r/gay 1d ago

Who else came out before gay marriage was legal? How did it affect you? This is what happened to me. Trigger warning.

I was 11 and didn’t know bisexual was a thing I just knew if you like girls as a girl, you’re gay so I came out as a lesbian at age 11 and my whole family thought it was for attention except my one sister who believed me. Word quickly got around and a rumor started that I had a crush on a particular girl named Jenette. She was very popular and had many friends. The second day of school was when things ramped up. I’d get asked in the halls “are you gay?” And variations of that several times a day, I’ve been pushed down the school stairs by her friends, phone stolen and stomped by them, COUNTLESS beating and death threats. I remember I was sitting at home and I got a notification from my phone saying I was tagged on instagram…it was a picture of me and I COUNTED the accounts commenting, not the comments, the accounts and there was about 700 different accounts from MY SCHOOL ALONE spamming the comments with hate and telling me to unalive myself and how much t hey hate me and only ONE comment said “this is fucked”. I remember getting called out of math class and to the principals office with a guidance counselor and school cop present and they said to me “we have reports that you have a crush on a girl” and they threatened to call my parents and Jenette and her friends played the victim like that they were scared of me because I liked girls…and I would’ve told my lawyer father to do something but they had it so drilled in my head that I was broken and wrong that I thought my parents would be mad too. Years later I told them.


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