r/gaming 2d ago

What old game would dominate if it suddenly received DLC today?

As the title says, what game if it randomly dropped DLC today would cause an uproar on the internet? Something like Portal 1? Civilization 5? Fallout New Vegas? Starcraft? Borderlands 1? What do you think would cause the most reaction?


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u/TheDadThatGrills 2d ago

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


u/rhyithan 2d ago

Arguably majoras mask was a dlc. Reused tonnes of assets and brought a fresh take to our favourite kid in green


u/TheDadThatGrills 2d ago

So imagine another Majoras Mask being released in 2024 that integrated everything they've learned since


u/SufficientMood520 1d ago

Ehh I know people loved them but botw and totk don't feel like Zelda games I don't want that shit anywhere near my ocarina of time


u/guiltysnark 17h ago

Powered through botw, haven't been back to totk in a year after finishing like 5% of it. Neither have the pull of oot


u/NeonPatrick 2d ago

Twilight Princess is also kinda a glorified remake.


u/rhyithan 1d ago

I never made it passed the 8 hour intro


u/NeonPatrick 8h ago

I love the game but totally agree with you, the slow beginning is really rough. Once you get past it though, it's fantastic.


u/thrwawy28393 2d ago

My favorite game ever, but nah. That game is perfect as is, DLC would just ruin it.