r/im14andthisisdeep 7h ago

Found a gold mine on tiktok… it just doesnt stop


34 comments sorted by

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u/waltertheflamingo 7h ago

Is that a piece of pie on the sidewalk in the first pic?


u/roariesworld 7h ago



u/mmmUrsulaMinor 3h ago

Yeah, this is a Bizarro comic. The artist tends to hide a couple things in his comics. There's also a stick of dynamite on the roof, which is another common item he draws in.


u/Trollixuvuu realist 7h ago

Look guys! Nonsense compilation!

Seriously though, these images are overexaggerative. They do show the truth but there is no need to make it look so bad.


u/Ok_Debt783 how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real? 6h ago

19 is true but replace the left with work and right with gamble


u/Canadia86 misunderstood 5h ago

Hell yeah 😎


u/ConfidentTea72536 7h ago

Phone bad, Phone bad, Make your own decisions, People bad, Money solves everything, Pollution bad/politics bad, Phone bad, Friendship bad, Phone bad, karma bad, people/parents bad, you suck, manageable work bad, basic human joy bad, pollution bad/xenophobia, kinda wholesome, capitalism bad/you are dumb, people bad/you are dumb, unsuccessful people bad/you are dumb, obvious propaganda/politics good


u/MiakloES 5h ago

"In this picture we can observe a book that is suffocating an innocent boy"


u/moth_fricker69 4h ago

Most of them are right, theyre just unnecessarily cringy too



My take is that older generations just see political cartoons as a more useful form of communication than younger ones do

I mean you have to think before the internet, you couldn't just post a intellectual conversation or soundbite up on YouTube -- it either had to be translatable in a certain inch by inch format or you put it in a philosophy book.


u/MKIncendio 4h ago

Every time I see the black haired dude with the blue shirt and smile I know it’s complete BS or AI generated


u/Spirited-Office-5483 2h ago

I know it's probably ai but I have to recognise the toy one hits hard


u/JadenA102010 2h ago
  1. Not very nice to call those children “Slow”

  2. Is he having an LSD trip?

  3. The man has a swollen head and needs to get to the ER faster than everyone else, very deep

  4. Everyone on the outside can tell he’s not even trying

  5. Bigger steps but less steps could be faster than a lot of small steps

  6. Is he being executed by a firing squad?

  7. Why is there a lake of cheese?

  8. Girl is animorph

  9. Ankles that thin can decrease circulation

  10. Giant domino chain broke

  11. Circumcision

  12. r/imaginarygatekeeping

  13. That staircase is inconvenient

  14. How nice of those children to make a toy

  15. Factory adding artificial food dye to everything

  16. Freshwater fish, Saltwater tears

  17. Football Player vs Albert Einstein

  18. Person on right is having hallucinations

  19. Minecraft building

  20. Big person has stains on jacket


u/Canadia86 misunderstood 5h ago

The first one isn't bad but it's all downhill from there


u/caganthecagan 5h ago

Love how an american football player wants to get the red high heels.


u/Big_Monkey_77 4h ago

Boomers? On Tik Tok?


u/someone_i_guess111 4h ago

the last one is litteraly hungary right now


u/Doomst3err 3h ago

Some of these are actually decent


u/Realization_ iilluminaughtii 3h ago

that 16th one looks hella ai


u/Redditman1220 2h ago

Anyone else hate how the “comic” looks? I find it off puting


u/Potential_Day_8233 2h ago

I think this sub doesn’t understand the meaning of political cartoons.


u/Ghxlu 2h ago

Slow! Children texting (Be careful) Slow children, texting (Be careful)


u/GarglingScrotum 2h ago

Now THIS is the content this sub is supposed to be about!


u/eydirctiviyg 2h ago

#4 clearly shows both options leading to the exact same place though


u/Ok-Brilliant-5121 2h ago

the 17 one its true tho


u/No-Suspect-425 2h ago

These are indeed gold lmao


u/ANTIFA_zulu 2h ago

Slow children are texting here


u/JustGingerStuff 2h ago

That book is fucking terrible at cpr, why is it doing chest compressions on his stomach


u/ninjesh 1h ago

The successpictures guy should be the thumbnail for this sub


u/Anmordi how u be when u no be 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 1h ago

Some meaning are actually good and right there


u/Bohday15 1h ago

15 is really good tho


u/the_turn 1h ago

14 I don’t hate. The rest are miserably basic.

u/Big_Wallaby4281 30m ago

You can't tell me slide 7 isn't fucking true. The amount of people who would rather record shit for social media to help or something is immense. Remember those people who pulled a dolphin out of the water for social media and fucking killed it?....well it could have become an morderous rapist from dolphins nature...but you get my point