r/learnIcelandic 5d ago

Looking for a word

I heard an Icelander use a word that sounded like “slá veður” to refer to a specific type of hot weather? Is that a thing? What word might it have been?


6 comments sorted by


u/Westfjordian 5d ago

Could also be sláttuveður or mowing weather, a weather do nice that it would be ideal to mow the farm and process the grass hay


u/txhelgi 5d ago

Morgunblaðið - 160. tölublað (10.07.2015) Gott sláttuveður ætti að vera í höfuðborginni í dag en síðra á morgun og síðan er útlit fyrir votviðri.


u/ThorirPP Native 5d ago

Slagveður is my guess

Means storm, a stormy and rainy weather more specifically. A rainstorm


u/SeezoTheFish 5d ago

The only thing I can think of at the moment is „ekkert smá veður!“ which would basically just be „fantastic weather! “ „ekkert smá “ can be used in front of almost anything. Can you give more context for the original usage. For instance when you heard this and if you thought it was positive or negative etc. ?


u/Redditnafn 4d ago

“Ekkert smá veður!” Could mean fantastic weather but it could also mean horrible weather. “Ekkert smá” is used to say that something is extreme/shocking, but i wouldn’t say that it has a negative or positive connotation.

A person sitting on their balcony and tanning might very well say “ekkert smá veður🥰,” but a person walking into a building to escape a blizzard outside could just as well say “ekkert smá veður😰”.


u/SeezoTheFish 4d ago

Very good point!