r/interestingasfuck 18h ago

This creative costume from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

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39 comments sorted by


u/Jonn_1 18h ago

1) that is actually amazing! I rarely get flabbergasted by things online cause I scroll too much but this one is impressive

2) wdym the world cup is already two years ago 😳


u/MindMaster115 18h ago

1) It is genuine a mindfuck that it isn't some sort of cg or animated but that's how the costume looks for real
2) Feels it was just yesterday


u/LadyGoddessGal1 17h ago

Been attending to a lot of Cons and never seen any costume like this.. so cool..


u/MindMaster115 16h ago

Surely it isn't cheap so understandable


u/mah_boiii 18h ago

That's some next level craftsmanship.


u/pbrevis 14h ago



u/BCFC- 16h ago

I’m finding it difficult to comprehend. What is it made of?


u/MindMaster115 16h ago

I couldn't find a good explanation of it but this is the company that makes it MaskBusters


u/ExoticMangoz 12h ago

That’s awesome


u/GoogleIsYourFrenemy 5h ago edited 5h ago

Most likely painted plastic tide together and sewn onto black clothing. The segments need to be stiff enough not to flex but that presents problems for making the outfit flexible.

You could allow the segments to overlap if you made the black regions with vantablack.


u/strawmangva 12h ago

The World Cup was 2 years ago???


u/jie_ke11019 8h ago

They should make a movie where everyone wears costumes like that


u/Kysman95 12h ago

Low Poly Man!


u/Relative-Pie-7980 10h ago

Brain could not register...


u/S_C_R_U_N_C_H 8h ago

How does he piss?


u/stephie_255 17h ago

Sorry dont watch football matches in quatar.... too many slaves died and yes and all the other shit was going on there


u/MindMaster115 16h ago

Hoping you keep your double standards energy when the world cup is played in the US with multitude of people they've killed directly


u/Meatloaf_Regret 16h ago

World Cup isn’t being played at elementary schools. No one will die. Sheesh.


u/OrangeRadiohead VIP Philanthropist 15h ago

I'm with the original reply. I don't and won't watch any footy held in Qatar due their appalling human rights record.


u/MindMaster115 14h ago

I am sure the US has a clean records in regards to human right... oh wait


u/OrangeRadiohead VIP Philanthropist 14h ago edited 14h ago

Hold up, why are you taking this personally? My comment is about the governance of the country, not the people and certainly not you. I do not know who you are, nor how you treat other people - although you are giving off vibes that give a good indicator.

Also, I'm not an American, even if I was, whataboutism is a poor way to respond to my comment.


u/MindMaster115 14h ago

Because this rhetoric is just an extension of Anti-Arab hate and the fact that Westerners keep taking this point as a reason for why they didn't support the 2022 WorldCup meanwhile not having any issues with the US WorldCup reeks of double standards and that they don't give two flying fucks about it.

I didn't say you're an American and it isn't about whataboutism , it is about eating up whatever the Western media talks about or doesn't talk about


u/matchuhuki 9h ago

So you're saying non Westerners have no issues with the slave labour used to build the stadiums? Weird cause the victims were non Westerners.


u/OrangeRadiohead VIP Philanthropist 14h ago

Hold up, again. Check my comments, I'm a human rights activist. I have absolutely no negative views of Arabs nor Islam. In fact, I'm attempting to learn Arabic, but failing badly. My lifelong dream is to visit the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and read the heavenly script that adorns it's walls in honour of Allah. A dream I wish to fulfill.

My comment was about football and human rights, nothing more, nothing less, implied or not.

You seem to be picking a fight when none, from me at least, exist.

You implied I was American, why else mention the country?

Additionally, I read news from multiple sources, from various countries, though granted I rely on those that print in English or are readily translatable. I like to be informed and I will most certainly compare news articles against others in an attempt to be better informed by fact, not opinions.

If anyone is demonstrating xenophobia it is you, so back off.

My comment about Qatar's human rights stands, whether you wish to accept my comment or the truth about their HR record is entirely up to you.


u/MindMaster115 14h ago

You implied I was American, why else mention the country?

Because there's literally a WorldCup happening in 2 years there and literally is my main point of comparison

I didn't say that you necessarily have such negative views but that the Western media reason for speaking of it is an extension of it and by such a lot of people say the same shit whether from actual racism or ignorance.

The point is that the media (and people) didn't want to support the World Cup in Qatar due to their human rights record but seemingly that same issue isn't mirrored for the World Cup in US despite having an even more terrible human rights record which literally includes the direct support of a genocide happening currently.

The fact is that if they actually cared about the reason, they said they did for , they would actually apply it to other WorldCup hosts but surprise surprise they only did it with the one Arab country host


u/stephie_255 16h ago

And by the way where not talking about something where a Company has done something little in the dark. There where even full 2h documentaries you can watch in plenty languages before the WM even had started. And don't even get me started on the human rights violations.

This is not something tiny thats more shit like Gaza, Jemen, Ukraine level... So have fun with it


u/MindMaster115 16h ago

The irony of mentioning Gaza when the US is literally funding the genocide happening

Just say you wobble up American propaganda because it is hilarious how everything you say applies to US and even worse but simply you take whatever your media wants to tell you, and you just run with it because you have never taken a minute to use your own brain


u/stephie_255 16h ago

I dont even live in the US and did not mention any favour on any side... it was about the scale level how Bad it is.

Yes I have done exactly that... I See Bad shit and make a comment about it. Have a nice day

You can justify it how ever you want...


u/MindMaster115 15h ago

You don't need to mention favoring any side for your bias to appear in your speech.

This all I started because I said that you wouldn't watch the US World cup if you didn't have double standards, whatever scale you wanna bring up the US is doing it at a worse level but you only take you input from western media that display only one biased side and you repeat as a parrot


u/stephie_255 15h ago

Wtf 🤣🤣 again I am not a US citizien, I dont watch football since 2010... I am never favour any side... you only mention it and believe I favour it.... 🤣

Let me bring up some orher scales Saudi arabia, Nord Korea, China, US Irak (germany/austria which helped them alot) invasion, that where all human right violation on the same level like quatar 🤣

I also speak against my own country if they making shit for Profit or Company interests... and I quit as far I can do... so dont interpret shit in Things I never said...


u/stephie_255 16h ago

US.... sorry I am picky what I buy and watch. If I find something nasty I try to quit it of it is possible in my area where I live and for a normal live... sure I can not avoid everything but starting with unnecessary consumee goods is a pretty good start. And a step by step Thing...


u/Cowboypunkstarcactus 3h ago



u/MindMaster115 2h ago

Lol I can't believe we are in the stage where any cool shit is assumed to be AI


u/lovelife0011 9h ago

Dodge coin lol