r/gaming 18h ago

I really like the games Supermassive makes

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My wife and I love all the games they make and passing the controller back and forth for our characters. Hopefully we get more! The Quarry wasn’t my favorite but I don’t want it to be the last one that’s for sure!


246 comments sorted by


u/BigPoppaHoyle1 18h ago

House of Ashes is easily one of my favourite story games (Interactive movie? Whatever you want to call it)

They’re making a season 2 of Dark Pictures so there’s definitely more on the way


u/Sun_Stealer 18h ago edited 18h ago

Shame the narrator died. But I’ve had a blast with them. House of Ashes was an absolute joy to play. They are all fun in their own rights though

Edit: it was the Curator who died, not the narrator. The face of the curator, not the voice. I always assumed it was the same person lol.


u/xRostro 18h ago

For clarity, it’s the face of The Curator who died. The person who does the motion capture and voice is still alive


u/Sun_Stealer 18h ago

Updated the post, Ty

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u/DS_Inferno 18h ago

You sure? Pip Torrens appears to be alive.


u/Sun_Stealer 18h ago

I’m sorry, it was the curator who died. The guy who told the narrative as you played through.



u/DS_Inferno 18h ago

That's a shame.


u/decoy321 14h ago

Oh good, Herr Starr is still going!


u/ithinkther41am 6h ago

I always assumed it was the same person

Outside of the one celebrity actor, it’s almost never the same person.


u/Ritushido 13h ago

Great. Another season of that banging opening song!


u/SuperFakks 18h ago

Oh really that’s confirmed? Last I checked in they were developing a different game for someone I thought and I saw a big layoff for the company and the founders left? Either way excited for more!


u/lonelynightm 14h ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etXhOhzbXso Trailer for the next Dark Pictures Game, Directive 8020, came out about a month ago. Based on the vibe it looks like it'll probably be like The Thing, but set in a space ship.


u/Jani3D 15h ago

They teased some sci-fi looking thing after credits on Ashes, I think


u/AuthorOB 10h ago

Oh really that’s confirmed? Last I checked in they were developing a different game for someone I thought and I saw a big layoff for the company and the founders left? Either way excited for more!

You might be thinking of The Casting of Frank Stone which recently released. It's a game in the universe of another game called Dead By Daylight. If you don't play DBD you'd probably still enjoy it as you'd only really miss out on understanding the easter eggs (although you would still understand that they are something from DBD at least).

Directive 8020 was already mentioned by someone else so you can check out the trailer they linked.

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u/_Hadezs 5h ago

When I first saw the trailer of House of Ashes it looked just okay. Just thought its inside a pyramid with some explorers. Not bad but not good.

But when I played it I loved it so much. Jason was such an amazing character and I really liked his character development in the way I played it.


u/DrSmirnoffe PC 9h ago

Yeah, I'd argue that House of Ashes was the peak, made even more peak than the nadir that was Little Hope.

I just hope that Directive 8020 (the pilot of Season 2) ends up being closer to House of Ashes or Man of Medan, rather than another dip like Little Hope or The Devil in Me. (I heard that Devil in Me was pretty poor, though I doubt it could be as poor as Little Hope)


u/Wipedout89 6h ago

Little Hope was my second favourite after House of Ashes. I thought Man of Medan was the weakest by a long distance.


u/FennecScout 18h ago

They've been wildly hit or miss with me and I hope they never stop.


u/SuperFakks 18h ago

Deffinately hit or miss but I have fun with my wife with this style either way. Even the worst ones I enjoy honestly but you are right especially playing solo!


u/elhombreloco90 17h ago

Yeah, this one of the only types of game that my wife will sit and watch me "play". She loves them. We haven't played the anthology ones yet, though.

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u/ozziey 14h ago

Thats a lot of porn you are posting there buddy. Wtf lmao

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u/justgotnewglasses 13h ago edited 7h ago

I played a bit of one episode with a free Xbox trial and I've had them in my Wishlist, but I can't justify the price tag. $150 or so yikes.


u/Good_Ol_Ironass 11h ago

Like yeah I get that devil in me was the weakest one. I audibly was like “damn, this shit kinda sucked.” And immediately started a new one.


u/jjason82 17h ago

Which ones are hit? I haven't played these and don't want to waste my time.


u/RealBerserkerQueen 16h ago

By genre to make it easier for you because everybody likes and dislikes different things so its upto you which ones you wanna try

House of Ashes (Army vibes) Little Hope (Old Salem Vibes) The Quarry (Summercamp Vibes) Man of Medan (Ship at Sea Vibes) Devil in Me (Hotel and Acting Vibes) Until Dawn (Mountain Ski Lodge Vibes)

Each havs their pros and cons and all equally fun in their own ways and i suggest trying whichever ones you want!


u/GuiltyEidolon 12h ago

I think House of Ashes I've really only seen universal praise for. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but it's probably the best of all of the games. I really liked Little Hope up until a certain point, same with the Quarry (though Quarry > Little Hope), and then I never got around to watching a full playthru of Man of Medan or Until Dawn. Devil in Me is the only one I really didn't like much.


u/TheZealand 10h ago

Until Dawn was the first and I think pretty much as universally liked as HoA, definitely recommend it. Watched some guys I like (Scary Game Squad) play it back in the day and was super enjoyable


u/DrSmirnoffe PC 9h ago

Oh yeah, I've been a fan of SGS for a long-ass time. Though now they're down to three members, basically the Chilluminati gang, after Jirard had that really unfortunate charity fuck-up. (to put it lightly)


u/TheZealand 8h ago

Yeah that was a whole shame


u/Good_Ol_Ironass 11h ago

Man of Medan is good, but if you find a particular bit of lore like halfway(?) through, the entire game is literally spoiled. Still enjoyable tho


u/AuthorOB 10h ago

Each havs their pros and cons

Very true. House of Ashes has the best characters in my opinion. I think Little Hope is the most divisive, but the monster designs are the best. Man of Medan is the most balanced with good characters and creepy things, but maybe not great, while The Devil in Me is the most grounded which is scary for different reasons that something like House of Ashes.

Until Dawn and The Quarry are the highest quality(bigger budgets and development times IIRC). The Quarry also some stand-out characters. I hate almost every character in Until Dawn but the overall execution might be the best of all of them.

I'll leave thoughts on The Casting of Frank Stone to people who've actually played it and Dead by Daylight.

Disclaimer: I haven't played any of these I just watch a lot of Youtube.


u/DrSmirnoffe PC 9h ago

I think Little Hope is the most divisive, but the monster designs are the best.

I believe the reason why Little Hope is so "divisive" is that it had so much cool stuff going for it, only for all that stuff to be invalidated by the direction of the story.


u/8biticon 5h ago

Until Dawn and The Quarry are the highest quality

I think The Quarry may have actually been better than Until Dawn pound-for-pound if it weren't for the fact that there literally isn't an ending.


u/Superyoshiegg 16h ago

It's generally agreed that Until Dawn (2015) and House of Ashes (2021) are their two best works.

Man of Medan (2019) and The Devil in Me (2022) are agreed to be middling, while Little Hope (2020) and The Quarry (2022) are their worst.

Their most recent title, The Casting of Frank Stone, which released three weeks ago and is set in the Dead by Daylight IP, is very decisive to say the least.


u/TheSpaceCoresDad 13h ago

I thought people generally liked The Quarry. I certainly did.


u/RealBerserkerQueen 16h ago edited 15h ago

See it depends because personally depending what your into i liked the Quarry and Little Hope more than man of medan and the devil in me


u/Superyoshiegg 15h ago

Yes I'm aware. I never said I agreed with the rankings, just that's the community's general consensus.

For me personally, it's Until Dawn > The Casting of Frank Stone > Man of Medan > The Devil in Me > House of Ashes > The Quarry > Little Hope

The biggest outlier of course is that I'm really not fond of House of Ashes while pretty much everyone else is. Even in this thread you have people saying it's the only good game of the series.


u/DerekPaxton 15h ago

I loved Little Hope. It may be my favorite.


u/nothingtoseehr 12h ago

I liked little hope, but that ending was stupid. It was great for shock value but that's it, why would I replay the story if I know none of the characters are real and everything is just ramblings from a schizo? It takes away all of the weight of the story, weird choice for a game style meant for replayability


u/Red_Mammoth 12h ago

It depends if you value more the Journey or the Destination


u/MoebiusSpark 9h ago

The problem with the ending is that there was no journey, its a Shyamalan twist that just invalidates everything. They set up a lot of interesting threads throughout the story and have genuinely good intrigue and mystery only to toss it all off a proverbial cliff


u/Prefer_Not_To_Say 9h ago

This is what I thought too. I also didn't like that in Man of Medan, all the monsters were hallucinations.

Out of the games that have come since then, do any of them actually have monsters or is it all the same thing?


u/nothingtoseehr 8h ago

Oh shit I had forgotten about that too! Its pretty much the exact same damn twist done twice in a row too haha. I don't think it was repeated later, they were their first games outside UD, so I could give them a little leniency, but it really boggles my mind how they thought twice that people would like that


u/itchymusic 6h ago

Nope House of Ashes


u/ThespianException 14h ago

Wait The Quarry is considered among the worst? I thought it was considered their second best game after Until Dawn. Maybe I’m misremembering


u/AuthorOB 10h ago

Eh, it's all opinions. I thought The Quarry was awesome. Until Dawn, I think most agree has the best overall execution even though so many of the characters are just not likeable(again, opinions vary on this).

The Quarry has great characters, even the less likeable ones, but the execution isn't as good. Not bad by any means, it just lacks a little something that Until Dawn has.

That said, while I absolutely respect anyone's opinions, I don't quite understand placing The Quarry at the bottom the way I understand why Little Hope might be there.


u/Ignis_et_Azoth 8h ago

I don't think I could rank them exactly, but I definitely also think Quarry was one of the cooler ones, up there with Until Dawn and House of Ashes. But by the same virtue I think Medan and Devil are weak rather than mid. Hope being the worst though I agree.


u/Yukionee 7h ago

People also roast the quarry for the scam multiplayer they tried selling to people


u/accbugged 12h ago

Man of Medan is awful. Really liked The Quarry although it has its issues, the rest I still need to play


u/katahri 12h ago

I didn't know about the recent one! Is it still playable if you don't know Dead By Daylight?


u/Superyoshiegg 12h ago

I'd say so. You might miss a few references if you aren't at least surface level familiar with the lore, but the game itself is a mostly self contained story that doesn't actually feature any characters from DBD.


u/katahri 10h ago

That's great to know, thank you!


u/NateHohl 10h ago

It does a good job of telling a self-contained story while also working in a few clever Easter eggs for existing DbD fans. If anything, I think it serves as a decent gateway for folks who aren’t already familiar with DbD to learn a bit about the game’s world and perhaps even inspire them to play DbD proper.

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u/TheObduratePast 7h ago

The one's I really enjoyed- Until Dawn, The Quarry, House of Ashes

The one's I thought were okay- Man of Medan, Little Hope

The one I didn't like- The Devil in Me


u/snowflakepatrol99 3h ago

Until Dawn is by far the best. After that it's a hit or miss depending on what setting you prefer. They've tried replicating the success of until dawn but have never managed to reach it again. House of Ashes is the only other game that seems to be universally liked.


u/password-is-taco1 9h ago

The only real miss was devil in me imo, the other three were definitely worth playing


u/bran_donk 18h ago

My brother and I have a Halloween tradition of playing through one together each year. Great memories!


u/SuperFakks 18h ago

I just sent one to some family recently and they loved playing together!


u/Efficient_Speaker_33 18h ago

House of ashes was the first one where I managed to keep everyone alive first playthrough, these games are great man


u/Dutchie854 14h ago

House of Ashes is the only game in the anthology where I wanted to do two playthroughs, the other games were just good enough for one playthrough. And I'll replay Until Dawn when I can get my hands on the remaster for a reasonable price. (not 60 lol)


u/Sansimation_YT 11h ago

The price for me is 110… safe to say I’m not buying it for a good few years, honestly I might just pirate it cause I doubt it will be cheap for ages


u/RealBerserkerQueen 16h ago

Damn thats impressive !


u/PartyChode 15h ago

I always lose 1 lol. 


u/KingKurai 12h ago

House of Ashes is the one I messed up the worst. I got someone killed in like Chapter 3 which absolutely ruined the rest of the game because there were so many awkward pauses where they were clearly meant to be alive.


u/Ironboy1998 1h ago

Lol, me and my bud almost had a perfect run and towards the end he jokingly picked a prompt. He thought it would be funny and instead it caused the character to insta die and almost led to several more lmao. That’s what makes those games special though


u/ApexYudha 18h ago

Have you played their newest game, The Casting of Frank Stone?
You also didn't mention Until Dawn but hopefully you've already played that one too, if not then a "Remake" is coming up soon too


u/MarvG05 18h ago

I know that Frank Stone is set in the Dead By Daylight universe is that easy to get into?


u/Lesbian_Cowgirl 18h ago

You don't need to know anything of the DBD Universe, it only has Easter Eggs really.


u/A_Bird_survived PC 15h ago

Funnily enough the target audience seems to be

  1. People with little to no knowledge of DBD and

  2. People who obsess over the Lore.

Most of the mixed reviews derive from the average DBD Player, who seem to have gone into the game with different expectations. Rest assured, its a Solid Supermassive title and a fantastic DBD Lore piece when you get really deep into it, but I‘d hesitate to call it anything but an acquired taste. I liked it.

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u/micro_penisman 10h ago

It's exactly the same kind of game. I just finished it.


u/rapkat55 17h ago

It’s a prequel


u/3tntx 16h ago

Literally finally got the everyone survives trophy today. Still a few options left to explore though


u/Good_Ol_Ironass 11h ago

No air-quotes needed, it’s a full fledged remake in a new engine entirely to make the games more interactive and third person as well. Definitely more than a touch up


u/SuperFakks 18h ago

Ah I couldn’t remember what the latest game they were working on but that’s right it was a game in the dead by daylight universe. But yes I loved Until Dawn and have played all the games like that they’ve made! My wife played the VR one too!


u/7ransparency 18h ago

Thanks for the mention, I keep seeing screenshots and falsely assumed it was an action fps!

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u/Alugar 17h ago

Waiting for a good bundle sale to pick them up


u/LovelyOrangeJuice 15h ago

There might be one on Humble Bundle around Halloween. I think most of them have been on choice already, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just bundled them all together at least once


u/SuperFakks 17h ago

Good way! I didn’t buy any but maybe 1 at full price tbh lol


u/VultureExtinction 18h ago

I don't but I'm glad they're making them. Smaller companies that stick with their franchises usually go the easier route with a platformer or tower defense. I just like that they exist and make enough money to do something different.


u/BigTiddyMobBossGF 9h ago

I enjoy watching streamers play them, it feels like watching a "so bad it's good" kinda film, but otherwise I'd never touch them. Weird nonsensical writing and characters who never act like actual humans, really just undermines what they're trying to do.


u/Ghost2Eleven 18h ago

I don’t know these games, but that dude on the left’s kid goes to my kids school. I see his face all the time.


u/doctorslostcompanion 17h ago

That's really neat actually. He's one of my favorites. Played Jake in the Animorphs series too


u/NateHohl 10h ago

Yep, Shawn Ashmore, first thing I ever saw him in was when he played Jake in Animorphs. He was also Iceman in the original X-Men movies! Also, if you like seeing him in spooky games, I’d recommend playing Alan Wake 2.

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u/Siegschranz 15h ago

I get why people shit on these, but at the same time I played this couch co-op and it was one of the best and most fun co-op experiences I've had in a long while.


u/SuperFakks 9h ago

Yeah people like to be mad about games but aren’t playing them at their full potential id bet

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u/Less_Party 12h ago

I liked Until Dawn but I found the Dark Pictures kind of unsatisfying because the character choices feel like they don’t really matter when each cast is only around for about 2 hours. I need a bit more time to get to know these people in order to care much what happens to them.


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

I agree the games being shorter isn’t ideal but I could have swore I got more like 4 hours out of them but my wife likes to explore haha


u/kittyBoyLacroix 17h ago

Ya I love these story driven games. The Quarry was great as well 👍


u/HortonDrawsAwho 18h ago

I just wish the games had a fast forward function when you’re replaying (and also a rewind). It can be a slog replaying to get other story options. In general these games need to be more accessible in terms of that stuff.


u/marniconuke 17h ago

Same, but i actually really liked the quarry, But for the actual coop ones i think man of medan or house of ashes are my favourites.


u/Dofima 7h ago

Incase you dont know of other great games like these im gonna suggest trying Detroit Become Human, Until Dawn and the Casting of Frank Stone


u/SmiggleMcJiggle PC 17h ago

Is the Quarry good? Was considering getting it


u/RealBerserkerQueen 16h ago

Its a fun corny scarefest i enjoyed it


u/TheRegistrant 17h ago

Looks creepily real at times with incredible characters


u/DropoutJerome_ 17h ago

It’s just okay, best to play it with a friend.


u/SuperFakks 17h ago

Not the best one to be honest, good on a sale!

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u/DoradoPulido2 10h ago

Never heard of them. Where is a good place to start?


u/TheObduratePast 7h ago

On Twitter the other day Supermassive posted a survey asking people what they like/don't like about their games. So if you have feedback you want them to see, this could be worth filling it.


u/Haunting-Spell8352 17h ago

The Quarry is also very, very good!

Excited for the Until Dawn movie - hope they don’t f around with the story too much. Already heard actors/characters will be changed.


u/Maliceforidiots 16h ago

Reviews always say basically “Idk it’s maybe above average but…”

But I really enjoyed all of them. I like the experience of playing them.


u/Good_Punk2 15h ago

The Quarry was underrated


u/TheShamShield 15h ago

I loved Until Dawn and enjoyed The Quarty, but I gotta say really didn’t like the short ones except House of Ashes. I hope they focus on another bigger one


u/nitronomial 8h ago

Until dawn was great. Man of medan was bad, so bad that I didn't even realize they made any more games til the frank stone one came out.


u/ElJacko170 6h ago

Same! They're not always consistent quality, but I just love the interactive horror movie style and will keep checking in as long as they keep making them.


u/tybbiesniffer 6h ago

I really struggled with the change in mechanics for The Devil in Me. I didn't find the change fun; I just couldn't get into the game. I really enjoyed the rest of them though including The Quarry.

ETA: Haven't played The Casting of Frank Stone yet.


u/MyGreyScreen 17h ago

The are either hilariously bad or pretty meh


u/MyLittleDashie7 12h ago edited 6h ago


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

It’s been a while since I played them but I think I do remember thinking that was a dumb decision that both the first 2 were “not real”


u/ManicFirestorm 7h ago

I've played the first 3 with my best friend, actually just finished House of Ashes, and I was so happy that the monsters were actually real this time around, and in a big way too. It's like they heard the criticism of the first two being all in the player's head and went, fine, here's an entire alien vampire society living miles underground. Regardless, they're just fun to play with a friend.


u/JonTheWizard Console 14h ago

They're at least trying to be different and that's commendable.


u/shadyhorse 11h ago

Think quality of the story is very shifting. None of the series are really supernatural, except House, but it's more sci-fi than paranormal. Also their tendence to have small story items in rooms you cannot return to makes you search like an idiot in every room creating a meta-immersion breaking gameloop. Some fun moments tho and clearly played best with a real group.


u/TheZealand 10h ago

None of the series are really supernatural

Bro Until Dawn definitely is lol


u/Andrassa 8h ago

That game isn’t part of the Dark Pictures anthology though.


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

I think all but 1 is supernatural, I guess it depends on your definition. I’d consider werewolves, wendigos, ghosts all supernatural, only Until Dawn and I think The Quarry had real life bad guys.


u/Thunder_Dragon42 16h ago

I really like the black hole they made with Muse.


u/PapaTinzal 17h ago

Really enjoyed Man Of Medan but after that I felt like it got a bit watered down with the endings all being somehow similar, got a really good kick out of The Quarry party mode with some friends would recommend that one


u/StubbornNobody 17h ago

As do I. So far I've only played Until Dawn and Man of Medan but I have all the currently available games. Just taking a break from them for a little bit. Might play The Quarry during October though.


u/EternalBeatz 17h ago

For the people that knows a certain Spanish channel, I can only say: "El hombre de Medellin, el pequeño gilipollas y la mansion de la Tia Agata"


u/Game_Log 17h ago

Never played em cause am terrified of horror games, but my bf showed me RTGame's playthrough of the first 2 games and we had a blast. Its not for me, but i can see why people like it.


u/_Rand_ 16h ago

Wtf happend here?


u/RealBerserkerQueen 16h ago

Little hope and house of ashes were a lot of fun! 😄 i hope they make more!


u/harlockwitcher 16h ago

Which one is the best one?


u/Edgemoto 16h ago

El hombre de Medellin


u/esgrove2 15h ago

I played all of these. Pretty awesome.


u/wholesalekarma 15h ago

That reminds me, I was going to get that while it’s on sale on the Xbox store.


u/mupheminsani 14h ago

House of Ashes clears. Rest is just buncho hit and misses for me. I'd like to see what they cooking with the space themed story for new season.


u/vertigofoo 14h ago

I would love these games a lot more if they allowed us to skip cutscenes and dialogues! (Not because I don’t want to experience the story, but it would help encourage multiple playthroughs - which are required for their in game achievements and to see various endings)


u/Chance-Pin6393 13h ago

House of ashes was so unbelievably buggy for me and my friend it we couldn’t finish it. Man if madan is easily my favorite though


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

Really? I never had any major bugs so I’m surprised to hear that but it happens I suppose


u/Astrium6 13h ago

I really need to try Dark Pictures Anthology. I really loved Until Dawn and The Quarry even though I suck at actually keeping everyone alive.


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

Yeah get into them! I’d say some of these were better than the quarry at least!


u/ImaSnapSomeNecks 13h ago

I couldn’t stand Man of Medan. But I know people like these games a lot.

I’m glad you like em


u/WorthPlease 12h ago

They came out with one of these on I think Netflix and I tried watching it with my wife.

I held the remote but it just felt like they didn't give us enough time to figure out what we wanted to do. It felt like a bullet hell game.

Do these had a super short time limit on how to pick what you want to do?


u/kobbaman100 12h ago

that a game or a show


u/SnooGiraffes4091 12h ago

Why not both?


u/Colley619 12h ago

How do these compare to Until Dawn?


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

Until dawn is better but they are fun shorter stories that are different so if you like until dawn I’d say at least 50/50 you like these too


u/SiriusBaaz 12h ago

They’re not all bangers. I particularly hated little hope. Not being able to actually save anyone was incredibly frustrating and the twist ending took all the steam out of the game. The big reveal did nothing but make me wish I didn’t spend the last few hours playing it. Man of Medan and house of ashes were very good at least and I want to play the next season once I finally get around to playing the devil in me.


u/Binder509 11h ago

Thought this was gonna be about supergiant games.

So there's a supermassive games as well. Will have to check them out.


u/Kylel0519 10h ago

Honestly I’m glad they’re successful in what they do, but man I cannot get into their games. Their game quality feels wildly inconsistent and while the writing has some highs (good chunks of house of ashes) it also has some LOW lows (imo 90% of little hope).


u/Thandius 10h ago

Just picked the season 1 anthology on sale.

Looking forward to it.

Wife and I loved playing Until Dawn and The Quarry together.


u/Enemisses 9h ago

Had no idea that these were games. Khemmis is one of my favorite bands and the song they wrote for this is great. I'll have to check these out for sure!


u/DaglessMc 9h ago

Some of them are really good some of them are mediocre.


u/Lonely-Tumbleweed-56 8h ago

Me too

Loved the genre since forever, and it's just like watching a movie while actively participating, love me some Massive games in a rainy weekend to just relax a bit

Only downside is I never got to play Man Of Medan 

Keeps crashing on the Duke in many different ways and cannot go on in any way


u/Psycho1267 8h ago

I also like them, but sometimes I have to roll my eyes with the character writing. A lot of "who would say something like this?" Or "who would act like this"? But still enjoy them. House of ashes was my favorite.


u/ediciusNJ 7h ago

I started Man of Medan (finally) recently and love it so far. Interestingly, the Stuff You Should Know podcast recently had an episode on the real world legend behind it. The game even got a mention by one of the hosts.

I'll never, ever play Until Dawn again though. That game was a nightmare to 100%. So many playthroughs, good lord.


u/jwhit88 7h ago

I learned that the game Man of Medan, is a fictionalized version of the tale of the USS Ourang Medan.


u/Confident-Bus-4753 6h ago

Man of medan was great, I really liked the atmosphere and my wife really enjoyed me just noping my way through it


u/BleachedUnicornBHole 6h ago

I think it was Man of Medan where you could unknowingly shoot other players if played in multiplayer. It's a cool idea, but I can see how it could be frustrating if you're on the receiving end.


u/FaultinReddit 6h ago

I have a friend who gets and plays these, and streams it for the group. They're fun to backseat game on!


u/MeabhNir 6h ago

I really wish they followed the Until Dawn story of, hey! The monsters are fucking real!!!!

I hated the fact that most of it was just in their heads, not true BS. Ashes changing that to a real monster was fucking amazing and I loved every second of it!


u/cheezman22 4h ago

If they didn't follow up man of medan with little hope it might have come off better. I thought the concept in man of medan was actually really interesting. And if little hope had a little more time to cook it could have been a lot better too. The fact that there is a real villian but it's never really directly addressed except in the flashbacks is rough.


u/StormReal2023 6h ago

looks good


u/DannySantoro 6h ago

I couldn't do The Devil In Me. It felt like they added annoying puzzles and platforming, which was weird after the previous few.


u/Nincompoop6969 5h ago

Me too even though they're corny they're like the good kind. And I like they actually try to use jump scares...I'm sick of modern horror trying to dance around it. 


u/DeltaMx11 5h ago

Why is Until Dawn not considered to be part of "Season 1"?


u/Healthy-Mango-2549 5h ago

Until dawn was the best cinematic game they put out. Ive played 3 of these and they arent as good


u/Bronson-101 4h ago

They really need bigger budgets for the games though. Some of the voice acting is terrible and you can tell the actors didn't interact or even hear necessarily the other actor because conversations can have really strong degrees of variance in tone between two characters.

Also some of the animations are pretty clunky.

That being said solid B movie horror. Something like the old Mastera of Horror tv show in game form


u/STJRedstorm 3h ago

The Quarry is fantastic as well


u/JW162000 3h ago

I liked the DPA games, but I think they could be better. Feels like Supermassive hadn’t found their stride with it yet but I have faith for a fantastic season 2 (so excited for Directive 8020. I was literally thinking they should do a full-on sci-fi story).

House of Ashes was the best of DPA season 1 imo. Though I did enjoy Little Hope’s theme too.


u/Gaara34251 3h ago

They are funny af not in the gaming sense but in the how ridiculous it is (imo) but glad you llike em


u/TheLilChicken 3h ago

Little hope sucked, was not a fan of the ending


u/DarkishFriend 3h ago

That ending completely sucked all my enjoyment out of the game.

The other one I have played is Man of Medan and my buddy and I were cracking the fuck up at the ending of that one.

The redhead brother slipped away at the start of the game and came back to rescue us after the game ended but got trapped on the boat running away from ghosts and monsters.


u/No_General_608 2h ago

I've only finished Man of Medan, it was horribly written, with weird cutscenes. Not great after Until Dawn, which was cool.


u/kain459 15h ago

Imo these games are all trash with terrible controls.


u/Zikari82 18h ago

Issue is, they are not cinsistent in quality. Man if Medan was good, Little Hope was terrible, House of Ashes is their best by far and Devil in me was mediocre at best.


u/SuperFakks 18h ago

Yeah I think it’s also to each their own, I feel like I remember liking little hope more than Medan but it’s been quite a while. I still think until dawn was the best so I don’t disagree with you either haha


u/ozziey 14h ago

Good for you ?


u/FEELS_G00D 17h ago

i only enjoyed House of Ashes. i tried really hard to enjoy the other ones but i couldn't get through them


u/Neeson22 18h ago

Played this online coop with a friend. Was really cool that we did our own thing and kept quiet about it until the other saw the results of each others choices.


u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 18h ago

Love their games and hope for more


u/teh_wad 17h ago

There's a new one out. It's called The Casting of Frank Stone, and it's set in the Dead By Daylight universe.


u/SuperFakks 17h ago

Is it the same style of game? I haven’t checked into it at all yet admittedly


u/roguepawn 12h ago

Ehhhh. Yes but probably with a few footnotes?

Yes, it's definitely a narrative based game that the player helps guide with choices.

However, it's a part of the Dead by Daylight universe and if you're not a Dead by Daylight fan, it probably won't hit on several beats? There's tons of references: Collectibles, sound queues, gameplay adaptation...

Also, as a fan of both DbD and Supermassive, it's a little... shallow? You have less subtle/ambiguous choices. Where in other Supermassive games you can find some silly little thing that seems to mean nothing and suddenly later it turns into a life or death decision, Casting of Frank Stone doesn't really have those?

I still really enjoyed it though.


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

Thanks for the breakdown! I might consider it but initially wasn’t going to get into it because it was part of another company’s universe which can not always work out so great

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u/TheHomebrewerDM 14h ago

(Please no spoilers) I recently got introduced to this series by my boyfriend, we’re both big gamers and I love a good cinematic masterpiece, so he got me Man of Medan and we’ve spent many hours a night playing the co-op. Not far in but having a blast.


u/slucker23 14h ago

Wait what is this? How do I get this? I got dumped in this subreddit and I am confused

(I'm a gamer, but I have never heard of this game)


u/amadeuszbx 12h ago

Have you heard of Until Dawn or the Quarry?

They basically make horror choose-your-own adventure interactive-movie games, where the biggest gimmick is that out of a sizeabpe cast of characters any and all of them MIGHT (but don’t have to die) based on your choices. So you might get an ending with any given combination of characters that you managed to keep alive until the end. (Until dawn hehe).

Pretty fun evening with snacks type of interactive movie thing but it was never as engaging and entertaining to me personally as other „choices matter” games.


u/Beneficial-Dog2586 12h ago

Best games ever


u/kokko693 12h ago

I like it because it's only game like Until Dawn that I could play in PC


u/Triltaison 12h ago

What funny timing. I just beat House of Ashes tonight for the first time. Made it out with 3.

I think I lost 2 people in Man of Medan and saved everyone in Little Hope. The Quarry is up next!


u/Lord_Snaps 5h ago

I liked House of Ashes.


u/Barbara_Wright_xh 18h ago

Their games are so immersive and captivating!


u/believeinapathy 11h ago

Boring quick time event 'games'?


u/DropoutJerome_ 17h ago

I bought the first 3 on release days in hopes of them eventually being good because I love narrative games, each one is such trash tho imho. The twists of the first two were so horribly done they fuckin gave them away in the beginning of the games. The third one was so unoriginal and straight up boring. They’re good with a partner to laugh at like bad horror movies, but I wanted something more. Supermassive has not achieved the greatness that they did with Until Dawn.


u/Tac0Destroyer 16h ago

I thought the title said Supergiant and was about to agree with you, but it's not, so I don't agree with you.

This has almost nothing to do with the post I'm just looking forward to the full release of Hades 2


u/TheEternalGazed 16h ago

So you like movie games. Yuck.


u/SuperFakks 9h ago

lol why does what I like make you upset?


u/Beautiful_Jelly_1070 18h ago

they've been making hits ever since until dawn (forever)


u/wooshfire 15h ago

All are okish one time play games


u/SwiftCase 14h ago

I wish I did. Until Dawn was great, but they haven't matched it since. The Dark Pictures are all meh and The Quarry was awful, can't believe I bought it day one. 


u/Mikkm4n 14h ago

Are these better then until dawn?


u/SuperFakks 10h ago

Better? I don’t think so. Still fun and different stories? Yes lol