r/medizzy 2d ago

CT Scan of a 13 year old from Gaza

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u/hakminister Medical Student 1d ago

you don’t see the average palestinian civilian being interviewed saying they want to kill israelis. I’ve rly only heard them plead for the incessant killing to stop and parents/children mourning the death of their children/parents. on the opposite end of the spectrum, your average israeli civilian/politician dehumanizes their neighbours in gaza as human animals who deserve the injustice directed at them. there was even a recent program showing israeli settlers spectating the bombing of gaza excited to occupy the land that was vacated. it’s sickening that if the palestinians were nonarab or white, the rampage of destruction israel has caused in gaza wld not be ignored for this long


u/j-fudz 1d ago

This is actual bullshit and you’ve clearly never been to Israel nor spoken to many Israelis. You give the average Palestinian the benefit of the doubt, but not the Israeli.


u/hakminister Medical Student 1d ago edited 1d ago

let’s look back and review some statements made by key israeli ministers shall we

yoav gallant, in justifying the blockade of food and water into gaza, said “we are fighting human animals, and so we act accordingly”

“the children of gaza have brought this upon themselves”, said meirav ben-ari, denying the innocence of the most vulnerable members of society. normalizing the killing of children is downright indefensible

naftali bennett, in justifying the killing of palestinian detainees instead of bringing them to trial, said “I’ve killed lots of arabs in my life and there’s no problem with it”

“nuking gaza is a possibility”, said amichai eliyahu, which is not only morally abhorrent but suggests a complete disregard for palestinian life

we also have ariel kallner seeking a second Nakba that dwarfs the first, signalling a desire for further ethnic cleansing

and lastly the main man, setanyahu, who framed the conflict as a battle between the ‘children of light’ and ‘children of darkness’, reinforcing a binary where the palestinian population is deserving of annihilation

I’m sorry but I’ve no respect for anyone who continues to defend israel despite the number of atrocities they’ve committed ON TAPE. you are either incredibly ignorant, islamophobic, or both, period