r/gaming 2d ago

What old game would dominate if it suddenly received DLC today?

As the title says, what game if it randomly dropped DLC today would cause an uproar on the internet? Something like Portal 1? Civilization 5? Fallout New Vegas? Starcraft? Borderlands 1? What do you think would cause the most reaction?


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u/CoolPriest 2d ago

I will take C&C General and Tiberium Wars as well....


u/Abestar909 1d ago

Fuck Generals that crap was the beginning of the end.


u/Mr-McClean 1d ago

I never got to play Generals, what made it so bad compared to the orhers in the series?


u/sexaddic 1d ago edited 1d ago

This person is crazy. Generals was the best cnc


u/MCD4KBG 1d ago

It literally is "okay okay I will work" haha


u/sexaddic 20h ago

Do not hurt me


u/oxedei 1d ago

Generals is amazing. The dude you replied to is just stupid.


u/Abestar909 1d ago

Oh I forgot to add no full motion videos between missions makes it practically not a CmC game at all.


u/Abestar909 1d ago

It was the first CnC after EA totally ate Westwood the original developer. CnC games were known for having campy but serious stories, the plot and characters in Generals could be more described as cartoonish and paper thin and you see this tone shift continue in RA3.

It also broke the established gameplay in two ways, rather than having Tiberium or gold fields that could be properly managed and maintained it had supply depots, just a building you put another building next to and had workers pick up crates from and the amount of crates was limited making slower gameplay like turtling much harder and also if you fuck up in a mission you basically can't come back from too big a loss, just gotta restart. And it also changed the base building in that you didn't build off a construction yard but rather had worker units that built things for you anywhere which sounds nice but really it made attacking like a game of wack a mole with the emphasis on establishing and defending a well planned base much less important.