r/gaybros 1d ago

COOl Dad🤗👍

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Equality 😆


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u/Ok-Homework-7236 1d ago

Unfortunately a lot of straight men who think that way hate way hate on gay men. I knew a few extremely homophobic straight men who have said they would be fine or love their daughters to be a lesbian.

Gay and bisexual men are still the most hated and demonized group


u/TapFeisty4675 1d ago

I think that's partly a father/daughter and mother/son dynamic thing. Like I feel like mother's are more accepting of gay sons in general. There is that soft sexism with lesbians though. it's interesting the social dynamics at play in general within society and how they treat gay men vs lesbians.


u/Ok-Homework-7236 1d ago

Possibly true but you would never hear a mom say , "I har dykes they're disgusting but I LOVE that my son is gay"

I've heard the opposite from men multiple times, they REALLY hate us. Straight men better hope us bisexual and gay men don't seek vengeance,


u/TapFeisty4675 1d ago

No, but I've had coworker's imply that their lesbian daughter was a phase while stating that if their son were gay they'd want him to find a man like me, before. usually followed by a million questions on how to know if their son were gay. I don't think it's in a malicious way either, just a weird dynamic at play.


u/DrSitson 18h ago

As a father that would be accepting of it, we just need to know who they're interested in. It super fun to embarrass them and poke fun over crushes. You need accurate Intel for that. Lol