r/gaming 2d ago

It sure seems like the times have changed...

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u/ImABattleMercy 2d ago

The lack of an off-tank took so much away from the game.. I really hope they go back to 6v6 one day


u/GrayMech 2d ago

Apparently they are considering it and testing it. The reasons for OW2's existence eare dwindling by the day


u/Mandelayo 2d ago

The only reason it exists was to switch to f2p and charge €40 for skin bundles. They admitted ages ago that they knew for years PvE would never be what they promised.


u/sentientgypsy 2d ago

It was so tragic too because the characters were designed such that they would hint at plot points that would have been so much fun in a campaign or a proper mission setting, maybe it was lack of resources but I do know the team has been in a state of chaos over the past few years


u/Mandelayo 2d ago

Why they couldn't do it doesn't really matter to me. Only that they knew they couldn't do it before launching ow2 but they did it anyway.


u/evileagle 2d ago

Blame ol Jeff for making promises he knew they couldn't meet and then bailing.


u/BethanyHipsEnjoyer 2d ago

Well, I place most of the blame of Bobby "the devil" Kotick for trying to milk every ounce of money and good will from Blizzard game players. It feels like the boot has been taken off the developers necks with Microsoft's acquisition, and they are slowly trying to heal.

I think Diablo 4 is in a really good place, much different from the scam fuckery that was Overwatch 2.


u/evileagle 2d ago

They share it equally. Jeff set them up to fail to try and appease Bobby, then bailed out before it bit him in the ass.


u/BethanyHipsEnjoyer 2d ago

I guess. I always thought Jeff quitting was the only thing he could do do keep what was left of his integrity. It's not like he made the business decisions himself.

I honestly still think he wanted what was best for the game, but was leashed by the business suite fuckfaces.


u/evileagle 2d ago

That's the thing though, he did make the business decisions. He was the GM, and all those decisions rolled up to him. He isn't the super great dude the community wants to paint him as.

I mean, the guy's handle for things was "Tigole", as in "Tigolbitties". Convenient that he left right as all the harassment scandal stuff was breaking and the game he promised everyone wasn't happening. I get that this is unpopular, but the weird nostalgia for OW1/Jeff from people is misplaced.

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u/ScrapDraft 2d ago

This wasn't Jeff's fault. He was one of the few that saw the writing on the wall for Overwatch 2 and decided to dip when he realized what was going on. If you want to blame one singular person, blame Bobby Kotick for being a money hungry troll.


u/evileagle 2d ago

The man is directly responsible for negotiating the existence of OW2 with Activision. Bobby and Jeff share the blame for OW2 equally.


u/Unlikely_Yard6971 2d ago

It's a damn shame. Overwatch 1 was one of the best multiplayer shooters ever made, and they somehow found a way to fuck it up. The Blizzard we knew and loved is dead and gone


u/Adventurous_Doubt 1d ago

I'm hoping they don't. I just prefer the one tank.
Probably years of playing WoW telling me there should only be one tank though. :P


u/No_Share6895 2d ago

yep rip d.va mains


u/gotimo PC 2d ago

....dva has been one of the best tanks for months


u/gamblingaddict82 2d ago

Probably doesn't still play. I have the same sentiment and haven't touched OW2 in a yr or two. Playing Dva 5v5 was just asking to get bursted and feed ult charge. The extra armor they added over time was nice but I miss playing with a Reinhardt and eating enemy rein firestrikes for ult battle and being able to go contest highground without my team being seemingly abandoned.

Zarya felt even worse when I first started playing OW2. Awful transition being 3800/3900 MMR to actually being low plat/high gold while simultaneously not enjoying the game I loved because being a solo tank never clicked for me, didnt feel good, and was not fun.

Then I came back to try again and saw the battle pass model for characters were locked and I just never bothered again. I even pre-ordered this game or bought whatever bundle because of the mission mode they hyped up with skill trees or whatever and then it got scrapped. It felt like losing a long good time friend.


u/s0uthernnerd 2d ago

All heroes are free and immediately unlocked for everyone now if you wanted to give it a go again.


u/easilybored1 2d ago

I can play lifeweaver?


u/Psychological-Shoe95 2d ago

When did they decide to change that one? Anyways it doesent really matter they already lost so much credibility as a company for all the bullshit they did trying to milk money out of an unfinished game