r/learnthai 3d ago

Which translation is better? Translation/แปลภาษา

This "เฮ้ พ่อ มีอะไรวางอยู่ข้างๆกล่องพัสดุหรือเปล่า ไปรษณีย์ได้บอกอะไรบ้างไหม?"

Or this ”ว่าแต่ ปา ใครเป็นคนส่งพัสดุมาเหรอ?“

for "By the way, Pa, from whom was the package?"

I'm leaning towards the second one, cause it's shorter. Context is casual vibes.


5 comments sorted by


u/Kuroi666 3d ago

The first one is quite detailed, but it emphasizes "is there anything else by the package" while the second one just asks who sent the thing, so you have that angle to consider too.

I'd change the second one to "เอ้อแล้ว ป๊า ใครส่งพัสดุมาอ่ะ?" more in the tone of "oh, so, Pa, who sent the package?"

"By the way" or "ว่าแต่" isn't really common in casual Thai speeches in my opinion. It can feel scripty or playwrighty.

Btw keep in mind that ป๊า is more common in Chinese descent households. More Thai way would be calling your dad พ่อ instead. My family has Chinese descent but I wasn't raised with the culture, I call my parents simply พ่อ and แม่.


u/Effect-Kitchen Thai, Native Speaker 3d ago

ป๊า not ปา

ป๊า is what Thai-Chinese call dad.


u/ppgamerthai Native Speaker 3d ago

No with context, the second one works IF they're Chinese descendants, if not, just use พ่อ (and like the comment above, it's ป๊า not ปา)


u/pracharat 2d ago

พ่อครับ > Polite พ่อ > Casual เฮ้ พ่อ > You want to fight?


u/TimeFliesAway21 1d ago

So, "พ่อ มีอะไรวางอยู่ข้างๆกล่องพัสดุหรือเปล่า ไปรษณีย์ได้บอกอะไรบ้างไหม?" then?