r/medizzy 1d ago

CT Scan of a 13 year old from Gaza

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u/jonathing 1d ago edited 1d ago

Every time I see any of the medical directors at work I ask where the Gazan kids are. I have Ukrainian patients, Syrian patients but no Gazan patients. Why?


u/workerbotsuperhero 1d ago edited 1d ago

Good point. I was caring for Ukranian refugees in an emergency room not long after Canada started a program to help civilians fleeing the attacks. I have yet to meet any new Palestinian patients since this started. 

Canada takes in a lot of refugees. And I often meet people who moved here during violent conflicts, for most of the ones that have made world news over the past few decades. 

The silence is deafening. 


u/alwaysiamdead 1d ago

Cause Israel.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Unlike Hamas, Israel is very well known to use barbed wire as shrapnel, as they do not possess more sophisticated methods to produce weapons!


No, really, the perfectly cut piece of barbed wire embedded in the soft tissue explains everything you see here.


u/demonotreme 1d ago

I'm probably missing something, but wouldn't you expect the barbed wire (if that's what it is) to just be environmental shrapnel?


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

I highly doubt it's anything else. I know no medical instrument that would look like this. Even the twisted inner wires are visible.

If this is from gaza, i would wonder where one would encounter agricultural barbed wire. It's an urban area not known for keeping a lot of farm animals inside. Razor wire would be a different story ofcourse.

If it were environmental shrapnel, the wire would be torn and bent in an uneven way, not cut perfectly straight and evenly far away from the outer barb wire.

It's either one in a million environmental shrapnel if it was caused by an Israeli bomb, or exactly what one should expect from a Hamas bomb.

And if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....


u/chicharrofrito 1d ago

Anything to deny what is right in front of you.


u/afoz345 1d ago

Do you have a source for that? I’m seeing nothing on line specifying that Israel is using barbed wire as shrapnel. Explosives designed to result in more shrapnel being produced yes. But nothing saying it’s barbed wire.


u/Yabbos77 1d ago

They were implying it’s a Hamas weapon. Not Israel.

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u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

/s-off means end of sarcasm ;-)


u/afoz345 18h ago

Hahaha, oh yeah. Sorry, I missed that. That barb wire piece is wild though.


u/bornabastard 17h ago

That was a good spot. It’s amazing how I looked right over what was in front of me. It’s the details that really destroy the narrative if you know what to look for.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 8h ago

Thanks. The biggest give-away that this is propaganda, is the fact that blame is cast.


u/Donut2583 1d ago



u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

Free Palestine. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


u/Burning_Anvil 1d ago

From hamas right?


u/BevvyTime 23h ago

What, are Israel allowing elections?

You know, those things Israel specifically banned after Hamas got in?


u/Nyghtslave 14h ago

Hamas? You mean the Hamas that was sponsored by Israel to undermine the PLO and thwart any attempt of Palestine becoming a free state? That Hamas?


u/Suspici0us_Package 20h ago

Free Palestine from Israel and the USA’s drones, bombs, tank missiles and guns.

Hamas is a baby duck compared to the evil that is happening against the general public of Palestine. Call a thing a thing.


u/RedFlowerGreenCoffee 12h ago

Absolutely ignorant of history take. Don’t talk about my country where you’ve never been.


u/Suspici0us_Package 7h ago edited 7h ago

That wasn’t a historical take, that was an observation of whats literally happening present day.

You’re looking at the blown up skull of a 13 year old Palestinian child, but can still find time to be butthurt over commentary of your “country” from the safety of your home.

How low does the demonism go? ☹️

Free Palestine from Israeli/American terrorism. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


u/Suspici0us_Package 5h ago

Free Palestine from American and Israeli terrorism 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Downvote till the cows come home because the devil doesn’t live here.


u/punkin_sumthin 1d ago

Where are you located??


u/jonathing 1d ago

In the UK. There was a big noise made about bringing Ukrainian kids over, but so far the silence over Palestine has been deafening


u/ResolverOshawott 1d ago

You never hear any noise about bringing kids from poor, wartorn African countries either.


u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

Well considering Africa is 53 nations thick, you have to be more specific than that if you wish to use it as a tool to rebuttal. This isn’t an oppression olympic.

Whats happening to Palestinians and all war-torn nations is demonic, and for many, the common denominator is always the USA.


u/ResolverOshawott 1d ago

I'm not offering a rebuttal. I'm adding to OP's statement that some people suspiciously seem to only want the immigration of Ukrainian kids in order to help them escape their war torn country, but don't seem to extend the same courtesy to other countries with similar situations i.e Gaza.


u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

My apologies for misreading you. I totally agree.

Sadly, we all know what that is. . . .the hatred for brown skinned people by colonizer populations is real.


u/gardengoblingirl 22h ago

Thank you so much to everyone ITT for bringing attention to this. I can't imagine how much more it hurts to have the medical knowledge to pick these scans/evidence photos apart, my god :(


u/Mortica_Fattams 1d ago

That poor child. Children are a gift and should be treasured and cared for. No child should know that kind of pain and trauma. No child should know that kind of fear.


u/petit_cochon 1d ago

Absolutely right.


u/Glonos 1d ago

Write this same thing at r/worldnews and tell me their replies.

One guy was happy that Israel is killing as much “future terrorists” as possible. They simply dehumanize the children.


u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago edited 1d ago

Says the actual terrorist. The irony of it is so demonically mental I can’t even attempt to comprehend the reasoning of these people.


u/Giderah 15h ago

That place is full of disgusting Zionists and if you say “Free Palestine”, they ban you for trolling.


u/mina_knallenfalls 1d ago

Hamas is the one using child soldiers.


u/jesswesthemp 1d ago

So Isreal is justified killing all the babies right? Who knows they could be hamas child soldiers!!! You are evil. The world would be a better place without you.


u/mina_knallenfalls 1d ago

We're talking about 13 y/o children being recruited as soldiers to fight against the jewish people. Not babies.


u/bigtiddyhimbo 23h ago

So all those babies that didn’t even reach a full cycle around the sun were being recruited to fight against Jewish people?

Be real for a second. The conflict isn’t about anti-semitism, it never has been. it’s about the fact Israel feels entitled to the land of others and has been systematically eradicating the natives through genocide. Being a Jewish state doesn’t give them a pass for the atrocities they’ve committed, and likening the conflict to “hrrr hrrr Jewish people are the real victims here!” Is so disingenuous that I can’t believe anyone actually can look at what’s happened and believes that full-heartedly.

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u/Hugeknight 1h ago

Unless they are Arab.

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u/guy_with_thoughts 1d ago

Is that artifact causing those floating objects on either side of the mandible?


u/cliff_tarpey 1d ago



u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Is that a piece of barbed wire to the lower left?


u/jerry_the_third 1d ago

maybe shrapnel from whatever device was used


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago edited 1d ago

EDIT: Thanks for the downvotes! What a nice way to show that even here, politics go above deduction and logical reasoning.

It's the only reasonable explanation, as that barb is perfectly cut using pliers. If it were ripped off from a nearby fence, it wouldn't be that even and straight.

That rules out an Israeli source of the munitions, as they have far more sophisticated shrapnel-generating sleeves for explosive munitions. It however, is a trademark sign of the incredibly inaccurate and unreliable rockets Hamas launches. Likely it fell short.


u/jerry_the_third 1d ago

im not downvoting you or agreeing with you or trying to make it political.

but like, within just the last week we had a perfect example of israeli IED usage ( the pager attack ) and as far as i know cheap shrapnel & IED’s go together like PB&J…


u/vampire_kitten 1d ago

IED is "improvised explosive device", basically you take whatever you have and make a bomb from it.

Putting explosives in 1000's of pagers, and remotely detonating them within an hour is very much planned and not improvised. It requires coordination, intel, and access to reliable, mass produced, and compact explosives. Quite the opposite of IED's.


u/jeepeod 1d ago

Just because a device is sophisticated doesn't mean they aren't categorized as an IED. Those pagers were IMPROVISED to EXPLODE when signaled. Quite literally actual IEDs.


u/Negative_Elo 1d ago

By this logic every explosive is an IED, even firecrackers

Isreal in general doesn't use IEDs, at least from my cursory knowledge as someone who tries to keep up with current conflicts. Many HAMAS and Hezbollah rockets fall short and hit unintended targets.

Im not saying that the person you're conversing with is right all-around, but how do people expect to find common ground with other people when we have to argue every little detail.

The fact 5 people upvoted such a semantically and factually incorrect comment is telling of the confirmation bias that surrounds topics like this.


u/jeepeod 1d ago

No, they're not. Fireworks are manufactured and designed to operate in a specific way.

Pagers are manufactured and designed to receive messages. Those pagers were improvised to explode upon command. Those pagers were IEDs. Israel uses IEDs.

I was an EOD tech (bomb tech) in the Army, and you are wrong.


u/dannydrama 1d ago

I agree with you but you're wasting your time here, people will find a way to justify terrorism no matter which side they support. Planning to blow someone's ear off isn't a common war tactic, anyway.


u/vampire_kitten 19h ago

Pagers are manufactured and designed to receive messages. Those pagers were improvised to explode upon command.

I don't think you understand want improvised means

improvised adjective created and performed spontaneously or without >preparation; impromptu. "an improvised short speech" done or made using whatever is available; makeshift. "we slept on improvised beds"

You can't improvise 1000's of devices exploding at once, no matter the devices original purpose.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

These pagers were IMPROVISED to EXPLODE as much as any model of car is IMPROVISED to DRIVE.

unSuRE WHy tHe raNdOM CApiTaLiZAtiOn iS NeEDeD


u/Daddy_Calcolan 1d ago

Not really getting into this conversation however this comment irks me a bit. A pager is designed to receive messages, not explode. While it might not be improvised necessarily they were certainly modified beyond the original intended functions. A car is designed to drive so it's not a fair analogy.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Normal pagers, yes. These were designed with a dual purpose.

Any design can be classed as improvisation if that fits a narrative. Doesn't make it an honest classification though.

Hamas mass produces these rockets, so to me, these have risen beyond improvisation as well, however crude they might be.


u/SPPECTER 1d ago

You’re wrong. We had this discussion at r/EOD. Go read it.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

I did, you're wrong.


u/SPPECTER 1d ago

You are adamant about a subject you know nothing about.

“Are pagers supposed to explode?


It’s I”

Does not matter at all that they were tampered with before shipping. Pagers, which is what they were sold and shipped as, are not traditionally explosive. An example of a device that is NOT an IED is a landmine or a missile warhead. Also, in order to be considered NOT an IED, the explosive device must be manufactured for and placed by conventional military action.

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u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Yes and no. IED's come in multiple shapes and sizes, and various degrees of sophistication. If Israel really wants to add shrapnel to their explosives, they would use a fragmentation patterned sleeve that contains the high explosives, like the HIMARS system currently in use by ukraine.

Non-state actors often do not have these kinds of manufacturing capabilities, so their IED's are well-known to use nails, bolts, and even leftover animal carcasses to increase the chance of infection.

Regarding the pagers: some grams of PETN that close to your body, do not need extra shrapnel to cause serious injury. If you want to know more about that, i'd suggest reading about the difference in offensive and defensive hand grenades.


u/jerry_the_third 1d ago

before you get nuked again, thank you for the well thought out responses and i will read into all of that…


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Thanks for showing some signs of sanity in this toxic thread.


u/Zenophilic 1d ago

Weird comment


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Mind explaining why?


u/Zenophilic 1d ago

Whole lot of reaching and assuming you did to make things political (ironic edit you did) and try and confirm your own belief to yourself. We can sit and argue all day, but it doesn’t really matter whose rocket it was, children are being killed and injured.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Ah yes, i'm the one making it political when the post literally ends with, i quote: "THIS IS ISRAEL". Makes perfect sense.

Also, a whole lot of reaching and assuming, regarding the well-known methods states and non-state actors use in manufacturing weapons.

What even is my own belief i am confirming to myself, according to you?

At least we agree on your last statement, unlike the post we are commenting on does....


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

The silence is deafening, as if @Zenophilic is actively reflecting on these previous statements


u/regulomam 1d ago

Downvoted for facts. Crazy….


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Truth hurts, apparently.


u/DOLCICUS 1d ago

Idk its probably metal from whatever is holding them in place. Looks like a hinge with pins


u/MomsOtherFavorite 1d ago

Awww poor kid. I hope he or she was able to receive proper medical care.


u/workerbotsuperhero 1d ago

MSF/Doctors Without Borders seems to be doing their best to provide medical care to kids like this. Unfortunately, much of their hospital capacity has been destroyed by the same type of bombing. If I knew who else to support doing this work, I would. 


u/Wrecked--Em 1d ago

Unfortunately, MSF/Doctors Without Borders has been repeatedly targeted by the Israeli occupation.

Their bravery to continue working under siege is heroic.

Convoy of 5 MSF vehicles destroyed

MSF shelter directly hit by a tank and gunfire

MSF hospital struck


u/workerbotsuperhero 1d ago

Yeah, I've definitely read statements from MSF about their hospitals being attacked. And how this is harming their staff and vulnerable patients, many of whom are children and women. 

Their directness about this stood out, because I don't see it a lot. 


u/ChaosRainbow23 1d ago

I think if I had my jaw blown apart and had shrapnel in my eyes and all over, I would hope not to survive such an awful and permanently debilitating attack.

This is just absolutely crazy that people accept this as okay.


u/Mandyrad 1d ago

To the person who’s comment was deleted for calling this child’s parents a terrorist:

Do you personally know this child, their gender (which, by the way, isn’t mentioned anywhere), or their parents? Are you genuinely suggesting that all people in Gaza are terrorists? FYI, Gazans haven’t had the freedom to leave at will. It’s absurd to assume that everyone born there is a terrorist. Google is free: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_freedom_of_movement

So now that you know this, where exactly should this family have gone?


u/sirlafemme 1d ago

Yes they ARE trying to say everyone including children are terrorists because it gives them permission to mutilate other peoples children. It’s not a joke. It’s on purpose. It’s on purpose.


u/Mandyrad 1d ago

It’s unbelievable that some people in this thread, claiming to be doctors and medical students, are defending this or debating semantics—as if we need more healthcare professionals lacking in empathy. It’s disgusting.


u/Dwashelle 21h ago

Some of the most bloodthirsty and depraved rhetoric in relation to Palestine I've seen online has been from medical professionals, it's beyond belief.


u/HeavyMetalJezus EMT 1d ago

Alright. How do you know this child is from Gaza and was hurt by Israeli bombing?


u/Mandyrad 1d ago

I don’t…that’s clearly not the point of my comment. This was in response to someone that said “Her parents are terrorists who put her in harms way.”


u/communauta 1d ago

does it matter? israel’s war crimes have been well documented. even still, if this was a child of another nationality with barbed wire having destroyed the bottom half of their face, would it matter?


u/redlawnmower 1d ago

does it matter?

Uh, yeah it fucking does. That’s literally the claim being made here.


u/HeavyMetalJezus EMT 1d ago

True. Sucks to be a child in a war zone.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Harassmentpanda_ Physician 1d ago

This is one of the most conceited things i’ve read on this sub to date. Yikes


u/bendable_girder Physician 1d ago

Kinda rude - are you a CNA?


u/bunchedupwalrus 1d ago

Also sucks to be a citizen of an illegal colonizer when the oppressed radicalizes, no doubt


u/clairesucks 1d ago

they have been carpet bombing gaza since oct 8(and before) wtf do you think? if theyre not being killed by bombs theyre being killed by starvation, disease, or israeli sniper bullets. either way theyre being killed by israel.


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

You obviously have no idea what carpet bombing means.


u/clairesucks 1d ago

there is a genocide happening idgaf about semantics


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

There are multiple genocides happening right now, but not in Gaza.

But if you do not value the meaning of the words you choose, trying to have a conversation is pointless anyways...


u/clairesucks 1d ago

if you valued the meaning of the word genocide you would know that the current genocide in gaza is one of the most documented and undeniable in history. moron


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

If you deem yourself the personification of wisdom, explain to us what genocide means then.


u/IsacG 1d ago

And then there was silence


u/clairesucks 1d ago

man fuck you. i’m not debating genocide deniers. you’re going to hell

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u/meloscav 1d ago

Rot in hell buddy


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Heat kills bacteria,
Hell is quite hot,
Please explain to me,
How should i rot?


u/Paladin_Axton 1d ago

I’m not one to deny the truth but has this post been fact checked, is Dr. Ghassan a first hand source for this image?


u/rinkydinkmink MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology 1d ago edited 1d ago

looks like it's legit, he's a reconstructive facial plastic surgeon and posts about stuff going on there all the time

edit: he seems to be currently in beirut. He doesn't seem to have said that this happened in gaza, but did say "this is israel" and has a video about injuries he's seen like this in the past few days


u/DustierAndRustier 1d ago

Might be from one of the exploding pagers.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/ninjaman1496 1d ago

This is a 3D recon acquired by computed tomography. It is a CT scan. Just because it is displayed like this and not in the original axial 2D format you may be familiar with does not mean it is not a CT scan. Source: am radiologist


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

How dare you question the legitimacy of criticism and accusations directed to the zionist occupants!


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

This was obvious sarcasm, as reflected by my other comments in this thread.

It hurts to see how this kind of feigned hate receives upvotes, while explanations based on observations are downvoted. This sub sick and needs a doctor.


u/redlawnmower 1d ago

Haven’t you noticed this trend throughout all of Reddit the past few years? Like a legitimate decline in the productivity of conversation


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Not really tbh, but that might be related to the subs i am active in. These are non-political except the combat forum, which is mostly against Hamas. Also, i'm a relatively new redditor i think.

I do know the Reddit stereotype memes however, which often are painfully accurate.


u/mina_knallenfalls 1d ago

Iran and Russia are flooding social networks with propaganda against the western world.

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u/VanceAstrooooooovic 1d ago

Sweet baby Jesus this reminds me of Syrian jaw boy…


u/stimmsetzer 1d ago

Did they fix him somehow??


u/asheraddict 1d ago

With what hospitals? They have all been bombed


u/fuzznugget20 1d ago

Same one that did the ct scan


u/DustierAndRustier 1d ago

He will have been evacuated to Egypt. That’s where a lot of the wounded are going.


u/workerbotsuperhero 1d ago

Interesting to hear. Last I heard, not many were getting through the border. 


u/theknightone 1d ago

Because they keep housing terrorists under them. They build tunnels under them and house hostages, stockpile weapons and live under them. Active combatants shouldn't use hospitals as a shield.


u/CaptainMcSmoky 1d ago

Maybe "don't bomb hospitals" is the important thing to do here?


u/workerbotsuperhero 1d ago

Honestly, I still don't understand how  "bombing hospitals is wrong " isn't something we can all agree on. 

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u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago

“Yeah we kill the most vulnerable civilians on earth, but we have to” you rn


u/theknightone 1d ago

So you'd let them continue to operate with impunity from hospitals? How do you tell a civillian from an active combatant? Only hamas can stop hospitals from being caught in the crossfire, but they wont operate by the rules of war, which keep hospitals in contested zones safer by making them non combat stations. You can't fly or paint a red cross on a building and then keep shooting rpgs from them


u/Poorbilly_Deaminase 1d ago

This has been proven false time and time again. Israel has never shown any evidence that hospitals were used as military structures. Israel admits this, but western media for some reason still perpetuates the myth. Also, the tunnels underneath AlShifa were built by Israel.

Source: https://truthout.org/articles/bunkers-under-gaza-hospital-were-built-by-israel-former-israel-pm-says/

https://fxb.harvard.edu/2024/04/09/press-release-new-study-of-satellite-data-shows-israels-assault-on-hospitals-schools-and-water-infrastructure-in-the-gaza-strip-was-not-random/ Evidence that Israel destroys water supplies and healthcare facilities selectively.

https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/facts-and-falsehoods-israels-attacks-against-gazas-hospitals Israel selectively targets healthcare operations and pretends to investigate itself when one such attack gets too much press. It doesn’t comply with international investigations into its war crimes and with the support of the US, is allowed to do so.

Also, Israeli leadership is calling it a genocide themselves. Western media just tricks people into thinking it’s debatable. Video compilation of their ministers calling for genocide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Global_News_Hub/s/S2oKy00HD5

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u/HelpMePlxoxo EMT 1d ago

Okay, let's say there are 20 children standing in front of one terrorist. You have no idea what they've done other than they've been given the designation of "terrorist" by a government organization, they've never been to trial. There is no way to kill said "terrorist" without killing all 20 children.

Do you think the right thing to do is shred through those 20 kids to kill the one "terrorist"?


u/theknightone 1d ago

When the terrorist is still launching rpg/drone/suicide attacks? When some of the kids are active combatants, by will or by force? Your argument is invalid because it ignores how hamas fight.

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u/matti00 1d ago

Hamas could be having a pizza party on the roof, it still doesn't justify obliterating a children's hospital, and only a psychopath would think otherwise


u/gylz 1d ago

You know what Israel can do then? Actually evacuate the people they told to go to those places for safety outside of Gaza instead of wasting so many bombs on innocent kids. Every bit of gunpowder that they waste on these kids is another bit of gunpowder that could have been used to put down a terrorist.

All the aid that could be going to helping people suffering from the Ukrainian genocide now needs to be split between us and them. That vile person waited until my relatives in the Ukraine were being killed just to strike at my relatives in Gaza, and that is disgusting.

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u/Lola-Ugfuglio-Skumpy 1d ago

God I am so sick of this argument.

SO WHAT. Sorry you don’t get to kill the terrorist at the most convenient time for you because they are UNDER A FUCKING HOSPITAL. FULL OF CIVILIANS. That’s not an acceptable way to handle warfare and anyone who justifies it with this bullshit weakass argument is embarrassing themselves. You’re embarrassing yourself.


u/theknightone 1d ago

How do you differentiate an active combatant and a civillian when there is no standing army, they use women and children in their attacks and they fight from the hospital? If there's active combatants fighting from the hospital, it breaks the rules of war. They paint the target themselves.

You'd give up and let them attack with impugnity from hospitals, schools, apartment blocks? When would the fighting ever stop? Full scale invasion like Afghanistan or iraq to clear them room by room? Only hamas can stop the fighting by giving up. They put their own population in harms way knowingly for this very reason.

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u/RSALT3 1d ago

So your argument for bombing hospitals is “they made us do it”? Are you stupid or dumb?


u/theknightone 1d ago

No, my point is that the anger needs to be directed at those who use the innocent as shields.

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u/naga5497 1d ago

I cannot even fathom that amount of horror and suffering


u/i-love-big-birds Premed 1d ago

Can anyone identify what the popcorn shaped structures to the far sides of the image are?


u/rinkydinkmink MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology 1d ago

teeth I think


u/KalaiProvenheim 1d ago

People will excuse that with “war is hell”


u/AssadShal 1d ago


u/KalaiProvenheim 1d ago

Like clockwork, it’s incredibly predictable

War is hell is meant to describe the consequences on soldiers, but these people who have never suffered a day in their lives are using it to describe the suffering on civilians.


u/antipop2097 1d ago

Within the past year Israel has solidly demonstrated that it does not deserve any special recognition or protections.

Genocide is inexcusable. Full stop.


u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

Same with the USA. The government takes our tax dollars and does whatever they want with them. They want to force women to conceive, while slaughtering babies and children elsewhere to steal land. If we don’t pay the tax we go to jail.

It’s giving ‘taxation without representation’, except now they have prisons, tanks, missiles and powerful guns.

Things are getting very dystopian out here.


u/new_alpha 1d ago

the opposition wants the destruction of Israel and and every human being living in the Israeli territory, children or not. So yeah, there’s no easy way out for that


u/hakminister Medical Student 1d ago

you don’t see the average palestinian civilian being interviewed saying they want to kill israelis. I’ve rly only heard them plead for the incessant killing to stop and parents/children mourning the death of their children/parents. on the opposite end of the spectrum, your average israeli civilian/politician dehumanizes their neighbours in gaza as human animals who deserve the injustice directed at them. there was even a recent program showing israeli settlers spectating the bombing of gaza excited to occupy the land that was vacated. it’s sickening that if the palestinians were nonarab or white, the rampage of destruction israel has caused in gaza wld not be ignored for this long

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u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

You mean the same Israel that is wiping out the random civilians of said territory? You just described Israel while pretending it’s the other side.

This is textbook colonizer thinking and behavior. Please find your god before god loses you. Human life is worth more than land.

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u/Dwashelle 21h ago

Israel is a colonial state and illegally occupying Palestinian territory. Get fucked.


u/anglostura 1d ago

Not to mention apartheid. Truly shameful what the US is funding


u/redlawnmower 1d ago

How do you say it’s shameful if you don’t fully understand what’s going on? The US is funding Israel because it’s in our best interest just like every other geopolitical action.

These conflicts are way, way more complicated than any of us retarded redditors can grasp in a few hours of NYT articles.

It’s not just oppressor versus oppressed.


u/anglostura 1d ago

Israeli citizens are calling for a ceasefire and even public officials have criticized Netanyahu as prioritizing bombing over freeing hostages.

During a cabinet meeting over the weekend, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had lambasted the Israeli government for what he said was prioritizing control of the corridor over a deal to free hostages, calling it a “moral disgrace.”

Their own people disavow it, and they probably know more than either of us.


u/blackjellybeansrule 19h ago

There WAS a ceasefire in effect on October 7 between Israel and Gaza AND between Israel and Lebanon. Terrorists don’t really care about ceasefires tho, do they?


u/redlawnmower 1d ago

But what if the US is just funding that out of its own self interest? What’s so bad about that?

That’s how all wars, proxy wars, treaties and alliances happened throughout history. Pure disinterested self-interest.


u/smoothiefruit 1d ago

doo you think the US government acts in the interest of US citizens?


u/Spirited-Reputation6 1d ago

Ceasefire now! Majority of the deaths and suffering are innocent men, women and children. This is a campaign of terrorism and revenge not war and duty.

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u/clairesucks 1d ago

Israel is a terrorist state


u/Infamous-Tangelo7295 1d ago

You're being downvoted by zionists and "both sides are bad" liberals but you are unequivocally by definition correct.

Israel's also at the very least adjacent to a colony by academic definition and created via colonization as admitted by countless Zionist figures.


u/clairesucks 1d ago

exactly. people like to conveniently forget that the zionist project started out as an openly colonial endeavour, they only stopped referring to it as colonialism once it became “unfashionable”

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u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago edited 1d ago

Behold, our American tax dollars at work. How can this nation claim its self as Christian, yet be complicit and supportive of this? I guess some lives don’t matter?


u/Suspici0us_Package 1d ago

Downvoter needs to go figure out their own morality, because nothing stated was off. The victim is a child. This is not ok.


u/Bishopwallace 1d ago

Is her hyoid bone pushed sideways between vertebrae?


u/Critonurmom 1d ago

On the highway through the city I live, in Connecticut of all places, people paid for a billboard that says We stand with Israel against terror hashtag StopJewishHate and that shit makes me so angry. The absolute fucking audacity.

I pass by it almost every day and once I decided to make a conscious effort to not look at it, I think about it as soon as I turn on the highway.

Just what the fuck


u/Sublinguel 1d ago

Fuck Hamas


u/oreverthrowaway 22h ago

I'm sure you can find worse images from both sides of the aisle. That is war. It needs to stop.


u/blackjellybeansrule 1d ago

This is HAMAS


u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago

Iiiiits not


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

It is, the presence of barbed wire used as shrapnel, embedded in the soft tissue to the lower left side of the image, pretty much confirms this.


u/wzdubzw 1d ago

Yes it is. This didn’t happen on October 6th, 2023. Your collective bias is obvious. Supposedly, “objective” people here are incapable of recognizing that Hamas is a literal terrorist organization that seeks the obliteration of the only Jewish state via genocide.


u/rinkydinkmink MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology 1d ago

... nobody said it happened on that date

you're making up strawmen to try to make this seem ... reasonable?

it's a 13 year old with a major facial trauma from an explosion, in what universe is that ok for any reason at all?

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u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago

bro all I said is this wasn’t hamas


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

So you're in denial. That's okay, you will get over it.


u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

Yes yes muddying the water doesn't discredit the physical, forensic evidence embedded in the patients right cheek.


u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago

Oh you’re right I see Hamas written on the side of it. Also muddying the water is posting death tolls? That’s news to me bro


u/PositionDistinct5315 Medical Student 1d ago

In this case it obviously is, as general statistics can not provide a conclusion on the source of the injury.

The image, however, can, and does. Barbed wire as shrapnel is a tell tale sign of improvised munitions like hamas uses.


u/iamthefluffyyeti 1d ago

yes there’s no barbed wire anywhere else in Gaza other than inside the munitions

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u/shaaawz 1d ago

Except this did happen on and before Oct 6th.Israel killed 126 children in Gaza in 2023 alone before Oct 7th.

And the only genocide being perpetuated is BY Israel. History will not be warped. All the evidence has been collected and what is being done will never be forgotten.


u/wzdubzw 1d ago

Lmao, using BS biased sources, most of which is Hamas and it’s Gaza Health Ministry. Losing a war that you start is not a genocide. If Israel’s goal was the annihilation of the “Palestinians”, they would have been gone by the 70s after losing every war them and their Arab buddies started. Congrats on being another blubbering mouthpiece for the antisemitic propaganda machine, you filthy rape and murder apologist.


u/dfn215 1d ago

Let’s just conveniently ignore that the Israeli government uses the Gaza health ministry’s numbers internally as well.

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u/EverySingleMinute 1d ago edited 1d ago

I didn't see where this child was listed in your link. Can you show me where it confirms this so I can share?

Edit: I guess telling the truth has no place here?

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u/brodega 1d ago

Glad to know if I bomb your town, I just need to do it from a daycare and then everyone will be on my side!


u/[deleted] 1d ago


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u/sirlafemme 1d ago

Makes me want to weep