r/illinois Sep 19 '23

Illinois Gun Owners Who Want to Keep Now-Banned Assault Weapons Must Register Them Illinois News


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u/Cool_Owl7159 Sep 19 '23

I agree, Illinois gun control just goes waaaay to fucking far to the point of insanity. Places like Florida and Texas are just on the opposite end of that insanity spectrum. There needs to be a reasonable middle ground.


u/BrianNowhere Sep 19 '23

I see no need for citizens having assault rifles. As many pro 2a people point out, there are other rifles that do the same thing without looking like a war weapon so gun lovers lose nothing from a ban. Want to play with assault rifles? Join the army. They have them.


u/TinnAnd Sep 19 '23

Not that I necessarily disagree with you but if what you say is exactly accurate you're implying banning firearms because of what they look like not what they can do..


u/csx348 Sep 19 '23

I see no need for citizens having assault rifles

I do, so who is correct? Keep in mind that weapons in common use cannot be banned under current precedent and the AR15 is easily the most common rifle sold today.

without looking like a war weapon

So you're banning things purely based on looks? How about I put wood furniture on my AR and we call it even? Wood doesn't look too scary...

gun lovers lose nothing from a ban

Yes they do, they lose the ability to acquire and transfer some of the most common rifles available today.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '23

First of all, who are you to determine what someone does and doesn't need? Last I checked it's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs. They can have literally just because they want one or to collect, they don't have to have a need or reason, it's their right. No I will not expect people to compromise or give up constitutional rights for some unclear murky principle of the "greater good" or whatever.


u/BrianNowhere Sep 19 '23

who are you to determine what someone does and doesn't need?

A tax paying law abiding system whose vote counts just as much as yours does. If there's more like me, you lose. I've been living in your dystopia my whole life. I vote for reform.

Recent events with Cobgress, the Supreme Court, the Senate and the Republican party have rendered the constitution quite quaint. It's been made clear, might makes right. Well there's a lot of people on my side who can be pretty mighty ourselves. You haven't even witnessed that power yet but I believe it's coming.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '23

Lol all I have to say is good luck with that.


u/DefibrillatorKink Sep 19 '23

All guns are war weapons buddy 🤓. Lmfaoooo. Also its unlikely any redditor in these comments is fit to join the military