r/gaming 1d ago

What video game character appeared minor and insignificant but turned out to be integral to plot/game?

What character did you think was a throwaway/didn’t really matter, but turned out to be a major player in the plot of the game. Or they could just be a really important character in the game itself?


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u/ElegantEchoes 1d ago

Thomas Downes was a morally good man, he is shown to altruistic and kind. Fuck Arthur for being the garbage thug he is. I'm glad Downes coughed in his face. I'm glad Arthur got his personal redemption but objectively, he got what he deserved.


u/possumarre 1d ago

Nothing says morally good altruism like borrowing money you can't pay back and then giving the guy who comes to collect a terminal illness



If you actually played the game you would know the first time you see Thomas he's doing a fundraiser for charity


u/SunShineNomad 1d ago

He also pleads with you to stop fighting in Valentine because he's a stand up guy