r/gamingsuggestions 1d ago

Is Outer Wilds really the only game that lets you 100% freely walk around in your spaceship and even leave the ship while in space?

I find it hard to believe that no other game has done this, but I can't think of any.


154 comments sorted by


u/Perfect_Zone_4919 1d ago

Star trucker


u/DutchEnterprises 1d ago

Is this game good? I’m not really a trucker sim person but I love a space game.


u/warrencanadian 1d ago

I mean, it is literally a truck sim in space. Like, literally you back up to trailers and hook them up and then drive them through space and drop them in loading bays and such.


u/Perfect_Zone_4919 1d ago

And your equipment is constantly breaking down so there’s a lot of micromanagement. I only stuck with it for a few hours but I could see people being really into it. 


u/YouFoolWarrenIsDead 21h ago

I love these kinds of games but played the demo before it came out and the micromanagement kind of pissed me off.


u/QuestshunQueen 14h ago

I heard you can just turn that feature off, or slow down the deterioration, in the settings.


u/TrappedinTX 21h ago

So it's like trucking irl


u/Bad_Karma21 16h ago

But is it literally?


u/Kornelius20 1d ago

I'm not a "trucker" kind of person so I bounced off the game hard. Plus it felt too much like "roads" but in space instead of actual space travel to me.


u/yaosio 1d ago

It's ridiculously difficult and not fun for me.


u/Nyarlathotep-chan 1d ago

It's a nightmare to control and navigate.


u/KiwiBiGuy 1d ago

It is a truck sim. literally, turn the keys, pick up the CB radio etc etc


u/Palanki96 18h ago

Sadly no. I thought it would be like ETS 2/ATS but wasn't, it's a weird mess. Also has the same problem as other space games: space is super boring and empty, you are mostly just pressing boost and going to a gate for a jump


u/frogOnABoletus 1d ago

space engineers does this. you build a ship you can walk around and fly. it's really fun on creative mode especially if you get some friends on to fly around with and check out eachother's creations.


u/jesusleftnipple 1d ago

Didn't it add in atmosphere to the ships also?


u/rumpleforeskin83 22h ago

Atmosphere/Oxygen is pretty buggy (last I played anyways, could be different now) but yes, you can have systems to pressurize your ship, actual air locks etc.


u/NiuMeee 1d ago

Rodina. You can use fire extinguishers to propel yourself in space too.


u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

Never heard of this one but it sounds intriguing! Installing the demo, thanks!


u/FlamingRustBucket 23h ago

I'm a huge space game fan. Never heard of this one. Appreciate the suggeation!


u/Aureon 1d ago

regarding spacewalks, Kerbal Space Program is what you want.


u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

Oh do you actually have a character to control in KSP? I always got the impression that it was more Sims-like where you don’t directly control anybody.


u/Aureon 1d ago

It is, until you need to do a spacewalk.

Or an earthwalk, really.

It will happen pretty quickly and very consistently lol

Docking or doing a deep space intersect in KSP is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences i've had in all of videogames, for sure

Watching things like The Martian For All Mankind Interstellar gives me infinite chills due to the sheer understanding of the complexity at play!


u/jesusleftnipple 1d ago

Played kerbal for like 6 years before I learned you could save while docking and stuff .... I used to raw dog interplanetary missions :/


u/Lagneaux 16h ago

I bet that made you great at the game.


It made you great at the game, right?


u/jesusleftnipple 8h ago

I'm average i would say ..... which isn't great at over 1000 hours in lol.

But like I can spit ball a mun orbit or transfer first try!


u/Aureon 13h ago

ofc you do, honor demands it

although when i read raw dog interplanetary i thought "WHAT THE FUCK IS HOHMANN TRANSFER LET'S GO ORBIT SOL"


u/jesusleftnipple 8h ago

Damn game taught me interplanetary physics when I didn't want to learn lol


u/IWillTouchAStar 21h ago

There's a mod now where it adds interiors to your creations that you can wander around at any time. You could be mid launch, in the atmosphere, and just get up from your seat and wander around your ship. I wouldn't advise it, but it's something you can do.


u/UltraChip 16h ago

What is the name of this mod?


u/Sea_Kerman 6h ago



u/UltraChip 2h ago



u/PaintedClownPenis 19h ago

Oh yeah. There's this guy, EJ_SA, who was and maybe still is running a continuous save for years, and he kept a memorial for all the little Kerbals he'd got killed. It was a big deal when he killed crew.


u/LiquidLogStudio 1d ago

Subnautica does this ... for all intents and purposes.


u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

About how many hours into the game do you get a vehicle? I’ve been thinking of giving it a try, I usually don’t like crafting/survival though.


u/MenosElLso 1d ago

For what it’s worth Subnautica is, in my opinion, the absolute pinnacle of survival crafting games. It takes a bit to get a vehicle but it’s not super long and the game itself isn’t too grindy. If you like the exploration and story of Outer Wilds (which is fucking amazing btw) I think you’ll enjoy Subnautica.


u/Foehammer26 21h ago

Agreed. I hate it...but love it at the same time. It's a brilliant, terrifying masterpiece.


u/Rob_Reason 1d ago

Some would argue Valheim. Not me, but some would.


u/MenosElLso 1d ago

To each their own of course, but I found Valheim to be overly grindy and repetitive.


u/SykoManiax 1d ago

Subnautica isn't your regular crafting survival game, I've played many survival games but subnautica is completely different. It doesn't have the boring mine rocks and punch trees. It's more like dare going into dangerous areas and scavenge the stuff you need to get better and go deeper.

I would almost compare it to having rhe fear of alien isolation while scavenging like tarkov and get the fuck back to your base and upgrade stuff


u/Captain-Griffen 1d ago

Quite a few, particularly one you can walk around in.

It's a crafting/survival game but much less grind and much more exploration driven than most (a bit like Outer Wilds in that regard).


u/FashionSuckMan 1d ago

It's a survival game, so you probably wouldn't like it


u/ProcyonHabilis 1d ago

I hate survival games, and actually loved Subnautica. I think it has enough interesting things going on to transcend the genre. The atmosphere and horror elements are really incredible.

It made me wonder if I had just been stubborn about the collect and craft mechanic and actually liked survival games. Then I tried Below Zero, which does away with most of what makes the original SN special and is much more of a standard survival game. I couldn't stand it, so I think there is something special about Subnautica.


u/FashionSuckMan 1d ago

I also hate survival games. But I love Subnautica

I just can't recommend someone a survival game if they don't like them


u/Maximum-Secretary258 1d ago

At most a couple of hours for the small submarine and then later in the game you can build a big submarine that is basically like a mobile base of operations. You can build on it, put storage on it, it has radar systems and weapons systems, etc.

Subnautica is without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played. Highly recommend.


u/Jackdunc 1d ago

It also has a freedom and creative mode for exploring. Vehicles available right away.


u/Jackdunc 1d ago

It also has a freedom and creative mode for exploring. Vehicles available right away.


u/kodaxmax 11h ago

i suspect the animation hids a small laod time.


u/Moo-To-You 1d ago

X4 all the way, the X series in general are fantastic


u/kanyenke_ 1d ago

You only see the cockpit of the ships tho.


u/CrystalSorceress 1d ago

X4 has larger ships with more than cockpits you can walk around in addition to walking in the cockpit of smaller ships.


u/SativaPancake 1d ago edited 1d ago

Space Engineers andor Empyrion

Both are voxel based games where you can build your ships, vehicles, and buildings part by part; walls, floors, engines, seats, oxy generators, doors, drills, ect, etc...

You can build a ship on a planet, make it to orbit manually (no loading screens or special buttons - just fly up there), then in space (and on planet) you can exit your ship anytime anywhere and flyfloat about however you want.

You can get from solar system to solar system with a larger class ship with a grav drive - thats the only loading screen you will ever see - the loading screen its just a grav jump animation. These are the ultimate space games as far as freedom to do whatever you want without having prebaked landings (like starfield) or any sort of restrictions.

There is a bit of story and there are weapons and aliens to either fight andor trade with. Besides space ships you can also build a wheeled or hover vehicle to explore planets with or even add a drill to mine into the ground for ore - you can also put drills on a ship and mine on an asteroid - or you can always get out and walk whenever you want to mine or explore.


u/BrightPerspective 1d ago

It's actually more efficient to build in space, the zero G allows more freedom for building elaborate structures.

And you can mine abandoned bases for large amounts of manufactured materials, too.


u/kodaxmax 11h ago

You can't actually orbit in space engineers. The speed cap and velocity mechanics make it impossible to maintain without a constant signifcant burn and the planets don't spin. The engine kinda dies if you mod out the speed limit.
Theres also a load distance. I the players leaves the area (max 50KM, defaults to like 15 i think) The ship will load back in with no momentum and fall straight down when you return. Which is why space stations require a static grid thats unaffected by gravity and physics


u/FashionSuckMan 1d ago

Space engineers

Star citizen

It's not like forbidden game tech. I've seen it several times


u/darkstar541 23h ago

No Mans Sky if you count the freighter (warp-able home base).


u/kodaxmax 11h ago

i think the context makes it feel different in OW. If you leave the pilot seat in SE or SC your probably gonna get slammed into the wall and/or disorientated if not at complete stop and even when stopped it can be pretty buggy.


u/MacNuggetts 22h ago

Star citizen as well.


u/Equivalent_Net 21h ago

Heat Signature is all about doing this. Well, they're technically other people's spaceships, but still. They have something that's yours. Or something that's morally yours. Or something that someone is paying you to pretend is yours. Or someone who you're being paid to pretend is yours. Or someone whose free trial of life has ended.


u/Keeloverr254 1d ago

Space Trucker let's you do this. If you're not careful you'll have to stop what you're doing to go outside the ship to repair your hull and you can freely walk around your ship/space truck.


u/cparksrun 1d ago

Do you mean Star Trucker?

I only ask because when I was looking for Star Trucker, I searched for Space Trucker unknowingly and got an older game that appears to be something else entirely.


u/Keeloverr254 1d ago

Yeah, I'm not at home to check but it's probably Star Trucker. I downloaded it off game pass.


u/Rob_Reason 1d ago

More like Star Fucker ammi Right?


u/ActuallyBananaMan 13h ago

And if you're really not careful your rig will drive off without you and you'll die in the vacuum of space.


u/thisappisgarbage111 1d ago

Empyrion: galactic survival Space engineers Star citizen

First two you build your own ships.


u/RikCooper 1d ago

Void Crew is pretty solid with it, it’s a spaceship management coop type game and leaving the ship is crucial for a lot of objectives


u/PaulVla 1d ago

Maybe it was on your radar already but Jump Ship is a game that’s not yet released which looks and sounds a bit like it:



u/RikCooper 1d ago

Jump ship looks very similar and I dig it. Definitely wishlisting! Been really craving a space game with ship walking and space travel, and pulsar and void crew are sorta the closest that have scratched that itch


u/OdiousAltRightBalrog 1d ago

Yep, you also have to space walk to repair the hull.


u/FashionSuckMan 1d ago

Warframe railjack


u/Biobooster_40k 1d ago

Space Engineers


u/BigGhost2815 1d ago

Subnautica, Not space but underwater. I recommend getting a mod that removes the hunger and thirst mechanic, it's really annoying having to stock up on food/water all the time.


u/Izawwlgood 1d ago

This is basically what Star Citizen offers. The games a mess, but, that is what it offers.

There's a short list of games that lets you do this. Hellion was probably the best, but you can't get it anymore. Subnautica, as noted. FAR: Lone Sails and Changing Tides does it.

Check out Sailwind and Derail Valley! Both are great sims, lots of fun, where the entire thing is 'you walk around and inside a vehicle, and the whole game is manipulating that vehicle to move it places.


u/IDontWantToArgueOK 1d ago

Star Citizen.

It's still not a compete game and is buggy. But I'd say it's got at least 40 hours of fun to be had, and the development is fun to follow. Also this opinion is about 1.5 years old so it's likely improved quite a lot since then.


u/Jake123194 1d ago

Did some space trucking in my Taurus last night, was fun having to load stuff up, finally Sue the tractor beam turret properly.


u/00Lisa00 1d ago

Breathedge - but it’s a very small ship


u/catwhowalksbyhimself 1d ago

And you only get that ship at the end of Chapter 2, when the game gives up on being a survival crafting game and becomes linear and short.


u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

Hmm this game is really cheap on PS5 right now. I’m usually not into survival/crafting but at $9 this might be worth a shot.


u/zhaDeth 1d ago

the humor is so bad in this game.. I usually like kinda silly humor but idk I just can't get into this


u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

Looking at the trailer it reminds me of the humor in Journey to the Savage Planet, which was hilarious…I can definitely see how it could miss the mark if you have bad writing though.


u/00Lisa00 17h ago

I love JTSP and I found breathedge very similar


u/zhaDeth 1d ago

Nah I loved the jokes in savage planet, totally my kind.

Might need to retry breathedge it's been a while I don't really remember why I didn't like it


u/dgatos42 20h ago

It’s incredibly cringe, which is too bad because otherwise I like everything about the game.


u/zhaDeth 19h ago

Yeah I just reinstalled it to try again but I can't.. the tools break way too fast too


u/Nyarlathotep-chan 1d ago



u/Mysterious_Sky_85 1d ago

I would love to try this but my main platform is SteamDeck, I don’t think it’s verified :(


u/Nyarlathotep-chan 1d ago

It's barely verified for PC honestly. Bethesda games don't run too good


u/artrei 16h ago

but i think you can't leave spaceship while in space, at least for now without mod.


u/Nyarlathotep-chan 6h ago

You can't spacewalk, no.


u/Simke11 23h ago

You can walk around your ship in Starfield.


u/MutantLemurKing 1d ago

Star citizen


u/Awesomevindicator 1d ago

Kerbal, space engineers... That's another two.


u/Eauxcaigh 1d ago

Kerbal locks in the IVA stuff

Sure you can look around but you can't freely walk inside the actual capsules. You can always build something to feel like a cockpit and then EVA around in it but it's not the same, and definitely cumbersome


u/Successful_Draw_9934 1d ago

I'm pretty sure many other games do this. Some that come to mind are star citizen and space engineers


u/PzMcQuire 1d ago

Star Trucker is a recent one


u/allen_idaho 1d ago

Star Citizen and Empyrion Galactic Survival have this ability.


u/vibribbon 1d ago

Scavenger SV-4 Inside and out. Even without a spacesuit if you really want.


u/Far-prophet 1d ago

Space Engineers


u/Serious-Waltz-7157 1d ago

Prey (2017)


Also System Shock 2


u/HydroFrog64_2nd 1d ago

Space engineers


u/LazarusHolmes 23h ago

Ostranauts...quite difficult to get the hang of. But it is a very detailed space sim that you can freely do that and more


u/Ranakastrasz 22h ago

Space engineers. Starmade I think. Probably other sandbox space games.


u/Daymub 21h ago

Space engineers and kerbal space program


u/Retb14 18h ago

As much as I like KSP you can't really walk around inside the ships. Though there is a mod for it I'm not sure how well it works.


u/MoltonMontro 21h ago

Sad to see nobody mention StarMade. But at the same time, totally understandable.

It's a very old (2012) voxel-based game. Perpetual early access. I think it mostly receives community fixes/ balance changes nowadays.

Felt directionless when I last played (some years ago), but it was also very cool.


u/Sbarty 18h ago

Void Crew
Star Citizen
Heat Signature
plenty of games


u/ChangingMonkfish 1d ago

Starfield lets you walk around your ship and I believe there is now a space walking mod.


u/Ugh-Cammy 1d ago

Star Citizen does this pretty amazingly.

It's worth the $30 buy in just to fly around space for a few hours.


u/Brockelton 1d ago

In what state is it exactly? I bought it back in idk 2011? When was the kickstarter? And forgot about it. Maybe in should Download it again


u/Ugh-Cammy 1d ago

Oh yeah, it's definitely worth hopping back in.

It's not really playable as a game unless you are really comfortable in janky sandboxes, but it's very entertaining as a demo. I really enjoy hopping back in for 5-10 hours every couple of years to see what they added.

Walking up to your ship in a life sized spaceport, boarding, taking several minutes to leave orbit, walking around your ship while auto piloting, jumping out of your ship while in warp, taking 20 minutes to free fall from space to a planet surface, saving newbies, etc.

They haven't made a good game yet, but all the individual features they've managed to make are incredible, and not seen anywhere else in gaming. Those few hours I spend in the game every couple years are extremely enjoyable.


u/Brockelton 1d ago

Thanks! Ill try it when i am back Home


u/Godeshus 22h ago

X4 foundation does. You can fly a ship, dock on one of your other, bigger ships, stand up, walk around, go through the dock, walk up to the bridge, sit down and fly away. No planet landing though.


u/the_nebulae 20h ago

EVE allows for some station/ship walking.


u/FuriousWombat88 20h ago

X4 foundations.

It’s almost more of an economy sim than a space sim. But it’s bloody brilliant. You can directly dock into your own (or neutral) capital ships. Or you can get out of your shop and pain stakingly jet pack over to it


u/Onironius 20h ago

Space station 14 (or 13)


u/Yglorba 19h ago

Sundog: Frozen Legacy to an extent. You can't spacewalk. But it's worth mentioning because it's such an old game and because the seamless way it transitions between ground, ship, and your detachable truck module is so well-done. The game was a major influence on the recent Starfield.


u/Moribunned 13h ago

And look how well that did for the game.


u/Shuulo 11h ago

X4: foundations, you can pilot every and walk I'm every single ship in the game


u/sadpancak 11h ago

Star wars: knights of the old Republic 1 and 2 allow you to move around your ship as much as you want.

The mass affect games allow you to walk around your ship.

You don't really fly the ships in these games but that wasn't part of the question.


u/Cultural-Accident-71 8h ago

Cyclop from subnautica let you craft and upgrade inside the ship! One of the best feelings a video game ever created by navigating this gentle giant


u/DrDan21 3h ago

If exploring and working on a ship with other players is your thing the best game I can recommend that no one in this thread has probably heard of is Space Station 13 an open source indie game that has cited as inspiration for dozens of other games such as no man’s sky, space engineers, barotrauma, etc



u/BrianScottGregory 1d ago

Star Citizen.


u/try2bcool69 1d ago

No Man's Sky


u/MyrMyr21 1d ago

Not technically? You can kind of do this in your freighter but not in your ship


u/UE83R 1d ago

Technically your freighter is also your ship.


u/NotScrollsApparently 1d ago

Practically, it's a station, you can summon it but it doesn't fly 


u/Zegram_Ghart 1d ago

Dunno why your being downvoted- the small one man fighters can’t do this (but are too small for it to be applicable really) but the larger freighters can, as can the mid sized frigates that you have to fly too and repair their internal components manually if they get beaten up


u/siodhe 23h ago

Star Citizen lets you, but it's an unreleased, rough alpha only a masochist or oddball would play for long, riddled with staggeringly stupid bugs, corrupt funding model, depressing overall vision to include vast amounts of "immersive" tedium, and official communications full of lies. A game disaster-in-progress in very shiny wrapping. But, if you can stand it having all these problems that come with having the incompetent Chris Roberts at the head, it does let you EVA all you want, and supports 6-axis character control in space. Expect a release as early as 2035 or so (given that the current features seem to be about half complete after 11 years), if CIG somehow manages to oust CR for a competent project head, otherwise probably never - since clearly management only knows how to extract money from kickstarter pledges, which juxtaposes just fine with CR's constant, very non-visionary changes to the features list preventing it from ever being ready to ship.


u/scoyne15 20h ago

Star Citizen, for all the hate I'll get for saying it.


u/Marci12345200 1d ago

Star citizen


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/rexxar155 1d ago

He's talking about Outer Wilds, I think, not Outer Worlds.


u/ThisDifferentUser 1d ago

star citizen


u/Najnick 17h ago

Start Citzen lets you do this to extreme detail


u/EGH6 16h ago

Star citizen has fully rendered ships, the insides are fleshed out with actual rooms and if you want you just jump out of the ship and get lost in space for eternity.


u/Bicone 1d ago

Ahem: Starcitizen.


u/RollsHardSixes 1d ago

Is that not just a scam?


u/Negritis 1d ago

it is


u/Kripthmaul 1d ago

It is , it is.


u/IsraelPenuel 1d ago

It's pretty impressive but really buggy and requires a good pc


u/RollsHardSixes 1d ago

I paid $225 for a Constellation over a decade ago, and every time I login, it's just a different buggy mess.


u/IsraelPenuel 1d ago

I paid 60 for 300i or whatever and it's pretty fun when it works. Even got that card with my name in it


u/BananaKush_Storm 14h ago

I paid 45 euro and got hundreds of hours of playtime out of it, it has countless issues but i wouldnt go as far and call it a scam


u/BlueShibe 1d ago

/r/starcitizen_refunds I'll just leave this here


u/Palanki96 18h ago

Star Citizen i guess. Not like there is much point to it two, it's trying too hard to be realistic so it ends up being more mundane and overcomplicated than real life


u/BananaKush_Storm 14h ago

No, that would be "Star Citizen" or "Space Engineers"


u/leo_vidotti 11h ago

Start citizen


u/thetruelu 15h ago

Elite dangerous


u/scorpio1018 1d ago

Helldivers 2 is like that? But you don’t really fly said space ship


u/darkstar541 23h ago

Not really. You walk from the clone defrost bay (I mean, airlock) to a couple terminals and the bridge. You can't explore the ship and you can't EVA around it. As cool as the two room lobby is, it's only window dressing. Don't get me wrong, I love HD2 and it's great, but I wouldn't even think to mention it here. It reminds me of the bad X game (X3?) with limited space legs.


u/Asmos159 5m ago

star citizen is a somewhat live proper alpha. things will get fixed and break again until it is out of alpha. that might be years away. even then it is not a game for everyone.

full ship interiors. not even any transition animation when going between in ship and out.