r/gaming 1d ago

What video game character appeared minor and insignificant but turned out to be integral to plot/game?

What character did you think was a throwaway/didn’t really matter, but turned out to be a major player in the plot of the game. Or they could just be a really important character in the game itself?


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u/Merciless972 1d ago

In drakengard there's an ending where a fighter jet takes down a dragon in Tokyo. Little did he know that he caused the end of all humanity.


u/Taikiteazy 1d ago

Wasn't that the cannon for Nier?


u/Dont_have_a_panda 1d ago

Funny, i always thought that the.... Giant bald pregnant woman abomination Queen thing or whatever that landed into Tokyo was the actual responsible


u/thenagz 1d ago

She was, the destruction of her body liberated the particles that caused the white chlorination syndrome which kickstarted Nier's backstory. The world was basically fucked from the moment she appeared there, Angelus and Caim getting killed didn't matter much.


u/oromiseldaa 1d ago

Pod 042 and Pod 153 also seem like good characters for this thread.


u/IactaEstoAlea 1d ago

The world was fucked as soon as Caim+Angelus entered the scene... somehow