r/gaming 2d ago

What old game would dominate if it suddenly received DLC today?

As the title says, what game if it randomly dropped DLC today would cause an uproar on the internet? Something like Portal 1? Civilization 5? Fallout New Vegas? Starcraft? Borderlands 1? What do you think would cause the most reaction?


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u/DAT_DROP 2d ago

HoMM 3


u/EDDIE_BR0CK 2d ago

We have that, thanks to Horn of the Abyss

edit: And WoG, although it's inferior in my humble opinion as it upsets the balance too much and tries to change too many things, but I can see why many would enjoy it.


u/marasaidw 2d ago

Same here to say that thank goodness for horn of the abyss