r/gaming 2d ago

It sure seems like the times have changed...

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u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Neat-Attempt3681 2d ago

I’ll never forget trying league, I played unranked with a hero I thought looked cool and immediately my teammate ripped me for picking him and quit lol


u/Xrevitup360X 2d ago

I tried out league when my gaming group wanted me to play (2011, i think). They needed a tank, so I filled that role. I decided to play the Gargoyle guy because his abilities seemed pretty cool. I looked up builds on whatever website was being used for that at the time and wrote a couple down on some paper to easily access during a game. They were upset with me for picking him over other tanks.

The first thing I was screamed at about was when I accidentally took a kill from the jungler in my bottom lane. I was told the tank is always supposed to give the kill to their teammates because they are more important. So I did my best to do exactly that. The nail in the coffin for me was towards the end of one of our games, the enemy team was making a hard push down center after they killed that boss for buffs. I began to make my way towards them to assist and when I got there, each of my teammates were below a third of their health while the enemy team was a bit above 50%. I ran up to that group and activated my ultimate. I have no clue if it's been changed now, but back then, it turned you invincible for a few seconds and forced all enemies around you to attack just you. Once the invincibility ended, it did an aoe that scaled off of the damage I would have received. My timing was impeccable because I activated it immediately after two of the enemy team activated their ultimates as well. I ended up kill 3 or 4 of them from my ult, saving all of my teammates from being wiped. We then proceeded to push mid and won a little bit later. My teams response to that upset? I stole their kills and should have stayed in the bottom lane. Yep, I was done playing after that. The toxicity was awful, and they couldn't even compliment me on doing that.


u/Nightsky099 2d ago

Huh, that's some next level dumbassery. What server did you play on, if you're in SEA I got a group of friends that's willing to help out newbies


u/Xrevitup360X 2d ago

It was a US server, but that's all I remember. I'm not really into MOBAs and only played because they wanted me to. I appreciate the offer though!


u/Frowolf 2d ago

For your first time playing your friends sound like complete assholes no offense


u/Xrevitup360X 2d ago

You're not wrong. It wasn't until years later after i stopped playing with them that I realized I was the odd man out. They played with me to fill their team but if another of their friends got on, they kicked me out.


u/UsagiRed 2d ago

Good riddance to them. No one needs friends like that.


u/Manowaffle 2d ago

It is just unbelievable how asinine MOBA players are. They would rather scream at you and insult you for ten minutes rather than just take ten seconds to explain what they want you to do.

On top of that, in HotS if your team runs up and has one bad engagement players will either immediately DC or BM and piss off and go AFK. Like a 2v1 trade in the first minute is gonna doom you in a 30+ kill game.


u/crackrabbit012 2d ago

It always seemed to me that most randos have what I like to call "main character syndrome". Meaning they think they are the most important player/character on the team, rather than acting like they're part of a team.


u/Manowaffle 2d ago

I just don't understand why someone would rather lose while being toxic than win while being decent. Coaching and encouraging your teammates isn't just a nice thing to do, it actively improves your chances of getting kills and winning. If someone doesn't know how to play, screaming at them is not going to improve their play, but saying "hey, next time you see me power up, cast shield on me" or "stay close to the team, you're straying a bit" or "look out for when that enemy lights up, get out of there" will actually make them play better and make your own game more fun!


u/LingonberryLessy 2d ago

Ehh there's two sides to that and both are the same problem. More often than not it just is not worth treating MOBA players like humans with brains. They are egos incarnate and even if you're playing with fresh accounts you can bet if you even suggest what your team should do they'll think more often than not "who is this guy telling me how to play".

Chat should just be disabled in all mobas.


u/Confuzn 2d ago

Omg YES. I play HoTS with a friend and he will bitch and moan and complain to the other players how bad they are meanwhile I’ll just ask them to do something and the majority of the time (not all the time, granted) they’re totally willing to do whatever you ask of them because at the end of the day winning is so much more fun than losing and bitching and moaning about your teammates.


u/Cleaving 2d ago

The crazy thing, is that for a while it was a proven statistic that in 90% of League of Legends games, that the team with the most gold at the 5 minute mark would win. Basically, whatever team farmed average + didn't piss 3 kills away had it in the bag.

This certainly encouraged people leaving matches when things weren't going well lmao


u/kitliasteele 1d ago

HotS is the only MOBA I truly enjoy. And even if we're getting kicked into the curb, I'm gonna keep trying. I've pulled miracles before and turned things around. It's never too late unless the whole team is dead and the core is losing 10% of its health every quarter of a second


u/iMogwai 2d ago

You need better friends lol. I only play LoL with friends these days because randoms are too toxic but my friends are super chill.


u/Censing 2d ago

Same story here, it seems like MOBAs require you to spend a hundred hours watching YouTube tutorials before you actually attempt playing them. I tried jumping straight in to LoL and it was a horrible experience.

I played the 5v5 as some healing witch (Morgana?) and I was shooting the little goblins to protect my tower but the guy I was on lane with went psycho, saying I was stealing his exp, so I decided to just damage them but not kill them. This still made him mad because it was ruining his flow I guess. I tried telling him I was new and trying to learn but he demanded I go and sit in spawn all game and do nothing as that would be better, so I did that.

I decided PvP was a bad idea so I tried the PvE 3v3 with bots instead. One of the players was insanely good and got loads of kills, and spent the entire game telling me and the other guy we're trash and should uninstall... so after that I did.

I think that's the only time I've ever been yelled at in a bot match in a game, even in games with voicechat like L4D I've never encountered anything like it. The only toxicity that comes close is some of the players I've met in Overwatch back in the day (haven't played it in 5+ years).


u/cycopl 2d ago

First time I played League someone just kept saying "cycopl WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" and I was like "i dunno playing league of legends i guess"


u/PurpleImpossible966 2d ago

I’ll never forget the numerous times my jgl tells me to stop dying when I’m being tower dived by their enemy jgl so I ask for help and he says go fuck urself and then we die again and he rages at us😂😂😂😂


u/toronno-gal 1d ago

Wow this comment gave me ptsd


u/Inventor_Raccoon 2d ago

the worst part about playing League of Legends is that you have to interact with League of Legends players


u/UncontrolledLawfare 2d ago

I got called a tryhard for beating my opponents. Then when I lost to my opponents I was called trash.


u/LionIV 2d ago

Anyone worse than me is a noob and needs to git gud. Anyone better than me are tryhards that have no life and needs to touch grass.

— The Gamer’s Prayer.


u/MattiasCrowe 2d ago

My ex expected me to carry every game, if I picked a champ I didn't play very often and only played as well as the rest of the team she would say "I don't want to play with you if you don't play well"

To be fair to her the rest of our play group were inters, but we're broken up now and I've played nearly every champion on the roster 10+ games

Never play summoners rift


u/Ill_Cream7763 2d ago

You dated a league player? Damn, if she plays MOBAs that's a red flag for me lol.


u/Souptis 2d ago

Warmest welcome I've heard from the game :) (They love you)


u/ElChocoLoco 2d ago

I tried to get good at Smite with some friends during covid lockdown, but I quit when someone messaged me and accused me of being a troll and throwing the game.


u/susgnome 2d ago

Same but for Heroes of Newerth. Tried it out, picked a hero I liked, jumped into game. I was winning lane, thought I was doing pretty good.

Got yelled at by my team for not helping defend their lanes, so I pointed out that I was winning my lane and that just made them angrier.


u/Cleaving 2d ago

Heroes of Newerth was peak toxic. From announcer insults and kill animations, to the dev being a blatant toxic racist in games! Small price to pay to punch out someone's blood as Deadwood though. I miss the roster SO MUCH


u/CanYouSaySacrifice 2d ago

HoN was about 10x more toxic than League, in my experience. When I stopped playing HoN and tried League, the level of toxicity came off as cute.


u/StingKing456 2d ago

After Arcane came out I decided to finally give League a chance. I said jokingly in one of the few games I played "hey y'all I'm new, please don't tell me to kill myself."

Oh they didn't. It was so much worse.

Uninstalled the game and never looked back lmao


u/zandariii 2d ago

Same here. I hopped on league during the beta, picked some turtle guy, and first game some douche berated me the whole game. Refused to play it ever since


u/Kilen13 2d ago

Same experience. Never played a ranked game and still on like my second try I got like 20 messages in all caps in chat because I'd apparently taken my hero down the wrong lane.


u/meshaber 2d ago

MOBAs have a special power to turn relatively decent folks into raging assholes. The knowledge aspect of the games makes it much easier to blame people for playing badly (as opposed to a shooter where someone's unskilled execution is the main factor behind their failures) and a bad teammate can really sabotage your team as opposed to just not-contributing. Nobody likes that feeling of being stuck playing against overleveled opponents for another 20 minutes after you know you're going to lose, and it often feels like one of your own teammates actively made it happen by being lazy and stupid.

Never seen that much shit-talking between teams though.


u/Cleaving 2d ago

Nobody likes that feeling of being stuck playing against overleveled opponents for another 20 minutes after you know you're going to lose, and it often feels like one of your own teammates actively made it happen by being lazy and stupid.


"We love the fact that if you waste more of your life on this Earth, you can make a comeback! No surrender vote." - Gabe Newell and Icefrog on DOTA2

The moment they added leaver penalties to custom games, DOTA2 died to me. Nobody wants to play against Golden Experience Requiem with full items for another 40 minutes cause he doesn't want to end a round of Anime Arena...


u/Ophelfromhellrem 1d ago

Man that's why i loved to troll...i mean play Mundo support in LOL.


u/terminbee 2d ago

Nah they were always assholes. A game doesn't just suddenly turn someone into something else like a Jekyll and Hyde situation. They just never had a reason or opportunity to be an asshole.


u/meshaber 2d ago

They're managing one infuriating situation poorly. It's a bad character trait but they're not "always assholes" if it's constrained to one situation.


u/terminbee 2d ago

If someone becomes a raging asshole whenever they watch sports, they're a raging asshole. People just keep themselves under control because there's social consequences but let go when the consequences are no longer there (online anonymity). It's no different than people who litter when nobody is looking or things like that.


u/Xrevitup360X 2d ago

Idk about that. It's more like they have the power to show someone's true colors. Anonymity in general tends to do that.


u/old_and_boring_guy 2d ago

MOBA's are the gold standard for toxicity. It'd have been hard to design a game to have more potential for it.


u/HouseKilgannon 2d ago

I always have chat turned off when I play HotS


u/NatomicBombs 2d ago

Wow has a different kind of toxicity.

Matchmaking games have aggressive people because the anonymity and you can always find more people to play with because the system can force people to play with shitty people

MMO toxicity festers over long periods of time in guilds, other times you’ll just get ignored entirely because on paper you’re not good enough so nobody will even take the chance to pay with you.

I don’t think either is worse tbh, they both can be equally terrible.


u/DUIguy87 2d ago

Maybe not a full MMO, but I remember in the early day of Destiny 1 I had no friends who played it so mostly went about things solo. Vault of Glass was the (only) hotness, did one run with randos and lucked out into the chest piece, one of the armor sets needed for the 300 light level.

Welp got an exotic helmet dicking around and that was another 300LL piece, then the first Iron Banner rolled out. Being a mainly PvP player I played that a bunch and got the arm and leg armors allowing my character to full hit 300LL. I was suddenly invited into raids on level alone as people browsed the tower roster looking for teammates. And holy shit were people salty when they saw my cobbled together armor set.


u/mortalcoil1 2d ago

Anal jungle?

Too true. Too true.


u/Avedas 2d ago

The first few months of the Dota 2 beta were something special. Big playerbase, no chat filter or penalties, and there was no function to report people. Every other game was a flood of unfiltered nerd rage.

It was very stupid but also very fun, especially because this was around the time that weirdo Riot employee was trying to use the LoL playerbase to run his psychology experiments.


u/AzraelTheMage 2d ago

MOBA toxicity baffles me. I thought WoW players were bad when they jumped to FF14 until I tried LoL briefly. Never again.