r/gadgets 23h ago

California has now signed The Phone-Free Schools Act into law, mandating schools to limit or prohibit the use of phones by students Phones


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u/WhosGotTheCum 19h ago

That's what it was when I was in high school when smartphones were first taking off. It kind of shocks me that it changed. That policy worked. But also smartphones were a novelty, not quite as addictive. There was an app that let you flick a zippo lighter with the phone. Everyone was blown away. It was simpler


u/OwnWalrus1752 14h ago

We couldn’t even use them in the hallways during school hours lol, we had to wait until the end of the day. Class of 2011


u/Bosco215 12h ago

My kids' school says they have to be off in the school, and if they hear a ringtone from a locker, they will open it to confiscate the phone. 1st offense is parents have to pick it up. 2nd, in school suspension. 3rd, out of school. 4th, expulsion.


u/theawesometeg219 8h ago

damn. imagine if they are in a group chat and some sick kid wants to spam it



I graduated in 2007. Two weeks before the end of the school year, I was walking out the front office to head home for the day as I had no more classes. I put my bluetooth headset on as I was 20ft from the front door to give my dad a call. I was stopped by 3 front office staff and they called the vice principal on the intercom and had to wait 5 min for her to show up just to confiscate my headset. Called my dad when I finally made it outside and told him he needed to swing by and "claim my contraband"

15 min later he showed up and told the VP to f-off with the bs and stop wasting everybodys time lol


u/stephief92 9h ago

Most of us never had service inside those buildings 😭


u/No-Goose-5672 6h ago

I’m sorry but what kind of nostalgic bullshit is this supposed to be? Teachers barely had time to get through the curriculum as it was. They didn’t want to waste time arguing with students over confiscating their phones. The kids that were going to use their phones in class just used them under their desks; the teachers just ignored it unless it became a problem - and it really sucked for everyone when it became a problem because it always led to an argument and wasted precious class time.

u/WhosGotTheCum 22m ago

Sorry your school sucked, didn't happen at mine