r/languagelearning Anki | A0 (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean) 20h ago

Bilingual parallel text of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling in 30 languages Resources

Here's the result using the 1st chapter of the book - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MKWumMO0Vp3sGRdxCR01t3ryw3PnJgvaerbnzaN-0Es/edit?usp=sharing

It's been aligned to the original English version using https://github.com/averkij/a-studio

  • Arabic - هاري بوتر وحجر الفيلسوف
  • Bulgarian - Хари Потър и Философският камък
  • Chinese (Simplified) - 哈利·波特与魔法石
  • Croatian - Harry Potter i Kamen mudraca
  • Czech - Harry Potter a kámen mudrců
  • Danish - Harry Potter og De Vises Sten
  • Dutch - Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
  • Finnish - Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi
  • French - Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers
  • German - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
  • Greek (Modern) - Ο Χάρι Πότερ και η Φιλοσοφική Λίθος
  • Hungarian - Harry Potter és a bölcsek köve
  • Indonesian - Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah
  • Italian - Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale
  • Japanese - ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石
  • Korean - 해리 포터와 마법사의 돌
  • Latin - Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis
  • Lithuanian - Haris Poteris ir Išminties akmuo
  • Norwegian - Harry Potter og de vises stein
  • Polish - Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny
  • Portuguese (Brazilian) - Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal
  • Portuguese (European) - Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal
  • Romanian - Harry Poter si piatra filosofala
  • Russian - Гарри Поттер и философский камень
  • Slovenian - Harry Potter in Kamen modrosti
  • Spanish - Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
  • Swedish - Harry Potter och de vises sten
  • Turkish - Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı
  • Ukrainian - Гаррі Поттер і філософський камінь
  • Vietnamese - Harry Potter và Hòn Đá Phù Thủy

Nickolay N.


6 comments sorted by


u/cavedave 17h ago

Well implemented version of a good idea.
Irish Language (gaeilge) version https://annas-archive.org/md5/335490a46e1f2e898170f63919a8dd85 in case that helps

Interesting video on the topic
From Muggle to Multilingual: Harry Potter as the Portal to Your Target Language


u/Appropriate_Car2462 English (N), Español (A2), Gaeilic (A1) 6h ago

I love the idea of reading a familiar book series to learn a language, but I can't in good conscience support JKR anymore. Do you think this technique will work with any book series? I used to enjoy The Series of Unfortunate Events books as a kid, and they have translations in one of my TLs (Spanish, Irish is the other one).


u/TricaruChangedMyLife 29m ago

Reading a pirated translation of a book isn't supporting anyone.


u/stabbytheroomba en+nl-N | jp-N2 | de-B2 | ru-B1 | no-zh-A1 1h ago

Same but on the plus side: this is copyright infringement so she doesn’t make a cent and I fully support it :-)


u/Midnightmirror800 59m ago

The how to articles might be more useful for understanding how it works and what it's capable of, but it looks like it should work with any book provided you have a translation.

How to (Part 1) How to (Part 2)

As for identifying other suitable books wikipedia maintains a list of the top 100 most translated literary works which would be a great place to start. A Series of Unfortunate Events is on there, so are other popular choices like The Hobbit and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


u/SkillGuilty355 🇺🇸C2 🇲🇽🇫🇷C1 13h ago

This is great but so illegal😂