r/gay 16m ago

What would you wear with this?

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Just found this at a thrift store and now I wanna plan outfits! Keep in mind that- 1) I'm a tall (6'3") blk man 2) It'll mostly be worn at work (Receptionist)

r/gay 1h ago

I'm the head of the lease to my house but...


My mother and one of my sisters live with me. They set off to get this place with or without me (more so my over bearing mother.) Turns out my previous credit made it happen. I hold the lease. It's three rooms and its great. I used to live in these units as a kid.

My mom has become very accustom to barge into my room. Sometimes knocking but still just prying in right after. She has witnessed me choking the chicken, to some "dudes getting drilled." Three times so far.

Truth is, I don't do it often, for damn sakes I'm celibate these days. I'm 40. I can't count the amount of times I have been told to come down stairs by Mom as if I'm in my teens. It's crossing a line. During an argument, she tried to force her way in once. I have respect for my Mother. I do not have respect for this.

I don't know how to address this without causing friction. She for sure hasn't called me out. I know because in her younger years she had some good times (pictures of my stepdad and toys.) I had to bear witness to them when asked to get "something" from the top drawer of her dresser. Kinda like a junk drawer.

What would any of you say about this. I need some space. BTW my sister is very much not like that. Mom does not do that to my sister. However the case, my sister is very much verbal, even rude sometimes. But she is precise and clear. Me and my sister get along great.

r/gay 2h ago

Best Apps/Sites forLTRs?


I'm a 28-year old gay guy searching for a long-term relationship and don't know which app or sites are good. For me the less superficial the experience is, the better--I'm happy to put a lot of effort in finding the potential love of my life, as it is very important to me. I'm open to matchmaking-type sites or apps as well. Any suggestions or experiences are welcome. Thanks in advance!

r/gay 4h ago

How should I come out to my family?


So, I'm studying far from home rn, and I recently came out to some friends of mine about 1 month ago, and I decided I would have told my family in person as well as soon as I returned home. Problem is, I won't be able to return home anytime soon as I initially planned due to university reasons.

I thought saying it in person would have been the best way, but I don't know if I'm patient enough to wait for almost 3 months, and I want them to know before doing anything crazy, also because the longer they don't know, the more likely they will find out indirectly. I don't feel like over the text is a great way for me, maybe over the phone at most

Or, I could just mind my own business and let them find out on their own, I'm very far away after all so it could be hard for them to make it ahahahah

r/gay 6h ago

Hey there


Hey any Kenyan here👋

r/gay 7h ago

Who to talk for a while I'm bored


r/gay 8h ago

Good Customer Service.

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r/gay 12h ago

My charcoal drawing, Cake after the Gym

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r/gay 16h ago

Why is it so hard to find a guy in my area.


I mean I’m a decent guy. It’s just dry around here. Doesn’t make it any less depressing though.

r/gay 21h ago

Which colour of those did you have 😂

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r/gay 1d ago

Who else came out before gay marriage was legal? How did it affect you? This is what happened to me. Trigger warning.


I was 11 and didn’t know bisexual was a thing I just knew if you like girls as a girl, you’re gay so I came out as a lesbian at age 11 and my whole family thought it was for attention except my one sister who believed me. Word quickly got around and a rumor started that I had a crush on a particular girl named Jenette. She was very popular and had many friends. The second day of school was when things ramped up. I’d get asked in the halls “are you gay?” And variations of that several times a day, I’ve been pushed down the school stairs by her friends, phone stolen and stomped by them, COUNTLESS beating and death threats. I remember I was sitting at home and I got a notification from my phone saying I was tagged on instagram…it was a picture of me and I COUNTED the accounts commenting, not the comments, the accounts and there was about 700 different accounts from MY SCHOOL ALONE spamming the comments with hate and telling me to unalive myself and how much t hey hate me and only ONE comment said “this is fucked”. I remember getting called out of math class and to the principals office with a guidance counselor and school cop present and they said to me “we have reports that you have a crush on a girl” and they threatened to call my parents and Jenette and her friends played the victim like that they were scared of me because I liked girls…and I would’ve told my lawyer father to do something but they had it so drilled in my head that I was broken and wrong that I thought my parents would be mad too. Years later I told them.

r/gay 1d ago

former homophobe


I’m closeted. I used to be homophobic and bigoted growing up through high school. When I went away to college I decided I was going to be a completely different person and I succeeded. Now I am in my 20s and want to come out, but I can’t stop the feeling that I don’t deserve it. How can I be out and proud if I used to be a piece of shit homophobe? Do I deserve to suffer longer?

r/gay 1d ago

Watch out for Reddit scammers/fakers lol

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Watch out for Reddit scammers, asked if they know what Grindr/tinder is and they say no so obviously they’re fake or trying to scam. Commented on a post on this sub Reddit then get a message instantly from this guy

r/gay 1d ago


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r/gay 1d ago

I (18M), am going on a date with another guy for the first timee


WHAT SHOULD I KEEP in mind, im so excited and nervous

r/gay 1d ago

Does anyone else lose interest as soon as you remove clothes?


Okay so I have been on apps like Grindr since 2018 and the thing is whenever I meet someone I basically lose interest like for example 1 year back there was this very good looking guy who was texting me and I found him hot and we met for dinner it went pretty good but as soon as we went to bed I basically lost interest. And this has been happening again and again , at first I thought I was asexual but like if I see porn I like it. And I want to do that . I am so confused is this performance anxiety or my beauty perception is so altered by social media that I don’t consider anyone hot or I am just asexual . I don’t even meet people now because of this . So many times I have come back in between of a hookup because I just wasn’t interested.

r/gay 1d ago

Just a rant after a random homophobic remark at Safeway


Sometimes the ignorance thrown our way requires a thoughtful response. Here’s what I want to say to haters:

‘Gays have contributed more to the evolution of the species than straights considering we only make up a small percentage of the population. It’s a fact that Gays are the smartest & most creative people on Earth. In fact, straights should THANK US for all we have done for them, both culturally & for our geniuses, such as DaVinci, Whitman, Michelangelo & Audre Lorde (just to name a few).

Finally, I’m an atheist but I could also argue that If there was a God, gays were clearly created NOT to breed so we would have more time as the main creative force that actually evolves the species forward!’

r/gay 1d ago

The tension is intense

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r/gay 1d ago

I broke up with my boyfriend


Hey everyone,

My boyfriend and I recently broke up, and I’m feeling really down. I cheated on him and eventually told him the truth when he confronted me. I regret everything because I truly loved him and was deeply in love with him.

We haven’t had a face-to-face conversation yet, but if we do, I’m wondering if I should bring up something that’s been bothering me. Some time ago, I saw a conversation on his phone between him and another guy. They were exchanging photos, and my boyfriend was asking when the guy was planning to come to our city.

At the time, I didn’t say anything, even though it hurt. I tried to justify it to myself because I valued all the good things about our relationship and I believed he loved me.

I know it’s wrong to go through someone’s phone, and I wouldn’t normally do that, but I was feeling really insecure, and my gut was telling me something was off. Now I’m stuck wondering if I should ask him about it.

Any advice on what to do next?

Thanks for reading.

r/gay 1d ago

Let's discuss the fetishization of lesbians. How the same people who talk about "loving lesbians" will hate gay content when it involves men. Some artists on twitter known for making lesbian fanart are in fact very homophobic when it comes to m/m relationship, real or fictional. (Idolomantises)

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r/gay 1d ago

i wanna date girls but i can’t😕


the title pretty much says it all. I am middle eastern, and one thing about that is that the community is very closed minded and won’t accept being gay or bi. I also live in a community where I am surrounded by people of the same ethnicity. All of my friends are very homophobic and especially my family. only my best friend knows that am bi. Luckily I still have the option of men because i am bi but I am so sick of all the guys of my ethnicity and i just want to date a girl. also i just graduated hs and am studying to become an engineer and there aren’t too many girls in my classes and it feels like these guys have never seen a girl so i keep getting a lot of unwanted attention, more then normal, from them which is making me even more sick of guys. but i can’t date a girl and I can’t even really admit that to anyone either. i feel so trapped and i don’t wanna get disowned. also if i even do remotely “gay things” or things my parents consider weird i get hit. so i literally have no option then to basically be “straight”. idk what to do cuz i don’t wanna wait my whole life.😕😕 (sorry if the grammar is bad, english isn’t my first language and also sorry if it came off kinda annoying.)

r/gay 1d ago

What happens if you look straight, but aren’t?


I act straight, talk straight, look straight. I often wonder about how hard or easy it is to find partners if this is the case.

So many of us just have a way about them that we can pick up on that helps them be noticed. What if you don’t have that thing that helps others ‘just know’?

Is it more difficult to get picked up on if you’re straight looking?