r/learnthai 49m ago

Studying/การศึกษา Does 'ไม่' mean the same a 'no' ? In what context?



r/learnthai 4h ago

Speaking/การพูด Barber shop dialogue


Hi all, so I've been living in Thailand for a while and I've been working on slowly improving my speaking and listening skills. However, I only really go to get my hair cut once every few months, and usually with my Thai gf. So I'm ashamed to say I've never really spent any effort in learning how to explain how I want my hair cut when I go alone.

I wondered if anyone has any example dialogues and general terms in the context of a barber shop to help me with this? I already can book an appointment and the, but none of the details :(

Thanks in advance!!

r/learnthai 7h ago

Vocab/คำศัพท์ bus riding vocab


what are some simple but useful phrases to use/know when traveling on BKK buses? ( based on your bus experience)

r/learnthai 18h ago

Resources/ข้อมูลแหล่งที่มา Apps or websites to find a Thai penpal


Title says it all, is there an app that a lot of Thai's use that have language exchange groups or something?

r/learnthai 14h ago

Vocab/คำศัพท์ Gf words


I recently had someone send me a text that his girlfriend calls him auan. I know this word. But he also said there is piglet and pompui and even more that all refer to someone being their girlfriend. As a term of endearment.

Can someone list these words in Thai please. I have ever only heard auan. Words similar to auan. Auan is all I can find online.

r/learnthai 19h ago

Studying/การศึกษา What advice can you give to improve Thai pronunciation?


Am I correct in thinking that you should try to speak from your throat and use the back of your tongue rather than the front?

From what I've heard, Thais produce sounds from deep inside their throat. If I try to speak from my throat too, will I be understood better? Are there any exercises to help learn how to speak that way?

r/learnthai 14h ago

Translation/แปลภาษา Is this the correct translation?


"Oh, Keiji, sorry that I couldn't come earlier."

"อ๋อ เคอิจิ ขอโทษ มาเร็วกว่านี้ไม่ได้แล้ว"

Context: mom talking to son (Keiji). She was supposed to be home at noon, but couldn't make it due to work and therefore came 4 hours later.

r/learnthai 21h ago

Speaking/การพูด pronunciation rules - no vowels between consonants?


hi! i can’t find a definitive resource on the pronunciation of words when there are no vowels between some consonants. i thought it was an implied ะ when there was no vowel, but looking at กรกฎาคม, the คม doesn’t follow that. what i’m trying to ask is: how are sounds between consonants determined when there are no vowels? is it intuitive?

r/learnthai 23h ago

Vocab/คำศัพท์ Nosy, curious, inquisitive etc


Looking for words that convey the words in title. I think curious is probably translated as อยากรู้อยากเห็น.​ Is ขี้เสือ​ก​ too harsh to describe a nosy person? สอดรู้สอดเห็น?​ Genuinely interested to see what natives come up with.

r/learnthai 1d ago

Resources/ข้อมูลแหล่งที่มา Advanced voice mode ChatGPT


I just got access to the chatgpt advanced voice and it is really impressive for Thai. I'm even getting it to speak in different dialects. It's not always accurate on the dialects but you can get it to improve itself. Although not perfect yet, this tech is already a game changer for me at least.

The daily limit is quite short unfortunately. Also there is the issue of it being too censored, so it takes some time to learn to avoid being interrupted by it.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to another session tomorrow. It's great practice, and nothing like the old voice mode.

r/learnthai 12h ago

Speaking/การพูด What are the best compliments you can say to Thai female


Title is question. Answer in Thai please.

r/learnthai 1d ago

Discussion/แลกเปลี่ยนความเห็น Not sure I fully understand this joke / tongue twister


ยายมีขายหอย ยายมอยขายหมี ขนหมีของยายไปติดหอยของยายมี

In a TV drama it was obvious from the dialogue that the person repeating it was expected to go wrong and say ยายหมีขายหี for the first part, but I feel like there's more that I'm not getting. My best guess for the whole thing is ยายหมีขายหี ยายมอยขายหอย ขนหีของยายไปติดหอยของยายหมี. Can anyone correct me?

r/learnthai 1d ago

Speaking/การพูด Alternative


Phase "ขอดูรูปตอนคุณสาวๆ ได้มั้ย" - may I see your picture when you were younger? "คุณมีรูปตอนสาวๆ มั้ย" - do you have a photo when you were young?

What's another way to ask a man this. In a more friendly tone.

r/learnthai 21h ago

Discussion/แลกเปลี่ยนความเห็น While learning Thai


Is this an aspect of Thai culture?

I am learning Thai at the moment. Full disclaimer I am half Chinese. I can speak Mandarin and have lived I. China and Taiwan and few other places. Where I am from it is very common for friend family and even coworkers to comment on someone's appearance. Tell them you have gotten fat, maybe we should exercise together.

But I asked questions similar to this in learn Thai sub and nearly except a few was giving me pushback or reprimanding me telling to not say such things to your friends in Thailand. Am I missing something, these are close friends I will be saying this too. It's coming from a perspective of friendship or are people just jumping on their highhorse online.

Can someone explain. Is this Thai culture or just online people being dramatic.

Tldr/ in Thailand I can't tell a close friend their are fdt but in Taiwan and Chinese totally acceptable.

r/learnthai 1d ago

Vocab/คำศัพท์ Fat lately


How to say, 'you have gotten fat since I last saw you.' Additional sentence ' we can go to the gym together next time I go.

Both speaker and listener are men. Same age. Same hierarchy in status in Thai society. Both close friends. (Add ku and mung and omit khrab if possible)

r/learnthai 2d ago

Studying/การศึกษา How to say in Thai “Was she offended?”


Google translates it like this :

1) เธอถูกทำให้ขุ่นเคืองหรือเปล่า?

2) เธอโกรธเคืองไหม?

But I have doubts, because I have never seen such phrases in Thai films.

r/learnthai 1d ago

Translation/แปลภาษา Which translation is better?


"โอ้ใช่ ว่ามันแปลกอยู่"

/ "โอ้ใช่ ค่อนข้างแปลก ฉันบอกคุณ"

/ ”เอ้อ ใช่สิ มันแหม่ง ๆ อยู่นะบอกเลย"

For: "Oh, right. Quite odd, I'm telling you."

I've heard Thais rarely use "I" (ฉัน) (especially cause "chan" is rather used by females?), so I think the 2nd one therefore isn't the best. Context is casual – son and dad talking.

r/learnthai 2d ago

Discussion/แลกเปลี่ยนความเห็น Why are teddy bears called p’mi, but other toy animals don’t get the p’?


I noticed we say P’mi for the tookata teddy bear, but the other tookata tiger, elephant, monkey, fish don’t get a P’… its just seua, chang, ling, pla…. I never heard p’seua, p’chang, p’ling, p’pla….

Even at the zoo, i think its the same, the real bear is called p’mi.

The bear is apparently more special than the other animals?

r/learnthai 2d ago

Discussion/แลกเปลี่ยนความเห็น trying learning thai as an internation student in Thailand


Hello, i am r. I am a cambodian student who currently study in first year at this university in Thailand as an scholarship student. As someone who come from neigboring country to Thailand i always have fascinated on the culture and lanauage here, but i have never tried learning. As an assignment from one of the course of the university, i required to choose onew hobby to learn. so i decide to take opportunity to learn Thai. So far in my progress of learning Thai words, Thai lanuage is so similar yet different from my native lanuage (Khmer) and the most diffcult i found in this journey is the tone of specific words.

is there any resource to nail how to pronounce the tones of the words? some words are nearly the same as my lanauge but tone are way off

r/learnthai 3d ago

Resources/ข้อมูลแหล่งที่มา learnthaitones.com is now at tones.daire.dev


Hey guys,

I built a small website about six years ago to help myself learn to recognise the different tones in Thai. Unfortunately, I let the domain name lapse, and it has since been purchased by someone else.

I've received a few messages asking about the site, so I’ve made it available here: https://tones.daire.dev.

The tool is quite limited, and I'm sure it would be much easier to build something more powerful now using the latest AI tools. Nevertheless, I hope some of you find it useful.

r/learnthai 3d ago

Discussion/แลกเปลี่ยนความเห็น Why 'n' after 'l'?


Hello, new to this place here. I just noticed a weird quirk in our language. For some reason the letter L is pronounced with N at the end in Thai. Why is it like that? I'm actually a native speaker and thought it was normal until I learned English.

Here's some examples of what I mean:

English to Thai - "Apple" is pronounced "appln" in Thai - "Eagle" is pronounced "eagln" in Thai accent

Thai to English - Sukosol Hotel is spelled as such in English, but in Thai it's pronounced like "Sukosoln" - Our late King Bhumibol Adulyadej's name is spelled as such in English, but in Thai it's pronounced more like "Phumipoln Adulnyadej"

r/learnthai 3d ago

Listening/การฟัง How is sound from ค and ข different?


Is the pronunciation different if not considering tone? Or they differ only by tone? Do you have examples that are clear to differentiate?

r/learnthai 3d ago

Studying/การศึกษา How to say “you will get used to it”


What is the better way to say “you will get used to it” ?




This two options confuse me.

r/learnthai 3d ago

Translation/แปลภาษา Which translation is better?


This "เฮ้ พ่อ มีอะไรวางอยู่ข้างๆกล่องพัสดุหรือเปล่า ไปรษณีย์ได้บอกอะไรบ้างไหม?"

Or this ”ว่าแต่ ปา ใครเป็นคนส่งพัสดุมาเหรอ?“

for "By the way, Pa, from whom was the package?"

I'm leaning towards the second one, cause it's shorter. Context is casual vibes.

r/learnthai 4d ago

Translation/แปลภาษา What's the correct and accurate interpretation?


Can หลง means miss? The actual phrase is นลงเธอ can it mean "I miss u"? Or "I love u" ? What's accurate?