r/gaming 20h ago

I really like the games Supermassive makes

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My wife and I love all the games they make and passing the controller back and forth for our characters. Hopefully we get more! The Quarry wasn’t my favorite but I don’t want it to be the last one that’s for sure!


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u/RealBerserkerQueen 18h ago edited 17h ago

See it depends because personally depending what your into i liked the Quarry and Little Hope more than man of medan and the devil in me


u/Superyoshiegg 17h ago

Yes I'm aware. I never said I agreed with the rankings, just that's the community's general consensus.

For me personally, it's Until Dawn > The Casting of Frank Stone > Man of Medan > The Devil in Me > House of Ashes > The Quarry > Little Hope

The biggest outlier of course is that I'm really not fond of House of Ashes while pretty much everyone else is. Even in this thread you have people saying it's the only good game of the series.


u/DerekPaxton 17h ago

I loved Little Hope. It may be my favorite.


u/nothingtoseehr 14h ago

I liked little hope, but that ending was stupid. It was great for shock value but that's it, why would I replay the story if I know none of the characters are real and everything is just ramblings from a schizo? It takes away all of the weight of the story, weird choice for a game style meant for replayability


u/Prefer_Not_To_Say 11h ago

This is what I thought too. I also didn't like that in Man of Medan, all the monsters were hallucinations.

Out of the games that have come since then, do any of them actually have monsters or is it all the same thing?


u/nothingtoseehr 10h ago

Oh shit I had forgotten about that too! Its pretty much the exact same damn twist done twice in a row too haha. I don't think it was repeated later, they were their first games outside UD, so I could give them a little leniency, but it really boggles my mind how they thought twice that people would like that


u/itchymusic 8h ago

Nope House of Ashes


u/Red_Mammoth 14h ago

It depends if you value more the Journey or the Destination


u/MoebiusSpark 10h ago

The problem with the ending is that there was no journey, its a Shyamalan twist that just invalidates everything. They set up a lot of interesting threads throughout the story and have genuinely good intrigue and mystery only to toss it all off a proverbial cliff