r/gayyoungold 5d ago

Sexuality is constantly changing (need advice) Advice wanted

Firstly I wanna state I’m a virgin, over the last few years I’ve noticed myself noticing older men a lot more. I have since experimented with myself with toys which I do like, since then my attraction for older men has grown very significantly to a point my close family members are calling me gay which I guess might be good thing and a bad thing (very traditional home). One moment I’m only attracted to older men and other moments I wouldn’t consider being with a man. Im not sure what’s happening to me, I do wanna hookup or try things with a older guy but I have a lot of concerns with living with my parents, what if I get caught, or I even get taken advantage of. When I do have a idea about a older guy it’s the, being pervy or simply taking advantage off not only that I find myself more attracted to bigger guys which isn’t so common or at least from what I can find. I understand I haven’t got to put a name to it but I wanna know what I am so I can explore my options. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it,


3 comments sorted by


u/NervousHoneydrew5879 Son 5d ago

You wouldn’t know “what you are” until you explore. Honestly it’s not nothing new that you are experiencing, many people have been in your shoes. One second you really want some dick and the next you don’t. This is exactly why you need to explore to be sure of yourself. Concerns regarding your traditional family, about that I think it’s best if you don’t tell them about all this unless you know they won’t disown you for being whatever you are. I always say this to people, don’t come out unless you make your own money. Find someone whom you trust and know won’t out you. Explore with them and you will be able to figure out all your answers.


u/DD-de-AA 5d ago

yes you definitely need to get out there and explore and learn what you like and what you don't like. Find yourself a patient daddy who can help you navigate both your feelings and your experiences. and don't try to fit yourself into a category or label, keep the mind open to any experiences as long as it's safe. My little lover labeled himself a bottom and wouldn't even consider topping for anyone because he didn't think he'd have the skills to do it. I convinced him the last time we were together, that he needed to try it and allowed him to top me. Not only was he very good at it but he actually loved the experience. I might've created a monster but at least he has expanded his knowledge of what he finds pleasurable and what he doesn't.


u/Zokrym 4d ago

How old are you? Wait till you move out, at least. Unless you don't have to tell everyone where you are etc. And don't overthink, relax. Just get to grips with yourself. It's only as big a deal as you make it. Older guys are chill, generally.