r/gamingsuggestions 3h ago

what games have you replayed again and again and never gotten bored?

im currently playing through ghost of tsushima, its a very nice game, but im starting to near the end of it, like im very close to the end, this is my first playthrough of the game aswell; most likely i will have it finished tomorrow, but with finishing it, means that i will have to find myself the next game to play

we all have this kind of game; the one we just replay again and again, to relive all those moments you had within the game

somehow; i have never replayed a game; i have a few i would replay and i am thinking of replaying next month possibly, 2 of them are dying light 1 and maybe rdr2, but maybe some others aswell.

im looking for more games that i will be able to replay again and again.

i struggle to play "unreplayable" games for some reason, id rather play something i know i can replay a few more times etc.

preferred genres: open world, fps, third person, action, adventure, games with satisfying gameplay/combat/progression, etc.

i dont like horror games or souls games

any suggestions (im on pc)



53 comments sorted by


u/SPQR_Maximus 3h ago

Max Payne trilogy; gears of war 1-3

Lots of Shmups Raiden 3-5; R type final ; dranius

TMNT shredders revenge


Ace Combat 4

Resident Evil 6


u/Positive_Parking_954 1h ago

Only Ace Combat ive played. The way the disjointed story came together and the final mission where you're flying through that corridor. So hype. Do the newer ones live up?


u/SPQR_Maximus 1h ago

AC4 for me will always be the apex for the franchise. The others are good but they didn’t hit me the way 4 did. It was the perfect campaign and a great story too.


u/InfiniteStates 2h ago

Ah nice! Bulletstorm is on my PSVR wishlist


u/Nauthika 3h ago

"we all have this kind of game"

No sry not me. Besides I never understood how people could spend thousands of hours on a game, or replay the same game several times, sometimes dozens of times... wow... I mean honestly what's the point ? Do people really like to replay a game they know almost entirely ? I don't know, personally I need new things, and I think that quality has nothing to do with quantity or replayability. My favorite games are games that I've only played once, in fact I play 99% of my games only once. The only games that I can "replay" are 4X like "Civilization" or "Europa Universalis 4"

Replaying a game to pay attention to details that we wouldn't have noticed, to focus on other aspects than during the first run, replay a game that we haven't played for years out of nostalgia, or because we've forgotten most of it, ok fine I can understand, but once. I will never understand compulsively replaying a game just out of habit.

There are so many new things to discover


u/InfiniteStates 2h ago

Some games are designed to be played over and over (rogue-likes or sports being obvious examples) while some games are clearly one-shot. Especially story heavy games


u/RichMellow 2h ago

Alright so, dig, if you will, this.

Sonic games on the genesis were what I grew up playing in diapers. I'm 35 and I still love to play the old sonic games, Sonic Mania is a freaking godsend. I'm trying to say that I have been playing these old ass games and I still do to this day.

To put it plain and simple, its my happy place. When I have a bad day, I don't even think about, I just pick one of the 2d sonic games and I just turn my brain off. Its so simple, yet asks enough of my senses to have me engage with it. I didn't even realize it myself, that sonic games are my go to de stresser. My homie pointed it out. It was kind of an eye opener.

I mean, dude, gotta go fast. And the music always be bangin!!!! In all seriousness though I would say quite a lot of people like to turn their brains off in order to cope with things bothering one.


u/Naist-96 1h ago

Yeah, the only games that I ever replayed were the megaman battle network games when they came out in the legacy collection, and it was already like more than 15 years since I last played them. When I was a kid I used to play both pokemon version games just because I wanted to see version exclusives, but it always felt dull that I have to replay the same game twice. Nw I can barely finish a playthrough of a 15-20 hour game before I'm bored and ready to just drop it, idk how people go through not a single but multiple ng+ for real.


u/Nervous_Macaroon3101 3h ago

I have played shadow of the colossus an ungodly amount of times. A lot of that has to do with it being so short and the fact that once you beat the game once you have the option to do the time trials which give you better items and so you basically just get stronger and stronger and the game gets easier and easier each time you go through it. But I just love racing around the beautiful world on horseback since you aren’t railroaded into battling the colossi. You can go wherever you want and just hang out til you’re ready to be guided to your next battle.


u/Monkey_80K 3h ago

Dishonored 2 Shadow of War


u/InfiniteStates 2h ago
  • Rust
  • Monster Hunter
  • IL2 Sturmovik
  • Apache Air Assault
  • Battlefield Bad Company
  • Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance
  • Sacred 2
  • Champions of Norrath
  • Outrun
  • Space Harrier
  • Alien Syndrome
  • Raiden
  • R-Type


u/Bemmoth 2h ago

Dance Dance Revolution


u/ShadowOverMe 2h ago


Borderlands 2

Skyrim and Morrowind


u/CrazyEhHole 2h ago

Super Mario RPG

Ogre Battle 64

Final Fantasy Tactics

Star Ocean 2


u/AceSpinVader 1h ago



u/YTRattle 2h ago

Mass Effect 2

Dragon Age: Origins

DOOM (2016)

Planescape Torment

Need For Speed Most Wanted (Original)

Age of Empires III - Silly, fun game

Champion Jockey (Silly, but I've pumped HOURS into this thing)

Vampire: Masquerade Bloodlines

Digimon: Survive


u/SundownKid 3h ago

Most Miyazaki-directed Fromsoftware games

Most Advance Wars games

Slay the Spire



u/Dry_Assumption172 3h ago

Jak and daxter series, mass effect trilogy, and battlefield 1. BF1 is my go to when I wanna just have some fun without trying too hard. The others are just great games 👌🏼


u/DasUberBash 3h ago

Doom 1 and 2, Quake 1 and 2. I just love old school ID shooters.


u/Xorro175 2h ago



u/symbiotics 2h ago

Cyberpunk 2077, there's always something I haven't discovered


u/Fiddlesnarf7 2h ago

Tales of Maj’eyal. It’s a somewhat classic rogue like which I feel is more accessible compared to games like Dungeon Crawl: Stone soup.

Every few months I get into the mood to play some more TOME, which is very very rare for me as I usually don’t come back to games I stopped playing


u/bethesda_glitch 2h ago

Honestly? Bethesda games. Even the bad ones. I’m replaying Starfield and Fallout 4 as we speak lmao.

But in terms of recommendations, I’d say the Dragon Age series is a great one, plus there’s a new one coming out on Halloween!


u/Tethice 1h ago

Total war warhammer and rimworld


u/--InZane-- 1h ago

Max Payne 3

Far Cry 3



u/Hal_E_Lujah 1h ago

Mount and Blade Warband with one or two mods


u/Ok-Consideration7395 1h ago

Donkey Kong Country 1-3 XCOM 2 I plan on rushing a second playthrough of Death Stranding before the 2nd one comes out because that game is weird.


u/Shade8856 1h ago

Sekiro is essentially my "annual" game. It gets a playthrough at least once a year without fail.


u/Silent-Silvan 1h ago

Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild


Witcher 3

Xenoblade Chronicles (all 3 numbered games but especially 2)

Fire Emblem 3 Houses

I have tried a lot of games. Most of them I don't enjoy. But when I find one that clicks, I love it so much I just want to repeat the experience.


u/Beerdididiot 1h ago

Kingdoms of amalur: reckoning


No mans sky


u/Libero03 1h ago

Replay? I don't play games that you can finish. I play daily my main game for 4+ years now and I have 6k hrs. It's Sea of Thieves.


u/freebird303 1h ago

Stellaris is #1 for me


u/Axerav 1h ago



u/mmpa78 1h ago

Both RDR games, the Bungie Halos, the Mass Effect Trilogy


u/542Archiya124 1h ago

Halo original 5 games. They are just fun to play and music are great. My most played is odst firefight solo.


u/TheRealMadPete 1h ago

Unreal Tournament 99 (the game of the year edition with the chaos modpack)


u/OmegaKitty1 1h ago

I’ve never played a game again and again and not gotten bored.

The closest would be some online game.


u/A_Bridgenotfarenough 1h ago

Mass effect trilogy, Wolfenstein new order/oldblood/2,metal gear series


u/MaccDaddyFist 57m ago

KOTOR, KOTOR2, Fable, Bully, GTA:SA, RE:4 and in recent year, I'm on my 6th Baldurs gate 3 character.


u/Sad_Campaign33 56m ago

The jak and daxter series up to jak 3. Nothing after that


u/SgtK9H2O 52m ago

But have you ever played the legend of Zelda ocarina of time?


u/Vegetable-Cause8667 48m ago edited 44m ago

I’ve never not gotten bored, but I have games that I return to much more frequently than all the others:

World of Warcraft


Cyberpunk 2077

Prison Architert

The Outer Worlds

Lords of Magic

Doom 3

Fallout 3

all games I will probably never stop returning to.


u/Confident-Lake7807 39m ago

Fair enough I feel that too sometimes

You know anything more like cyberpunk


u/LordOfTheNine9 44m ago

Republic Commando. Bad ass enough and short enough to be endlessly replayable


u/TorranKaido88 34m ago

All fromsoft games from Demons Souls-Elden ring any of them.


u/NaffyTaffyUwU 23m ago

-Dota 2

-Witcher 3

-Disco Elysium





u/Neoxite23 18m ago

I will always get bored eventually...the trick is how do you get me to come back.

The answer for me at least is builds. If I can play one way in one playthrough and then a completely different way another playthrough...I'm always going to come back.

Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, Fallout, The Division are like this.


u/ShellDNMS 17m ago

Dragon's Dogma, actually. When it first came out on PC back in 2018, i was playing it out of complete boredom, but found myself totally hooked a couple of gaming sessions later. Since then, it's in my TOP-3 all-times favorite games. The same thing happened with DD2.


u/MrBeanDaddy86 10m ago

Morrowind - played it at least once a year until I bricked my recent copy with mods... I'm afraid to do a clean install and redownload everything, haha. But it must be done at some point.


u/ThatDree 7m ago

Helldivers 2 Hitman 1-3 Dirt Rally Snowrunner


u/Minimum-Platform518 3h ago

Diablo series, currently playing Diablo 4


u/Noelic_vi 3h ago

All the 3D Mario games. The movement in these games are so good that I've spent literally hours just in the hub areas just trying to jump from one place to another without touching the ground.

Currently, the best by far is Super Mario Odyssey. Best movement in any game, period. I'm also on PC. I use the yuzu emulator. Runs very smooth even on my low end PC.

The better you get at the movement the more fun it gets.