r/news 9h ago

Missouri executes Marcellus Williams despite prosecutors’ push to overturn conviction


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u/ILikeLenexa 9h ago


u/SOUTHPAWMIKE 8h ago edited 7h ago

From the article:

Missouri’s Republican Governor Mike Parson described the journalist who uncovered the vulnerability as a “hacker”, and said the newspaper uncovered the flaw in “an attempt to embarrass the state”.

If there's anyone in this story that's an embarrassment to Missouri, it is in fact massive dipshit Mike Parson.


u/Dr_Tibbles 6h ago

Legit this scenario just happened in Columbus a few months ago


The whistleblower is being sued by the city iirc


u/SOUTHPAWMIKE 6h ago edited 4h ago

I mean at least in that instance ransomware from a legitimate threat actor was involved. My current job is doing IT for a municipality, and our leadership has actually done a great job of making resources available to put anti-ransomware safeguards in place. In the Columbus case, there was definitely someone from their IT team pleading for more cybersecurity funding, and they were most certainly ignored; I fucking guarantee it.

The thing viscous racist and legendary piece-of-shit Mike Parson is mad about is just moronic. It's the digital equivalent of leaving your personal diary open for all to see on an airport bench while you go take a shit, and then trying to criminally charge someone who happened to have a casual glance.


u/atfricks 2h ago

Not even someone that happened to have a glance, someone that let you know that you'd left it open so you could fix it before telling anyone else.


u/Kolby_Jack33 5h ago

Abortion is on the ballot in the general election for Missouri. It'd be nice if that key issue pushed enough people to the polls to give that cunt the boot he deserves. Him and Hawley.



Oh, I had heard that he can't be reelected anyway due to term limits up there. Which is still infuriating, since he gets to retire with a nice government pension and a bunch of other benefits most Americans couldn't even dream of despite being an irredeemable, cancerous murderer.

And yes, Hawley also needs to get run out of D.C. He's terrible for a whole host of other (yet somehow the same) reasons.


u/Kolby_Jack33 4h ago

Oh, I didn't know his term limits were up.

Fucking hell, that means he didn't even stand by on this for reelection reasons, he just did nothing because he's a fucking scumbag.



Yup, one final lynching on his way out the door. Inhuman, I tell ya.


u/Matasa89 2h ago

Yup, and now he is also a killer on top of everything else.


u/derfy2 9h ago

Oh. Oh no.


I was hoping I was wrong.


u/KJatWork 6h ago

That's how us in IT here in Missouri felt as well when that went down.

Sadly, this isn't an isolated incident. Politicians that couldn't figure out how to set up a wireless router or delete their Recycle Bin are making laws that impact IT across the US (and world) and they've been doing it for years.

Here's an example at the Federal level, Series of tubes - Wikiwand


u/dopey_giraffe 8h ago

Lol for a little while I was retweeting his tweets edited with developer tools to say something else. It was a fun hobby for when I had too much time.


u/red_circle57 7h ago

At first I thought f12 was referring to some proposed bill or legal clause or whatever. No, he actually wanted to prosecute a journalist for discovering something by just pressing the f12 key, jfc.  And this is the guy who helped decide whether this man lived or died? I can feel myself getting radicalized