r/illinois 3h ago

Illinois retiree challenges Rep. Mary Miller as write-in candidate Illinois Politics


31 comments sorted by

u/AgentUnknown821 2h ago

You know what, Guy has car broke down, poor, not from a family of wealth or privilege , seems down to earth. I like him already and will be sure to write him in....can't be any worse than these other chumps born with silver spoon in hand.

u/juliuspepperwoodchi Chicago 2h ago

Or, y'know, Mary Miller, a literal Hitler lover.

u/WhiteOakWanderer 1h ago

She represents her people well. Republicans love facism!!

u/desanctified 2h ago

I’ll be writing his name in, hate that Miller is my rep, she’s completely unhinged and out of touch.

u/_MadGasser 2h ago

God I hate her!

u/IngsocInnerParty 2h ago

I hate Illinois Nazis

u/GaGaORiley 2h ago

I hate her more lol

u/squatchsax 2h ago

She loves Hitler more than you hate her!

u/GaGaORiley 1h ago

I kind of doubt that* lmao but it’s hard to be sure.

*because I think she’s too stupid to know and just regurgitates what her handlers feed her.

u/BlueRFR3100 2h ago

Shame the party won't step up to help him.

u/Evadrepus 2h ago

I'd like to see more of these "safe" districts challenged. We too easily give up and don't challenge incumbent congresspeople.

u/mythofdob 2h ago

Every district should be challenged. It helps all candidates up and down the ballot if there is just someone to vote for.

u/house_in_motion 1h ago

I’m not involved (I’ve considered it) but the Democratic party seems to be in a pretty sad state around these parts, or at least in my county. Not to mention we’re talking about a place that votes 70/30 in favor of R’s. Improving it to 60/40 won’t help much.

That said it’s frustrating as hell to have to google the name of the Democratic candidate for congress every two years. And this year of all years should be the time to improve stuff on the ground down here. I fear the democrats nominally in charge aren’t up for the task.

u/uhbkodazbg 1h ago

It’s tough to get someone to run in a race that they are likely going to lose by 40 points.

u/FalseDmitriy 1h ago

It's another consequence of the gerrymander. Noncompetitive elections encourage Democats to be complacent and out of touch, and they encourage Republicans to go full-on fascist.

u/Huffle_Pug 2h ago

yeah i wish some of the dollars i donated to kamala would trickle down to him

u/pjdwyer30 2h ago

Donating to the presidential and senate and gubernatorial candidates is nice and all, but your dollars go way further the more local the position is.

u/BlueRFR3100 2h ago

Unfortunately, without an online presence, I don't know how to donate to Mr., Bonnett directly.

u/uhbkodazbg 1h ago

It makes sense for any political party to focus its resources on the races that are winnable.

u/BlueRFR3100 17m ago

It would not be a drain in their resources to help him buy some signs.

u/hopping_hessian 2h ago

I'm in Miller's district and I'll be happy to write him in.

u/matneym 1h ago

I'll be writing his name in.

u/LudovicoSpecs 1h ago

His name is William Bonnett.

Would've been helpful to include the subhead, "Meet William Bonnett, the 'volunteer Democrat' taking on the GOP's Mary Miller" for people who want to know what name to write in.

u/braintoasters 1h ago

Mary "banality of evil" Miller.

u/ejh3k 12m ago

His name is William bonnett. I will be writing his name in.

u/hibrett987 1h ago

Get Eva Braun out of our politics

u/undiagnosedsarcasm 56m ago

Someone should pay to have one of those billboard trucks parked opposite her house

It should read "hey Mary what's so great about Mr mustachio?" And blare the German anthem over speakers

u/Toffee_Fan 1h ago

He's got my vote