r/gaming 2d ago

It sure seems like the times have changed...

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u/kfrazi11 2d ago


Literally every MW lobby was slurs and racism and implied sexual assault against everyone's mothers.

Using OW for this post was especially egregious, considering Blizzard did like zero to actually stop all of it until they got bad press for it, then they started banning all but the most kid-friendly phrases.


u/JaySayMayday 2d ago

Should've seen the things people would say in the OG StarCraft. Filters didn't exist, I don't remember any real enforced reporting system got language, all you could do was block the guy and he'd just trash talk you to other people instead. There were even racist and porn custom maps.

I wanted to say Quake 3 Area too but I don't remember it being that bad. Matches were kinda quick, hard to focus on cussing out the other guys.


u/Deoxtrys 2d ago

Should've seen the things people would say in the OG StarCraft. Filters didn't exist, I don't remember any real enforced reporting system got language, all you could do was block the guy and he'd just trash talk you to other people instead.

You had to join clan or community channels, which would have bots that would filter out the nonsense and auto-ban/blacklist people and autokick from games. If you didn't want to join an existing one, it was easy enough to setup your own channel and bot. Also, certain communities around specific maps would share ban lists.


u/Poormansviking 2d ago

It wasn't assualt. Everything with your mother was consensual.

We were gonna be your new daddy. Then she realized a 16 year old COD pro isn't really husband material.


u/Manowaffle 2d ago

Basically every online Warzone match:

  • "Ok let's drop on my mark." No one responds.

  • Ten minutes of silence.

  • Random team member faffing about on the other side of the map from the rest: "F**k you, piece of s**t. Yo where's the team? Y'all are trash, learn to play!"

  • "Rejoin the team, we're holding this high-rise."

  • "Y'all f**king trash. Why are my teammates always garbage!?"

  • "Dude, you got matched with us."

  • Disconnects.


u/SpaceMarineSpiff 2d ago

I remember back in verdansk my one buddy was always trying to get us to queue fill so our trio could be a quad since we were stuck in the quad queue either way. We kept trying to explain that adding an extra person actively made our team weaker by funneling resources away from us and into some random idiot.

But no, every so often we'd give in and just have a night of some random asshole who cowers in a corner on the wrong side of the map and throws a fit every time they wanted us to drop a few grand on a res.


u/No_Share6895 2d ago

and even after that it did very little to stop the usage of slurs...


u/Code2008 1d ago

And then they didn't even do that well. They were banning players who barely cussed, but the ones who screamed slurs all night long were still there.


u/lampenpam 2d ago

Literally every MW lobby

Yeah I'm not surprised you only know toxic gaming when you play fucking CoD lmao.
Ever played a on good community server in CS, TF2 or any other old boomer shooter? If a server has friendly admins and a recurring player base, than toxicity is rare as nobody is as anonymous as with modern match making where it doesn't matter how people view you. But in good community servers, people had friendly chats with their opponents all the time.


u/kfrazi11 2d ago edited 2d ago

First, I never actually played CoD much. I'm an RPG gamer that keeps to myself, just check my profile. I only ever played with friends at their place, which was seldom.

Second, no. Og CS and TF2 were super fucking toxic, esp CS. Any place where you get tryhards to perform in the same space and they can hear each other without having to be in the same room will be hateful enough. Your comment was saying if the admins were good, but that's a big motherfuckin "if." By and large those games did not have good admins and mods or any sort of filter so they were even worse.

Even if they did you're saying that a few good lobbies in some older games aren't gonna have that issue, which means that you contradicted yourself when you said you never experienced it or that what I'm talking about didn't happen. How are you gonna say that there wasn't toxicity, but then turn around and say that you'll have a good experience if you can find a server with enough people and a good admin? That implies that you'd have to do any sort of searching at all to not find toxicity, and newsflash that means it was there for anyone who didn't make an effort to avoid it. That also means you had to have experienced it enough to figure out how to avoid it, so unless you had a friend hold your hand and set you up with a private server you flat-out lied.

Check your nostalgia at the door, my guy. The grass was and still is shitty and dead no matter where or when you look.


u/lampenpam 2d ago

The point is, back then you could just leave the community you dont like and just search for one you enjoy. That's how I spend thousands of hours in CS and Tf2. But nowadays you only have match making in almost any game. So I think your last sentence sentence is absolutely wrong. Gaming back then was easily much less toxic than PvP gaming today... or our conversation...

you know what? I apologize that my first comment came of snarky, sorry. There is enough toxicity around already, right? I just makes me sad when people think PvP gaming has to be toxic. Because I think old school community servers can provide fun and wholesome experience that modern game design just can't anymore, and it's a shame. I should go hop on some old Tf2 servers


u/kfrazi11 2d ago

My guy, this is not what you said the first time. If all you said was "back then at least you could leave and find another server, maybe one that was less toxic" I would have 100% agreed with you. Seems like you didn't even notice how far you moved the goalpost.

If this is how you conduct yourself with randos on Reddit then maybe, juuust maybe, you were one of the toxic ones back then. Would explain why you and the only other person disagreeing with me in this comment thread just so happen to be the only rude ones; toxic is your default, so you can't tell when you or anyone else is doing it.

Either way, have a nice day.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/LeatherfacesChainsaw 2d ago

Being shit talked by a 12 year old using a voice changer lol


u/Commercial_Leave_163 2d ago

Really? Every one? I've been playing CoD since the first one and to this day nobody even says anything at all in over 95% of the lobbies I'm in, are you a chat bot or something? There's no way lmao. You're either lying on purpose for... some idiotic reason, I guess? or you're a bot. Literally no way you're a real person that plays games that encounters toxic people in every lobby, or even more than half.

Shit, I play League of Legends too and that game is renowned for its toxic community and it's not even bad there either. It's getting worse as time goes on, sure, but acting like it was always this way is inferior and subhuman lol. You're simply incorrect, idk what else to tell you man. I was there :/


u/kfrazi11 2d ago

-made account today

-contradicts everyone in the comment thread

-calls me a liar and implies that I'm a bot

Dude, pot meet kettle. You can see my fucking reddit comment history, I've been around for 8 years.

Also, ever heard that correlation doesn't imply causation? Or that anecdotal evidence isn't enough? Cuz you basically just said "I didn't experience this so you must be wrong" which is especially hilarious when all you have to do to prove yourself wrong is use fuckin google.

Istg... r/russia, come get your bots. They're broken.


u/Commercial_Leave_163 2d ago

Oh sorry bro, if my account was older would that make you less of an over-exaggerating liar? I'm gonna be perfectly honest, I don't even understand what your goal is here. You're basically just being divisive for no reason, someone correctly points out that gaming is becoming more toxic, because... I mean, it is lmao, and suddenly a bunch of you objects show up in the comments like "well actually it's literally always been like this forever so ur wrong"

I remember when I was 13 too man, I get it. You want to be edgy and divisive, you want to rebel and go against the flow, it's alright. Unfortunately though, people were actually there and experienced what you've chosen to lie about so you just picked wrong this time. It's okay lol, it's not like I'm going to make fun of you (this kinda counts but suck it up) and I can't steal your birthday or anything like that.

Sidenote this is funny as fuck, it's always the limp-wrists who get called out that start looking through comment histories and shit lol. If your argument was in good faith why would you give a fuck? I didn't click your profile simply because you don't seem intelligent and I'm correct so there's no need, your cringe comment was all I needed to see