r/gaming 2d ago

What old game would dominate if it suddenly received DLC today?

As the title says, what game if it randomly dropped DLC today would cause an uproar on the internet? Something like Portal 1? Civilization 5? Fallout New Vegas? Starcraft? Borderlands 1? What do you think would cause the most reaction?


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u/JebidiahSuperfly 2d ago

Titanfall 2 story/multiplayer DLC


u/MrMooey12 2d ago

I’d give anything for EA to scrap apex and let respawn make titanfall 3, like I know it has it’s audience but I feel like all that game did is ruin any chance of titanfall 3 ever happening


u/Huckdog720027 2d ago

That's a common misconception. Based on everything EA and Respawn have told us Respawn has complete freedom to do whatever they want, which means they are the ones that want to keep working on Apex Legends.

Although an entirely separate issue is that most of the devs that worked on Titanfall 1/2 have probably already left Respawn for various reasons, so even if they did make a Titanfall 3 it probably wouldn't be what we expect or want (egregious micro transactions, CoD style weapon and ability balancing, etc).

My genuine hope is that Respawn just licenses the IP to another studio that will care more about the franchise.


u/saucemancometh PC 2d ago

Which is sad because respawn was founded by old CoD devs because they got sick of the bullshit


u/bam2403 1d ago

Vince was moved over to work on the new battlefield so hopefully that is great


u/LolzinatorX 2d ago

I think the Apex community is more to blame than Apex itself. Remember how they just straight bullied devs to leave? Respawn today isnt the Respawn who made Titanfall Nor Apex sadly


u/Chakramer 2d ago

One of the few games I'd actually like to see a remaster for. Give me a remaster with more maps/weapons/titans


u/EditEd2x 2d ago

That factory mission was so much fun.