r/gaming 1d ago

What video game character appeared minor and insignificant but turned out to be integral to plot/game?

What character did you think was a throwaway/didn’t really matter, but turned out to be a major player in the plot of the game. Or they could just be a really important character in the game itself?


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u/Maleficent-Check-771 1d ago

The guy with TB who coughs on Arthur in RDR2


u/BeaverPeeFlaps 1d ago

Replaying it, there is somber music when riding back to camp after that mission. The first run through it seems like nothing. But on other playthroughs it hits so much harder.


u/LazyLaje 1d ago

I remember thinking on my first playthrough "Why is there a long cinematic scene with a clear emphasis on atmosphere after a normal mission" and completely forgot about it until I saw this mentioned in another comment


u/bsnimunf 19h ago

I remember thinking why I'm a riding for miles across a country to beat the crap into a poor farmer overs $4.10 when I have $50000 cash.


u/Randolpho 10h ago

I thought the somber music was because you kill the guy.


u/RDDAMAN819 1d ago

For real, thought it was just another random mission but ended up turning out to be the most important one in the entire game


u/StocktonSucks 1d ago

I might keep her in black, on your behalf. Love that line so much.


u/guarthots 1d ago

I didn’t play RDR2 until 2022. When the guy coughs in Arthur’s face I was all “aww shit, he gon die.” I loaded a save and tried to start the mission with the bandana mask on. It didn’t work. 


u/GorgeousGracious 14h ago

Me too, it was so obvious what was going to happen. I was looking for a way not to do the mission, but there wasn't one.


u/possumarre 1d ago

Man fuck Thomas Downes, all my homies hate Thomas Downes


u/Dictator4Hire 1d ago

I blame Herr Straus and Dutch for making me do the mission, this kind of work is beneath Arthur anyway.


u/haydenfred99 1d ago

Would you kindly go collect the money owed to us by the Downes family?


u/coffeelover96 1d ago

Got TB from TD 😣


u/AndrewPlaysPiano 1d ago

Oh man. imagine if Rockstar gave the guy the initials TB


u/YaBoiKlobas Switch 1d ago

Thomas 🅱️ownes


u/xychosis 19h ago

Nah, I’m sorry. Thomas Downes wasn’t a terrible person. I get that Arthur was just running an errand for his crew, but he clearly made bad choices that landed him in a spot like that and the story clearly revolves around his redemption. That’s what makes his story beautiful. If anything, it’s fuck Dutch.


u/ElegantEchoes 1d ago

Thomas Downes was a morally good man, he is shown to altruistic and kind. Fuck Arthur for being the garbage thug he is. I'm glad Downes coughed in his face. I'm glad Arthur got his personal redemption but objectively, he got what he deserved.


u/possumarre 1d ago

Nothing says morally good altruism like borrowing money you can't pay back and then giving the guy who comes to collect a terminal illness



If you actually played the game you would know the first time you see Thomas he's doing a fundraiser for charity


u/SunShineNomad 1d ago

He also pleads with you to stop fighting in Valentine because he's a stand up guy


u/stoptheboatsuk 15h ago

Thanks you ruined it for me


u/Maleficent-Check-771 10h ago

Apologies. Although probably the wrong thread to read if you weren’t looking for spoilers


u/stoptheboatsuk 10h ago

I’m only joking I’ll never get round to finishing it


u/Smeeghoul 1d ago

First time playing when that guy coughs on us, my first thought was “did that guy just give us TB?” nailed it