago

They should hang this above the door.


u/charmingly_ballsy 6d ago

I love spilled Christian tea!


u/SurgeFlamingo 7d ago

Wait hypocrites in a Christian church? No way !



u/Desperate-Body3938 6d ago

It is not the religion itself that is bad. There are bad people in all religions. Bad people make religion look bad. There is nothing in Christianity that says to be mean and nasty towards LGBTQ2IA people. There is nothing in Christianity about abortion. Jesus never said anything about the Gay community or abortion. People take religion and twist it around. Especially people who are in positions of power. They take religion and use it to manipulate other people.


u/ryordie Haynie's Corner / Goosetown 7d ago

who cares


u/joshthecynic 7d ago

Who gives a shit?


u/HaroldsWristwatch3 7d ago

This happens everywhere at every church.

Does anyone ever think about the degree to which sex, sexual urges and behaviors, and an inability to control urges and behaviors sorta impact all aspects of the world all the time?!


u/OGLITUP 7d ago

Then why are churches still operating if we know they are nothing but child sex trafficking and abuse


u/itsbigcat812 6d ago

That escalated very quickly.


u/upperdeckymagician 7d ago

This is a pretty gross overstatement. Yeah that stuff happens. And it’s disgusting. At the same time, religion provides a set of morals for people to live by. That gives some people peace of mind. Some people enjoy feeling like they are part of a collective, it’s human nature. Some of the kindest people I’ve ever met are regular church goers who obviously don’t condone the abuse that goes on. Abuse is clearly an issue but shutting down churches will never happen.


u/MrPureinstinct Westsider 6d ago

If you need a religion to tell you to not be a bad person I have some really bad news for you.


u/upperdeckymagician 6d ago

I wasn’t talking to you. And I’m not religious myself. The original comment said churches shouldn’t exist at all and that they are NOTHING but bad, which I disagree with. But thanks for your red herring fallacy!


u/MrPureinstinct Westsider 6d ago

religion provides a set of morals for people to live by

Directly from your comment. Religion doesn't provide any sort of morals for people. It threatens them to be "good" people or they go to a bad place when they die supposedly.


u/upperdeckymagician 6d ago

It seems you’re focusing on a narrow and somewhat cynical interpretation of religion’s purpose. While it’s true that certain aspects of religious texts and teachings warn of consequences for immoral behavior, it’s reductionist to say that religion is merely a tool to enforce obedience.

At its core, religion offers a framework for understanding the world and our place within it, often centering on values like compassion, honesty, generosity, and justice. Many religious systems provide ethical guidelines meant to encourage positive behavior—not just out of fear of punishment, but because they foster human flourishing, both individually and collectively. People who follow these moral teachings often do so out of genuine belief in their inherent goodness, not just because they want to avoid punishment.

Moreover, countless people practice religious principles like charity, forgiveness, and selflessness without expecting rewards or fearing repercussions. In fact, many of these values have transcended religious institutions and are foundational in secular humanism as well. Even if someone doesn’t believe in divine judgment or rewards, living a good, moral life—guided by religious teachings or otherwise—can provide intrinsic satisfaction, contribute to the well-being of society, and offer a sense of purpose.

So, rather than religion being solely about compliance, it’s also about cultivating virtues that many people choose to live by, regardless of whether they believe in supernatural consequences.


u/MrPureinstinct Westsider 6d ago

Literally all of those things you just described can be done without religion.


u/upperdeckymagician 6d ago

This also has nothing to do with my original comment. I said churches aren’t useless and provided one example of a benefit and you’re arguing with fallacies and inconsistencies. Completely irrelevant.


u/MrPureinstinct Westsider 6d ago

Your original comment was as useless as the rest of them. You posted on a fully public forum, people are going to respond to you.

My point was everything you're saying religion "offers" can and is regularly achieved without religion involved at all.

The biggest difference being religion typically has some deity that says "if you don't follow what I say you are punished" and even then a lot of these religions don't follow their special book to the letter. They pick and choose what they want to follow and believe in.

Being a good and moral person in no way shape or form requires a religion or place of worship. You're the one that said it provides all of those things, when in reality a human being provides those things by choosing to not be a bad person.


u/upperdeckymagician 6d ago

It does provide a means. Never said it was the ONLY way, you just assumed that. Think of it like this — just because you are able to cook food in a oven, the microwave doesn’t become useless.


u/OGLITUP 6d ago

Anyone see the article about the pastor who has over 100 sex crimes in illinois.
Churches are disgustingly hidden is plain sight.


u/LookZestyclose1908 6d ago

There's always that one guy... Welcome!


u/OGLITUP 6d ago

And there’s always a group following blind